My luck somehow is bad yet good..

What happened to the bullied....{LONG-HIATUS}

.You got on your bed looking at the ceiling.It was the day after auditions and results had come in.

"I cant b-believe it....I made  it"You whispered.You never expected to be accepted there.When they told you that you had moved onto the final round,you didnt know what to do.Wiping off the tears you looked at the paper they gave you.


"Judges will be of Idol status"Omo!you had to perform infront of Idols!

"I can do this" you said"With a heavy breath.You grabbed your inhaler."All better"you said done.

You went outside to get some fresh air when you saw a cute little puppy walking  around the roads.


"Aww what a cute puppy"you said staring at it.It walked further down the road running.You ran with it giggling at its cuteness.Yes,You did like cute things more than anything.The puppy would stop smell then run.

You walked closer when the dog shot into the road.Your eyes widened when you saw a car was coming.Without thinking you shot into the street grabbing the dog.

Your eyes were wide as the car Hit your body.The same moment a certain boy had shown up.



I rubbed my head.Aish,i really am not lucky huh."I felt something warm on my cheek.I looked up to see the cute little puppy me.I smiled and leaned up.

"Omo?!Puppy are you fine?"I asked.The guy in the car had droven off.How nice.. I heard a male voice..I looked up to see a hand that belonged to this face.

"Need some help?"He said.I backed up.

"Youre not a right?"I asked he laughed.

"Would The KAI be a ."

"How arrogant"I said taking his hand.He pulled me up.

"Thanks for saving my dog."He said with a grin.I pet the puppy.

"Well,I better get going."I said.As I took a step he stopped me.

"Atleast let me thankyou."He said.

"How?"I said with a small smile.

"Anyway!"He said.

"Hmmmmm...I need your Opinion."I Said.

"Okay on what"He said.

"If you were in a competition and you got to the finals but there was someone in the judge section you'd be afraid to perform infront of would you do it?"I said.He imeditaley responded.

"Of,course even if they Laughed,Made jokes or didnt pick me,I'd rather know I tryed."He said with a smile.

"Oh,Well thanks"I said running away after petting his dog.Aish,I got hit by a car,Rained on,Lost a chance at a job alll in two days.Wonderful.Well,atleast there was some good factors anyhow.

I looked up song after song after song after song and coukdnt find one i was comfortable with.Its monday at 2:00 Am.

I'm 18 jobless,And cant even find a simple song.I'm so proud.I clicked very key and decided to choose a random song.


Okay now Dance Music.Burn.Random.Song.Done.



"Ahhhh,what is it"I yelled hitting the alarm clock.I looked up


"Aish,I have to practice."I yelled.I ran into the kitchen.Food Food...Food.I spotted a box of cerial pouring some into a bowl.I took a handful and shoved in in my mouth.

Crunch*.Stale? I looked at the box


"A year old?!"I mumbled throught the stale cereal in my mouth."Just eat it."I whispered choking it down.I ran to the sink and put my mouth under it to moisturize my throat.

I ran down stairs to where I had my dance studio.I the music i burned last night.It was a song called Two Moons?Ive never heard of it but I could quickly adapt to its beat.I started off with just dancing stupid trying to get the feel of it.I layed down on the floor when a dance suddenly came to mind.I planned part by part out and eventually I had it completed.

One hour.Two hour.3 hour.4 hour.5 hour.6 hour.....I Gasped as I took a Large  drink of water.

"Finished."I said looking at the many recordings of my dance.You see I secretley had a talent in Dancing And choreagraphing that I use to do as a child.I stopped after I gained to much weight.Thankfully when I went to America I was able to get interested into it again.I did Street battles.(Yup..Number one running long)but never any college time spent on it.

"Okay,now time to head out."I said.After turning the lights out I went back upstairs.Now I just have to sleep.Sleep.Sleep.Ugh,Just shutoff brain!

No matter how hard I tried I couldnt get to sleep.I just stared at the roof for lord knows how long.I began to close my eyes when a giant beep when off.I looked and saw the time on my alarm clock.

"7:00 AM"i whispered.One hour till auditions and I was sleepy.I went to the kitchen and grabbed some water when I realized I Hadnt eaten an actual full meal in 3 days.My stomach growled as Nausea came over me.I had only ate that handful of cereal in the last three days.I grabbed my purse and walked out the door.

The streets were lonely this morining.I walked into the conveninience store.I bought some spicy ramen and Banana milk.I poured Hot water into the ramen as i sat down at the table.I ate the ramen slowly and drank the milk slowly

.I finished it in 30 minutes and was still hungry so i grabbed a breakfast bar and l headed out.Luckily I already have my Cd or else i'd have to go all the way home.

I arrived infront of SM's Building.I walked in and didnt see anybody.Why was everything empty?Me,being me freaked out.

"OMO!THE WORLD HASNT ENDED YET HAS IT?"i yelled.I heard a bang and the lasy at the desk came out from under the desk.

"Yah!If your going to scream go do it somewhere else!"She said.

"Audition"I said meakly.She gave me the number 24 and pointed to a door with a frown.

"Ahjumma"I whispered walking by.I walked intothe room which was filled with handsome boys and pretty grls.

"ill never make it out alive"I whispered.There were about 20 others there.I sat down in a chair as I waited.

A lady came back stage.

"This will not be judged on appearance or who it is you will simply stand behind a curtain for music and dancing."She said.

I sighed.Atleast its not on looks or i'd die.

"Alright number 1 lets go"The woman said.The girl eagirly ran on stage.The music to an american song called"Halo"played and she began singing it.She wasnt the best but she had potential other than that thick korean accent in her pronuncitaion.The song went along smoothly until her voice cracked at higher note.She dropped the mic and froze.The judges just told her to do dance.The music played but the  girl was so embarassed she messed up almost every step.

The next auditions passed by with fine performances but one stood out.A boy who looked so cute walked up.

He got on stage.I expected a nice soft squeaky voice but as he began to sing Brian joo's Loved now its over he sounded mature.His voice was absoulutely wonderful.His dancing to mirotic was flawless.

Alright.They called 24.I walked up on stage and remembered the exact song That was picked.

G-dragon.That Xx.I decided to change up the lyrics so that it would fit for a girl.

I sang the song with my eyes closed.The way I best sang a song was If I had the same feelings that they were putting forth but If i wasnt I would just imagine what theyfelt like when it was wrotten.I finished the song as I positioned myself for the dancing part of the competition.Two moons came on and I danced the steps as I became lost in the music.

They put us on a stage and a Curtain was pulled.Two spotlights shone on me and the boy.

"Eh?!"I yelled to myself.

"The rest may go."A man said.Another curtain was pulled and There were three judges.

"These are our the ones you chose."The man pointed to us.I looked Around avoiding looking at the judges.

~~KAI POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

I looked over the two new trainees.The boy was accpetable and the girl was georgeous.Wait.Dont I know that girl?She turned her head towards me.My eyes widened.Chanyeol also gasped.

"ITS YOU'We said pointing.

"What?"Kyuhyun said sitting in the middle while we pointed at the girl .She turned her head.

"Smiley and Dog Boy!"She yelled suprised.I smirked.Dog boy?Well This will be fun.I Looked over and Chanyeol was grinning and waving at her.How does HE know her?


Sorry....Character buildup is so slow to create and fill in.

See you tommorow!












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Chapter 6: Plz update more!
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON!! <3 the story so far, and dog boy haha xD
Chapter 4: I like it! ouo
Update soon. :D this story is so interesting :)