


I just made a bad impression.
I didn’t know what Dongwoon was doing at my door and I don’t want to know.
I don’t think at this time now I can make friend and stay at their place so Dongwoon is the best choice.


I can swear, I can ing swear that my body is aching and hurting so bad but if I cry and I whine, I don’t think i’l have a place to stay tonight.
I did sleep in the streets once and I almost got .
I don’t like that.
Futhermore, Dongwoon’s house is fun with his hyungs.


I know, coming in there all bloodied would make me look like a total attention seeker but I don’t have a choice right?
It’s not like I can go back into my house and grab some new clothes without getting Jaejoong worked up again.
I’ll just go to Dongwoon’s house and talk normally like I do with Dongwoon so they wouldn’t ask much, like Dongwoon.


The ride was slower than before and the wind feels like it’s slicing my body at the bleeding parts of my body.
I bit my lower lip trying my hardest to hide the pain and without me knowing, my tears flowed freely.


We reached his house through the maze faster than we did last night.
Probably because I kindda know where we are going.
I’ve got a good sense of direction I may add.


” Yah, get on me. ”

Dongwoon suddenly said disrupting my thoughts while kneeling in front of me.
Get on him? No. Why should I?
It’ll make me look weak and pained and his hyungs would look at me like I got run down by a train.


” No. I’m fine. Let’s walk together. I don’t like what you were asking me to do. ”

I said and held his wrist and ask him to walk faster because my felt tired.
Just to lighten the mood but I didn’t think that worked because he just sighed.


He didn’t even bother knocking on the door but just rushed in.
I managed a hiss at him to be more polite and knock on the door.
He rolled his eyes, again.


” Oh, Dong- SUNHEE! ”

I heard Yoseob high pitched voice call my name.
I was going to reply to him and say hi but Dongwoon keep pulling me to walk.



I heard Kikwang’s voice thundered.
The questions kept coming from everyone but Dongwoon ignored them and pulled me into his room up in the second floor.
I guessed it was his room since he pulled me into it but I don’t know.


” Yah, you shouldn’t do that. You and I should at least greet your hyungs. ”

I politely adviced him.
He looked more scarier now for whatever that reason is I don’t want to know.
I swallowed my anxiety when he leaned in closer towards me.


” You think alot about unnecessary things even when you’re hurt. You’re weird, you know that? ”

He hissed in my ear.
For a moment there, I thought he sounded attractive.
Until we were interrupted by a series of rude pounding on his bedroom door.


” Yah! Bring her out! ”

” I miss her too! ”

” Lets all treat her wound TOGETHER! “


Dongwoon asked me to ignore his hyungs while he fished out a first aidkit from his closet.
The poundings strangely stopped for the time being.
After finding what he wanted, Dongwoon came towards me.


” Take off your clothes. ”

He purposely said it out loud and I wanted to know why.
My question was answered less than a second later when I heard screams from outside the door.



Kikwang’s voice towered above all.
Dongwoon chuckled and looked at me who still was in my clothes.


I raised my eyebrow as if asking should I really get out of these clothes.
He nodded as though he read my mind.
I didn’t want to at first but he forced me to saying that he needed to treat my wound before it got infected.
Uneasily, I took my shirt off and I sat in front of him just in my bra.
This is so not a romantic scene.
More of an embarassing one since I didn’t have a great body seeing that mine was full of scars… and hickeys.
I looked at him and he gulped looking at my body.
I don’t think that was a good reaction but I don’t even have any pride left.
I don’t care.
I’m practically a walking shameless.



She took off her shirt and my eyes widened.
I didn’t meant to be rude but she was beautiful despite the scars.
Why did she have so many anyway?
She’s far too beautiful to be treated this way.
Wait, what? What is wrong with me?


I carefully treated her wound and I noticed love bites.
I gulped and continued doing what I did.
The wound wasn’t deep but it was still sure to hurt.
That was no doubt.
After I cleaned her, I passed her one of my shirts that she wore loosely
. I didn’t know why but I smiled.
How many times had I smiled since I met her?


She stood behind me as though she was afraid when I said that we should go out now.
Why was she afraid?
Damn, since when do I question myself this much?
I think I lost my mind for a moment when I pulled her hand and placed it on my waist asking her to not lose me.
She nodded anyway.


I opened the door to see my hyungs all looking at me like I just killed their mom. 




Oh, and I'm soooooooooooooo addicted to Paradise Ranch now.
I watched it eight hours straight with no sleep last night.

He's so handsome nao.