What happened to the bullied....{LONG-HIATUS}



Your heels clicked on the floor of the airport in Seoul.. wore an appealing outfit.

As you walked You felt glares.Good from the boys and bad from the girls.You felt extremely nervous under the glares and almost fell but a man in his middle ages caught you.You backed away and bowed as he was about to say somethign you looked at the time and panicked running out shouting thanks.The man sighed as he noticed you dropped your phone.He picked it up and went to find you.On the other hand you were running to get to a job interview.

You looked at the sky.You hated storms and the sky looked dark.You sped up as you walked down the road.The streets were busy so it was taking a while to find the place and the man was following you.Something unkown to you.



I rushed throught the crowds that were dissappearing.It was late and i still hadnt got there.I finally saw the place and ran in.

"I-im here for my interview."i said out of breath.The man at the desk just stared at me.

"Sorry,your a little late,you wont be getting it."he said going back to his activities.I hung my head.3 Years out of korea.I am 108 pounds."Aish coming bakc here wasnt good."I thought."I walked out the door and thought"well it isnt raining"and as i thought this rain began to fall hard.

"someone really hates me huh?"i yelled at the sky as the water poured down on me.I sat down on a bench not caring about the rain.I heard footsteps and a shadow appeared above me."huh?" i said looking up to see the man from the airport smiling with an umbrella.Oh,dont tell me hes a ert.

"Wow you even look pretty in the rain"he said.I smiled.

"Thanks?"i said with confusion.H epulled out a phone that looked like mine.

"You dropped this"he said handing it to me.

"thanks!"i said.He began to walk away but he stopped and turned back walking towards me.

"here you should tryout."He sid handing me a card thats said.


Auditions:saturday 9:00


MUSIC INDUSTRY?! i Thought walking back into my apartment.I had talent i guess but i was never exepted.I remembered 8th grade year and my experience.

*Flash back


I felt nervous and sweaty as i stepped into the audition area.

"SM auditioner number 115"A lady called.I shook and stepped foreword.I heard laughs  and snickers as i stepped up to perform.

"And start." The music  to "If" by taeyon played.I sung the song with my soul and passion.

As the song finished i gripped the mic as they chatted.

"Your voice is very good but...Someone like you would never be star sorry."The woman said coldly.My heart sank.I didnt care but they got my hopes up so much......

I cried that night and vowed to never sing on stageagain.


"Whens the last time i sung in front of people'I whispered.I Didnt even know if i should do this.

"Im not doing it"I said walking past my bathroom.

"I am...I'll so do it."I said cheering walking back.

"no no i wont"I said with my head hung walking back and forth I would say yes then no.

"I have an idea"I said pulling out a quarter."Yes heads,No tails"


I flipped the landed on the ground as i leane ddown to see my result.


"Yes"was the answer.Everytime you retried.You fell drowsy and as you were about to go to sleep you looked at the calender on your wall.friday.....friday..friday

"OMO!TODAYS FRIDAY I GOTTA FIND A SONG."You screamed running to your computer.You scrolled and fount  perfect song.

"burn to disc"you sweet soft voice said.You put the cd in a case and fell back onto the bed.



I cant do this"I cant do this"Icant do this "I said standing infornt of the building.I stepped back then forward then ran inside receiving many glances

"May i help you"An ahjjuma said from the desk with a cold tone.

"audition"I said meekly.She gave me a sticker with the number 16 and  pointed towards a hall."Last door."

I walked down the hall and as i walked down i sat down in a chair.

"Aish,why did i even come"I said."I already tried once.I bickered on to myself when i was interrupted by a voice and look up to see.....

"Oh so youre talking to yourself sorry for interupting"He said with a deep laugh.I pouted.H enoticed me and coughed.

"so uh why are you angry?"he said with a smile bending down.

Wow hes handsome" i thought as he stared at me.

Well theres an audition for Sm but I'm not sure if i should do it"

"are you good"He said.With a smile.

"i dont know"i said pouting.He smiled then thought.

"sing me something."he said.

"bwah?!"I said."okay umm how about a G.Na song.?"He smiled eagirly as i cloesed my eyes began to sing G.Na's part in Bitter day.I Finished and open one eyed.He smiled.

"wahhhhh,If i didnt see your face i would sware you were G.Na,Your good!"He exclaimed.

"go audition im sure you'll make it."He said.I smiled.He got up and began to walk away but turned back.

"Hey keep your smile you look prettier with a smile"he said with a wink.I blushed."Bye"I yyelled.

"Auditioner 16?16?is she here. Park Eun mi?"I heard my name called anf shot throught the doors.

"H-here"I said with panting.I ran and gave the man my Cd.I stepped up and grabbed the mic.My hands were sweaty as the opening music for Taeyons I love you played.I opened my mouth and sang not caring if i made it.

I would always wear this smile beacause after all i looked best with it right?


Its been a while but I couldnt stop erasing this chapter.Only chanyeol has appeared but more are coming .I promise!!!

<3Thanks for reading!!!!











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Chapter 6: Plz update more!
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON!! <3 the story so far, and dog boy haha xD
Chapter 4: I like it! ouo
Update soon. :D this story is so interesting :)