The Plan

Literature For Dummies

SOOOOOO another instalment of 'Literature For Dummies' has finally arrived! Thank you guys so much for commenting and subscribing! Kisses to everyone<3

I hope you enjoy this, gah, I'm really starting to like this stupid story.

(don't mind me shamelessly promoting my stories at the end oops)


"I hate him, Kibum, I really hate him." Jinki grumbled against the crook of his elbow, his eyes staring at the way Jonghyun walked smoothly to his table of friends.


"That's not what you implied yesterday." his best friend chirped from the side, pressing his shoulders against Jinki as he copied the same position.


"Yesterday was yesterday, and today is today, so now I hate him."


Kibum raised one brow. "And would you like to tell me why the sudden hatred for your gay crush?"


Jinki straightened his back and looked down at Kibum. "Because yesterday he decided to waltz into my English club and, wait, seriously 'gay crush'? How old are we?" he stopped talking, dropping his head on the table.


"Gay crush, shmay crush, whatever, Jinki, can you please continue?"


"No, I don't want to, I hate you."


"Oh my ing god, Jinki, if you don't tell me what the hell happened I will go up to Jonghyun myself and tell him you want him to your brains out."


Jinki paled. "Kibum, you wouldn't."


"Try me." he smirked and the older boy groaned.


"He came into my freaking English Club with his stupid perfect smile and his stupid face and every word he freaking said sounded like poetry, Kibum, help, I’m seriously going insane."


The boy stayed silent for a moment. "He went into your English Club? How the hell did he manage to walk in there without vomiting?"


Jinki felt like screaming at the top of his lungs. "That's not the freaking point, Kibum! Did you even listen to anything I said before that?"


"Yeah, yeah." Kibum waved his hand, swatting Jinki away. "Jonghyun's perfect and you're not, Jonghyun is a literary genius, like I told you he was,  and you want him to get in your pants, I heard you."


Jinki groaned loudly, hitting his head on the table again. "You're impossible."


Kibum grinned. "So, can you please tell me what the problem is."


"The problem is that Jonghyun is a pothead poet in disguise and it makes me sick."


"In other words, you're falling helplessly in love with him and you can't fathom how delicious he looks when he rants about Shakespeare, which is sickening by the way, 'cause he looks so ing stupid." Kibum was having fun, too much fun as he moved his shoulders with Jinki's.


"Is that bad?" the older boy groaned helplessly.


Kibum's eyes softened. "Jinki, falling in love is never bad,"


"Then why does it feel bad." It wasn't a question, more of a sad statement that Jinki didn't want feel anymore. "Why does it feel like it's wrong?"


"It happens sometimes, the brain rejects what the heart wants, it's perfectly normal, Jinki."


They were having this moment in the middle of lunch and Kibum looked around. "Look, there's a get together today, you know, the kind that you hate. He's gonna be there and, I don't know, maybe you can like see, if you hate him or not? I guess, just, come with me."


Jinki groaned and hit his head against the table and pushed Kibum's shoulder away. "I hate this, I hate his stupid face and weed. He'll most likely be drunk as and it just won't be good."


Jinki paused for a moment. "Wait, today is Tuesday."


"Who cares what day it is, you can stop that 'feeling' today at the forest, I mean what do you have to lose?"


"My dignity," he groaned, looking up at the white haired boy as he smiled at his friends and got up. "I mean look at him, Kibum, look!"


He rolled his eyes. "Yes, I'm looking, he's gorgeous."


"Yeah, but look at the people he hangs out with, they're cool and rich and stylish and I'm pudgy, boring and nerdy."


"Jonghyun's nerdy too," Kibum tried to help, but Jinki just glared. "Wait, look! He's glancing over here, Jinki look."


But he didn't, he kept his eyes trained on Kibum, until he knew the other boy was gone.


"You're such an , he was looking over here, you're never going to get laid at  this rate."


"I really, really, hate you, Kibum, I’m not a like you." but they were both smiling and Kibum slid his hand to Jinki and gave it a soft squeeze.


"I hate you too,"



"Kibum, I'm nervous," Jinki bounced on the other boy's bed, watching him as he rummaged through his closet to find a shirt.


"Jinki, you went to a bunch before," Kibum tried to soothe, but the other boy's hands were shaking.


"And I hated them all, and this one would be even worse, because I possibly think I can mildly like the idiot and that is not okay."


Kibum put on a shirt smoothly. "Then maybe you should take a few puffs, it'll relax you."


Jinki narrowed his eyes. "Aren't best friends supposed to be keep friends away from drugs?"


"Not if your bestfriend is the biggest pothead in South Korea." he looked at himself in the mirror. "Okay, I think I'm ready, does it look like I'm looking for a boyfriend?"


Jinki stared for a moment. "I don't know how I'm supposed to respond to that."


"Perfect, okay let's go!" he yelled happily. "I'm about to get high, super high," he sang, dragging out the i's.


The drive to the place was terrifying. "Are we late?" Jinki asked slowly, hoping for a yes.


"Yup, about an hour late, just for you, don't worry." his best friend laughed, parking the car in an abandoned trail.


"Why are these things always in the woods, it's so creepy. I hate these things,"


Both of them got out the car, the younger boy locking it quickly. "You hate a lot of things, Jinki, you should take a load off."


"I am not smoking pot with you, Kibum."


The smaller boy shrugged. "It was worth a shot."


"Stop making me do drugs, you know I get addicted easily."


"It's because you're weak minded and have no strength, weed isn't even addictive,"


Jinki laughed. "That's coming from the guys who smokes it almost everyday."


"Shut up," Kibum clucked his tongue and moved through the trees easily. "Ay, I found the party." he said teasingly, some of the guys looking up at him, smiling widely.


"Yeah, Kibum made it!"


and then they easily fell into the pot circle, the circle Jinki really hated because he felt awkward passing the blunt without taking a few inhales.


Jinki shifted comfortably on the floor, watching as Kibum inhaled deeply for the seventh time, his eyelids fluttering and he hummed with ease.


Kibum gave him the blunt, which Jinki quickly passed to the boy next to him, holding Kibum upright as he slid down next to him, his shoulders sagging.


"That's some good , Jinki, ," he breathed, a grin spreading on his lips. "Now where's Jonghyun."


"Kibum, please,"


"Oh, I see him, look at him. He's trying to balance cups on his forehead again." he looked lazily at Jinki. "Is it just me or are the cups melting on his face."


Jinki laughed, a little bit too loud as Kibum continued to slide lower. "You're really high."


Kibum agreed, getting up with wondering eyes as he made it to one of the makeshift tables. "You're driving today, give me a beer." he commanded to Jinki, but the older boy didn't listen, instead, he let the man sit on the floor, his thoughts fixated on the blades of grass that were moving around him.


Jinki felt awkward again, awkward because everyone was high out of their minds and Jinki was the only sober one. Awkward because the one person he was childishly hoping to talk to tonight was too busy stacking cans on his face to notice him.


This Jonghyun was loud and obnoxious and completely different from the shy boy who wandered into his English club. He was rowdy and violent and he cursed and drank and made fun of people, with a stupid smirk on his face and that wasn't the Jonghyun Jinki saw yesterday, he wasn't the smart Jonghyun who recited Shakespeare and spoke like poetry.


"I mean, how about that Taemin kid, whatta complete nerd, I really want to smash his head in," a boy said, chugging on his beer before throwing it to the side and they all laughed, Jonghyun's cans falling from his face as he toppled over.


Oh, Jinki thought solemnly. That wasn't even funny.


"The kid's a , I just know it," and they all laughed again, loudly, like it was the funniest thing in the world.


The laughing, Jinki guessed, woke up Kibum from his own world, because he crawled next to the confused boy and whispered in his ear real close. "Who's that?"


Jinki looked at him. "Who's who?"


Kibum huffed. "The tall kid, with the long brown hair, who is that?"


"I don't know, Kibum, how the am I supposed to know?" Jinki was frustrated and confused and Taemin was a nice kid, those guys have no right to say those things about him.


"He's hot, I'm going to go talk to him," and he did, Jinki watching as the skinny boy made his way toward the group of s, pushing past them to stand in front of the tall boy.


Jinki groaned, they weren't really looking at Kibum nicely, except for Jonghyun who made his way smoothly to the tiny blond and draped his arm over his shoulder, lazy smile in place.


This isn't some Shakespeare play, Jinki, why did you expect a love scene?


He sighed to himself, the smell of weed and harsh words getting to him. He left the scene before he could see Kibum make a fool out of himself.


Jinki picked a stick out of the ground and swayed it absently, looking up at the starry sky as leaves crunched beneath his shoes.


He heard a second pair of footsteps behind him and he froze.


"Doubt that the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move his aides, Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love."


Oh .


Jinki turned around quickly, the blood pumping harder in his veins and stared at Jonghyun as the drunk boy stumbled closer, holding onto a tree, his white hair covering his eyes.


"Love is begun by time, And time qualifies--"


"--the spark and fire of it," Jinki breathed, completing the quote.


and Jonghyun smiled, a big sloppy smile that bared his teeth and made his eyes turn to crescents.


"Hamlet," Jonghyun said, looking at Jinki as he plopped to the ground. "Act 4, scene 7."


Jinki couldn't help the way his heart fluttered.


The white haired boy smiled again. "I'm Jonghyun,"


I know, Jinki wanted to say, but his mouth was dry and he was slightly angry at the boy for laughing at the joke made about Taemin, but he couldn't stay mad for long, not when the boy pulled him down to sit next to him and not when the boy spoke without stopping.


Spewing out love quotes after love quotes, singing Ophelia's songs of insanity, reciting the queens desperate cry for help.


He listened as the man's voice raise in pitch and lower with every syllable. He listened as Jonghyun explained Ophelia's death and Jinki couldn't help the way he leaned into every word.


He could see the dilated pupils on the boy, he could see the sweat collecting on his upper lip, he could see the way Jonghyun kept shaking his leg, as if he couldn't stay still.


"I'm, uh, a little bit high," he tried to explain and Jinki could see the confidence quickly leaving the boy's eyes, he could see the poet he once was, die and the other Jonghyun was back.


The white haired boy struggled to get up, wiping the dirt off his pants and Jinki wanted to outstretch his hands and bring him back. To make him keep talking and reciting and being with him,


but the boy just looked at him and turned around, heavily walking away until Jinki couldn't see him anymore.



Jinki roughly ran his fingers through his hair. With a sigh, he stuck his hand into his pocket and took out his phone, punching in Kibum's number.


"Thank God you called, Jinki," was the first thing Kibum said when he picked up the phone.


"Where are you?" the older boy asked, standing up from the floor and started to walk, ignoring Kibum’s previous statement.


"I'm in front of the car, I've been here for a few minutes."


Jinki furrowed his brows. "In front of the car, why?"


Kibum was the typical party guy, he liked to drink and dance and smoke and have a good time, he didn’t leave anywhere until an hour after anyone else did, well, not by choice.


"The crowd was freaking me out, that weed was some crazy , Jinki, hurry, there are freaking shadows moving around me and I'm going to start screaming soon." his voice was shaking a little and Jinki cursed, the boy was seriously high.


"Okay, Kibum, I'm almost there, I can practically see the car from here.” and he did and when Kibum saw him, the blond handed him the keys and squeezed his hand a little.


"I don't want to go home," he asked, looking at the road as Jinki drove.


The older boy nodded, knowing that nobody was probably home and Kibum would be alone and terrified.


It was days like these that Jinki wished Kibum would kick the smoking habit, sometimes it was too strong for him, sometimes, he inhaled too much, too many and for too long and he would get anxious and annoyed and scared.


When they got to Jinki's house, he let Kibum take a shower in his place silently, he let Kibum take one of his largest shirts

and slip it on, his legs looking like twigs as he made his way in front of Jinki's bed and crawled in, snuggling to the elder's



It was days like these were Jinki wished time would stop so he could hold Kibum like this and never let go.



hehe don't forget to subscribe and comment if you liked this<3 and if you didn't then I'm sorry :c i thought it was pretty good idk

Follow me on Tumblr to talk to me~


Recommendations: (if you guys want to read more of my stories, click on the titles to go directly to them~)


My Savior - Onkey (Onew x Key), Rated R, Angst, Romance

              Summary: Onew is a depressed kid with three siblings and an abusive Dad, he prays to God everyday to save him. God works in mysterious ways.

                  Warnings: Child abuse, abuse in general.


Follow The White Followers- 2min (Taemin x Minho), Rated R, Angst,

               Summary: When Taemin meets the boy under the tree, his live spirals out of control.

               Warnings: bullying, ual acts and pre-teens kissing. Acts of witch craft and black magic will also be in here as well as blood and killing.


The Bad Boy Jonghyun - Jonghyun x You, Rated NC-17,

                   SummaryWhat happens when the boy you're in love with starts to notice you after summer break?

                      Warnings: A lot of , I'm not playing, holy it's a lot of , and it involves a girl, which I'm not good at writing, 'cause l is weird idk, 


Bye guys!! Until next time (which will be in a few days, since I'm like obsessed with writing this omfg)


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Chapter 7: The story stopped :(
oconje #2
Chapter 7: Please finish this! It's sooo good! Great writing.
Chapter 7: i m yELLING
Chapter 7: So there's secret now
It will not cause a problem, right?
I'm afraid because what jonghyun did to tae,, i can't trust him
kideaterr #5
also WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN my palms are getting sweaty even THINKING about how things are going to fix themselves!
TAKE CARE and update soon please :)
Chapter 6: The sassy kibum got flustered hahaaha... They cute
Still curious why jonghyun did that to taemin
Looking forward for more
shineegirl78 #7
Chapter 5: Update soon ♡