Chapter 2

Forever Regretting A Moment of Weakness

Hello everyone! I want to thank everyone that has commented on this story so far. Thank you all! I will update today. I have decided to update every other day so I won't be able to update until Sunday. This is actually my first SHINee story so please continue to read, comment, and support this story. Also, if anyone sees any mistakes let me know!


WTBBtoday: I also hope he does! Key is amazing! He is almighty after all! lol I'm glad you like the story so far

ShiningTaemint: I hope this update pleases you! Key is the best! Thank you for commenting!

KeymyLover: I hope this was soon enough!

areUscared: Lol! I hope that you like how I develop Key's and Taemin's relationship later on. Key Umma and Taemin as the son is the cutest thing ever!

asiangirls: Thank you for reading this and liking it. I feel honored.

lolisho: Thank you for waiting!



Jonghyun found it odd that everything in the apartment was turned off when he got home but it happened every once in a while. It just meant that Key had to work late. He sighed and took off his jacket as he walked to the living room. He smiled when he saw a note on the sofa and frowned when he noticed the trash bags a second later. He decided that he would take the trash out so he could start getting comfortable as soon as possible.


The simple fact that there were two bags of trash was weird to Jonghyun. There was never that much trash... Key cleaned almost every day so he had to wonder why was there so much trash. His curiosity won as he stepped closer to the bags, and opened one of them carefully. His heart almost stopped because of what he found. There were pictures of Key and himself ripped, a few gifts he had given Key were in that trash bag. He stared at all those things for a minute, and he ripped open the second bag to find all the other gifts he had given Key. Immediately, he took a hold of the note from the sofa with shaky hands and opened it. Key's handwriting was what welcomed him and he started to read.


"Last night you kept asking me what was wrong, and the answer is simple. I saw you at the restaurant with her, whoever she is. Thanks for trying to comfort me but now there's nothing you can do. You could of just told me instead of cheating. The only thing you had to do was ask. I would have done exactly what I'm doing now. Giving you your freedom back. I would like to say that you shouldn't look for me but I know that you won't. The only thing I can say is that I wish you luck. You know I'm sorry about crying last night but I couldn't hold it anymore"


Jonghyun's hold on the note tighten and he ran into the bedroom, went to the nightstand on Key's side and opened the drawer to find it empty. The nightstand was where Key kept all his work. He opened the closet to just gasp when he realized that it was half empty. He looked at the note and started to reread it. A moment later, he went back to the living room with tears in his eyes searched for his jacket. The producer quickly got his cellphone and dialed the phone number that he knew by heart.



∆Key's POV∆

The designer had finished eating a few minutes ago when his phone started ringing and he looked at the screen of the phone, turned back to the TV in the room and tried to decide what to do. He had been expecting Jonghyun's call but he still didn't feel ready to talk to the other male. He looked at the screen of his phone again, took a deep breath, and picked up.







"Ah... Jonghyun-hyung how are you?" he tried sound as normal as possible


"Key... Where are you?" Jonghyun's voice was cracking




"What do you mean home? You are-"


"That's not my home"


"Key come home please"


"Jonghyun" Key sighted "I moved out. So I don't live there anymore"


"What? You can't do this Key. I love you"


Key rolled his eyes "Really? I can't do this? Why?."


"You can't... I won't-"


"Focus on the woman you were with yesterday"


"Baby she is just a client of the company" The producer sounded on the verge of tears but Key knew he had to keep a strong front.


He laughed bitterly. "So that's why you kissed her? I'm not going to waste my time listening Jonghyun. Goodbye."


"No wait Key!" Jonghyun was starting to sound desperate


Key knew that his sadness was going to turn into anger and it was going to happen fast.


"Can't you see that I'm giving you up Jonghyun just let me be. Is it not enough for you that you caused me this sadness?"


"But you have to let me explain Key"


"No. I don't have to let you do anything. This is easier than you think. We aren't married or anything so there is no need for us to talk about anything"


"Key please"


"Goodnight" Key hung up and stared at the phone for a second. He silenced his phone, put it to charge, set his alarm, and tried to fall asleep in which he successfully accomplished quickly.




The designer woke up with a headache even thought he got a good amount of sleep yet he just took some pain killers and started to get ready to go to work. He woke up earlier than his alarm which was set for 8 in the morning. He was halfway done getting dresses when he checked his phone. There were 25 missed calls, his voice mail was full and 50 text messages; all of them from Jonghyun. He emptied his voice mail without hearing any of them, erased the text messages without reading them and ignored the calls.


Taemin called him a few minutes later to ask him if he was ready since they had to work. The apartment was close enough that he could walk to his job. Luckily for him, he woke up a little earlier and went to change his phone number. Now he knew that Jonghyun wanted to “explain” himself and he also knew that Jonghyun wouldn't stop calling or text messaging him until Key gave in. The change didn't take long and he was able to keep all his contacts. As he walked out of the store, he erased Jonghyun's number and made it to his work place on time. He greeted everyone and as he walked in and started to work until he saw Taemin walk in with a huge grin on his face. They said good morning to each other and started working. Key tried to focus all of his energy into working; that made him feel somewhat better. Yet what made him feel a lot better was the contagious good mood that Taemin was in, and that made him realize that in a way, he had helped Taemin be happy.

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I love you for keeping my poster! you're like the 2nd out of 8 to keep my posters...
phoenix_taemints #2
i really love your fics!!
tsundere_zen #3
I just found this fic and i loved the style of your writing and the story! It's hard for me to like a story where by cheating element is involved but somehow this story was that good till i kept reading till the end! Key's reaction was very real and Jjong's regret was sincere! Cheers!
MewNikkiChan #4
Use Joon for your story. Him and Jonghyun are supposed to be quite close...
Almighty_SHINee #5
awwwwwwwwwwwww yayyyyyy<br />
<br />
at least jongkey is back tgt again......<br />
<br />
hope key forgives jonghyun :3
T^T I really like this story. I love the ending. I'm so glad they're back together, and I hope Key can forgive Jjong someday. ♥
kewaduong #7
few. Sure that jongkey must be together. thank you very much. it's such a kindhearted story.
adeleshinee #8
i love your story so much! looking forward for your next fanfics! :D
kolpupanda #9
mianhae, I've been busy lately with my lovely hobby....hhe<br />
:'} Omo, last chapter.... Congrat honey!!!!!<br />
You did a wonderful job as a writer^^''<br />
I really admire you and your story as well :D<br />
the tittle changed, whooa, sounds cool...!!!<br />
And the picture also awesome!!!!<br />
I'm very grateful to you, just by read your story, when I felt like crying, sad, or even frustrated, like a magic, your story made my day, and I felt beyond happy, thank you so much.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your story was a miracle to me =D thannnnnkss once again!<br />
I'll miss the day when I waited for your story and read it with amazing feeling, I'll read it all over again ;D and again!!!<br />
Saranghae!!!!!! :-*<br />
<br />
ilovekorea #10
new reader..<br />
and i like this..<br />