

This girl is embarassing me.
Instead of getting in and greet my hyungs or offer to do something like dance an exotic dance to entertain us all, she just stood near the door staring at our house.
If I knew this were to happen, I would have just left her on the roads.


” Yah. What are you doing? ”

I asked her.
She shuddered and moved closer towards me when she realised that it wasn’t just us both here.


” Dongwoon-ah, who’s this? ”

Kikwang asked eyeing her.
I know what he’s thinking.
He always thinks of dirty stuff when he sees girl.
I’m telling you, he could just be the world dirtiest ert or something.
Sometimes he gets too deprieved and pounce on Hyunseung-hyung.
I just shrug at him.
It was true, I don’t know this girl.
I don’t even know her name.


” If you don’t know then why is she here? ”

Junhyung-hyung continued the interogation.
What’s with all these questions?
I came back here to have a rest and have a peace of mind.
What was I thinking right when I myself know that this house is filled with people like Junhyung-hyung.


” Ask her yourself. ”

I lazily answered and walked up to the fridge to get something to drink.
Why am I so thirsty anyway?




What is this?
Why did he bring me here?
Who are all these people?
Ah, why am I asking anyway.
I asked him to bring him wherever so this is solely due to myself.


” Pretty girl, what’s your name? I’m Yoseob. ”

A cute guy came up to me, his face merely just inches away from mine.
I could even feel his breath on my face.


” Sunhee. Park Sunhee. ”

I introduced myself, smiling.
I tried to make myself feel better by telling myself that these guys look like really nice guys.
Actually, they don’t.
They actually look like thugs.
But whatever.

” Sunhee? You said your name was Sunhee? ”

A pretty guy asked me in disbelief.
I nodded still smiling and one of the guy from the sofa stood up.
He looked like he was fuming mad.
He stride away and got up the stairs to somewhere upstairs, God knows where.


The Dongwoon guy came back to me and pulled me to the side.
I realised that everone was practically killing me with stares, their sharp eyes never leaving me.


” Dont ever say your name out loud again. Why didn’t you tell me your name was Sunhee? ”

He questioned me mad.
What’s wrong with all these people?
How much shallower can they be just to hate me just because my name is Sunhee.
What’s wrong with my name?
I think my name is pretty, in fact. Weirdos.


” You didn’t ask me. ”

I scoffed.
Why is he getting angry at my name anyway.
Then what should I have said?
My name is Barbie?
What a joke right.


” Seriously, I don’t even know why I brought you here. ”

Dongwoon gritted through his teeth and went off to somewhere else.