Getting Back Together


After the break up, I feel so lonely and empty. There's no one by my side like how there use to. I miss you Junhyung. What was the reason you broke up with me in the first place? Why did we have to broke up? You always told me you'll be by my side but where are you now? You promised me not to leave but you just did. What am I going to do by myself without you?  


Main Characters : 

Goo Hara & Junhyung = Lve


Annyeong! I'm making this new story because I actually wanted Hara and Junhyung to get back together so much!!! They were such a cute couple until they broke up :( 


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kyeopta_meserio #1
Chapter 1: This is really interesting! I really like the first chapter! Hope you update soon! Fighting author-nim~ :)))