
I can’t step back

Your POV*

But then, when I looked to my left and saw Hyunjung is grinning at me. 'I saw everything' She mouthed. I was blushing madly. I thought she was sleeping. I mentally hit my head against the wall. “Attention! Bow.“ Our class's president's assistant who is also my best friend Hyunjung leading the greet since our class president, Hyeongkon(yes. that hot guy from A-JAX. lets just pretend that he is as the same agw as Soojung and Hyunjung XD) is absent. We all bowed to Mrs Jung. She started taking attendance, “Hyeongkon is absent. Can anybody tell me why?“ Everyone shook their head.


Mrs Jung take out her phone from her purse and dialing someone but hung up soon after with disappointed-look. She turn her head toward Hyunjung, “Hyunjung-ah. I can't reach Hyeongkon. Please inform him that I was asking him why he absent. Meet me later after you reached him.“ I saw Hyunjung nodded

“Ne.“ I can see worried-look all over her face.


Oh yes! I forgot to tell you, Hyeongkon and Hyunjung used to be the sweetest couple in this school one year ago. Hyunjung never told me why they broke up tho. But I have to be understanding. She always crying back then after the broke up. Same goes to Hyeongkon. But not long after that, the managed to move on and became a good friends. Let me say to you, they are both weird XD They acted as if nothing had ever happened to them. But I still see them as the sweet couple like they used to be cause sometimes they acted like a real couple tho.


But I know, they don`t have any feelings towards each other. I just realised that I was lost in my thoughts for awhile when the whole class bowed to Mrs Jung. With that, our English teacher Mr Oh entered the class. He began his class with quizzes. Me and Hyunjung love Mr Oh classes because both of us were the highest for English.

-Lets skip that study bla bla bla. Soon it's recess :D-

I linked my arms with Hyunjung and we both walked to the canteen. But I can see Hyunjung worried were written all over her faces. Soon we arrived at the cafeteria and went to our usual seats with Junhong oppa and his others(they were all idol XD homagad. Heaven~~~~) We took our seats and I was about to line up to buy our lunch but Hyunjung quickly stood up, "Soojung-ah, gotta go. Don't worry, I'll eat my waffle. Don't look for me kay?" With that she walked off to who knows somewhere. I shrugged it off and took my lunch.

Hyunjung's POV*

I walked out of the cafeteria and headed to the school's rooftop. I took the stairs and walked slowly. Soo I reached the rooftop I twisted the doorknob. The wind were blowing my hair slightly. I went to a bench and sat there. I took a deep breath and let it out. I took my phone out from my pocket and sent a text to Hyeongkon oppa.

From : Hyunjung

To : Hyeongkon Oppa^^

Oppa. Where are you? Why are you absent today? Are you okay? Did something happened at home?


But still, no replies. So I decided to call him instead. "oppa!" "Annyeong~ This is Hyeongkon. I can't pick up my phone right now. You can leave a message after beep." beep "Oppa. Where are you? Are you okay? Call me when you received this." I sighed and ended the call. After 15 minutes of waiting, I decided to text him again. Who knows right?

From : Hyunjung

To : Hyeongkon Oppa^^

Oppa. I'm worried. Where are you? Call me or text me after receiving this text :D


No replies

So I gave up for now and headed to class although there is 5 minutes left for recess. I don't feel like eating anymore. I just lost my appetite. I sat down on my chair and rested my head on my hands. Soon, I was asleep.



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Chapter 3: nice !!!!!
update soon ^_^
update soon~ i can't wait to hve to update it,bc it about me..hahaha!
cocorini #4
Update soon, neh? ='3