Love Me Hyung

An Unaccepted Apology-Season 2
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"Hyung, why??"Kyuhyun felt helpless and defeated. It shouldn't have been like this .Kim Heechul was not supposed to fall for anyone other than him. He had wished it for so long.

"Kyu ah, I don't want to hurt you. You are my dear dongsaeng. But I can't give you what you are asking for this time."Heechul's warm tone felt so different to Kyuhyun. It was unusual between them to use such tone. They always used to fool around each other yelling ,teasing and shouting most of the time. But it had become serious for Kyuhyun at some point , unconsciously.

So suddenly, Heechul was not just a prank buddy or a friend anymore for him. He had become more than that, he had come to conclusion that he can't have a single thought without Heechul somehow appearing into it.

"Why him? How did this happen? "Kyuhyun never liked the new guy who joined their group all of a sudden. Hankyung barely knew Korean so he never bothered to  interact or had patience to understand other's broken pronunciations.

But it was not only this, this new guy irritated him because  amount of attention Heechul was giving him. They became friend on very first day plus Heechul was always protective towards Hankyung, all rights to annoy other or play prank on him were strictly reserved by him. If someone even tried to do something , he had to face Heechul's  rage. Kyuhyun couldn't understand it, but he let it go thinking Heechul might be feeling sympathetic towards Hankyung ,who had to leave his country because of his dad's job.

But he had never expected that one fine day, Hankyung would gear up guts to ask the ‘Kim Heechul’ out  and Heechul would agree and they would be dating in no time.

Hankyung had done what he was thinking for so long. Kyuhyun couldn't be more angry with himself. He took so much time to figure out his feelings .But it wasn't like Heechul didn't know about his changing feelings, he had started to show them in small acts and indirect talks.

"Did you really not know? You never saw my feelings towards you hyung? I..I tried to give you hints..I was just not..."Kyuhyun paused, feeling lost.

"I always liked you, hyung. Did you not know?"He asked looking deep into those feline eyes, searching for that love which he always wanted to see for him.

"Kyu ah, why are you like this? It's not like you to be. You can't be this broken."Heechul extended his hand towards him but he backed off.

"That's not the answer to my question, hyung."He said stubbornly.

He waited watching other as  Heechul stood looking somewhere past him. He looked tense but then he sighed, moving his hand through his hair.

"I can't say I didn't know. I could make a guess about it but it was all so vague and..I..I kind of hoped whatever I was thinking about your feeling towards wrong, just imagination or a new prank or something."Heechul looked guilty and Kyuhyun couldn't help but laugh.

It was all a joke, Heechul actually thought he was just playing a prank or fooling around, so it was his prankster image ruined it for him.

"Kyu ah, He is a good guy. At first I only said yes because he looked so determined about us dating but as days passed our relationship grew strong. I have never thought I would become this involved in him..that it was not a passing affair. This is serious Kyu ah. I am serious, I...I can't think of anyone other than him in my life. Even though he decides to leave me some unfortunate day ,then also I will love him."Kyuhyun saw Heechul flinched as soon as he uttered that So it had reached this far.

"You know we are too young to fall in 'really' fall in love..this is middle school hyung."Kyuhyun scoffed.

"So you are saying this is just a passing phase for you?"Heechul was quick to recover and respond making Kyuhyun startled. It was so much like his hyung to catch him in his own words.

"I wish I could say that. But I can't. "he said slowly, knowing he had to take back his words.

He had wished and hoped and even thought that this 'dating' thing with Hankyung would be a passing phase for Heechul. That they would call it quits after some time and go their own ways when days of sweet infatuation were over. He had a reason to think like it. Hankyung was so different than Heechul. He was always quiet, introvert, poised and shy at times and Heechul was so outgoing , way too much confident and bossy. Even the tone in which both of them talk was contrast opposite , Heechul's high pitched against Hankyung's several octave low soft one.

There was no way they could have worked out, that's what he had thought plus Leeteuk never liked Hankyung as well. In Kyuhyun's eyes, Heechul and himself was a perfect match. They always were on same wavelength from the school years when they started to hang out together, but then he really had forgotten that opposite attracts.

"Kyuhyun ah, Please don't be like this. I don't want us to get uncomfortable in any manner. I..I will help you to get over all this, we..we can..."

"Hyung..."He yelled suddenly making Heechul stop dead in his track.

"Did you really think this is a joke for me. That I can forget about you and my feelings tomorrow. Did you think my feelings were that light and I am that stupid to hang out you seeing you getting lovey dovey with that guy? Do you want me to pretend nothing happened and be friends with you like always? How can you just think about everything convenient to you and him? What about me? Hyung, you won't even think about how I feel? You are so selfish..SO selfish..I hate that Chinese dumba**...I hate him..I hate everyone..."He screamed, his face burning up as hot tears threatened to fall. He didn't want to be there ,not like this.

"Kyu ah.."Heechul was quick to hold his hand as he tried to leave that empty classroom which looked too small now because he had nowhere to run and hide.

He jerked forcefully , trying to get away but Heechul tightened his grip on other. He was trembling uncontrollably, trying to keep his emotions from explode. But he couldn't hold it back anymore when he felt slender arms embrace him from back.

"I am sorry, I was only thinking about myself. I am so sorry."Heechul spoke slowly, holding him tightly.

Kyuhyun didn't want to show his tears to other, he was not weak person but this was Heechul .

He spun across surprising Heechul when he pulled the feline boy close to his heart. Heechul belonged there with him.

"I ..I you hyung.I am not joking or lying. This is not..not an infatuation , I know it is not. I..I..will take care of you.I will be good to you and won't be a stubborn and irritating guy. I will always love you..always..I.."He lost his voice, choking on his emotions. All he could do was to hug other tightly as he wailed. Giving a way out to his emotions, his frustration, his loneliness the empty feeling deep in his heart...

Heechul held him till his shaking stopped, the soft pats on his back felt soothing at one time and overwhelming at other.

"I am sorry Kyu ah, for hurting you like this."Heechul's words made him even more miserable, he let go other looking into feline eyes staring ba

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Heerella1 #1
Chapter 25: Don't do this cliffhanger will u ... Uwaaaa
TeaBookTime #2
Chapter 25: I have read this hole story and I absolutely love it. You brought the feelings and emotions so good on point. And omg I am so rooting for "Superman" and Heechul to come back together. On one side I'm so happy, that Heechul has his memories back, but on the other side I feel so disappointed and sad, because somehow everything and everyone speaks against Hankyunk. I also fear for his wellbeing. This story is so depressing, but good. And now I hate it, because I didn't get a closer. Please continue this story. I'm pleading.
meemow123 #3
Chapter 25: Oh, the stupid damn typos ... My comment makes no sense! Yehet! XD
anyways good luck authornim! :)
(you'd better not discontinue this *looks horrified at the thought*)
meemow123 #4
Chapter 25: Are you still here authornim? *peers around*
Well I know I'm still here and will always still be here ... Hehe ^^
I hope you'll update a chapter soon, I miss this fic, please don't leave it hanging ... I need to know how it ends! J need my daily dkse of hanchul angst and drama hehe ^^
And this is just so GOOD I literally have no other words it's amazing, perfect, just so ... GOOD *sobs*
Please will you at leastet us know you are still here! Although in the real world it's virtually impossible, in AFF there have been many, many cases where authornims have been kidnapped by aliens and down the black hole kf writer's block, krjust forgotten XD like me XD
Let us know you are still here! Don't worry if you think we'll leave, I will always cling to this fic like Chullie clings to Hankyung ^_^
Take your time authornim!
Fighting!! 희이팅 <3
meemow123 #5
Chapter 25: Is it bad that I wanted Hankyung to go bac to China? I dont know i'm a er for roamntic angst and drama, if he went away with no warning and cut all contacts then maybe Heechul would change his mind and alao Leeteuk ... I understand why he is so angry, but still .. Does he not feel guilty at all?? Yea ... And if Hankyung disappeared for maybe a month or a few weeks (its happened before in one other fanfic I read and I really liked the effects ...) that would be fun to read
OMG I dont remember the last time my tummy hurt so much reading a fic ... (Am I the only one lol) basically that means it was heart-twistingingly angsty enough to affect me :D No idea why I react like that tho haha
I almost cant believe Heechullie bit him (key word: almost) omg I was freaking out so much I thought Heechul was shot (like, fatally) and screamed but then it was just a dream and I was like "OMG AUTHORNIM YOU SCARED ME ㅠㅠ"
Heechul remembers omg ...
I love it how (even if its not itended) Kyu is a heartbroken boy in the end and that scene with him and Heechul after Chullie regains his memories, and they're both crying and everything is just so sweet.. but the thing is esp when he tried talking to Hankyung before he left, he's still just a very evil maknae
And omg yunjae *dies*
I still almost want Hankyung to go to China tho ... promise me you'll make up for that with lots of drama/angst/fluffy romance in the next chapter, authornim? :)
Good luck with the next update!!
This series is the best omg I love it so much!!!
Kyeo-Baby-Min #6
Chapter 25: wah! please don't stop here!!!
immamel #7
Chapter 7: I want to read it so badly, but then again another chapter wouldn't coming up soon, I was so afraid thal I'll be wonder hole this year just to find it doesn't end yet
Chapter 25: When is this story going to be updated? It will be a shame to leave it like that after you invested so much into it. And us readers will feel cheated too with the amount of time we've also invested in reading the story.

Anyway, hope you're well, Authornim.
Chapter 25: Author-nim please please update this story. I'm in love with this story. I've missed this story.
zohreh #10
Chapter 25: That story was so emotional and I've liked it.
Now I'm waiting for new chapters!