Chapter 4

My Beautiful Page
KRIS HIRED a hairstylist to cut and style your hair exactly like Luhan.... "There Lu Wen, you look great" Kris compliment you making you pout... "My beautiful dark hair is gone" you sulked looking at the mirror... "Mei mei sorry" Luhan apologised and glared at Kris.... "Mei mei, you have to dress as Luhan" Kris said and hand you a bag.. You took it and head to one of the restroom... After some minutes Luhan stood up "I'll go and check her" Luhan said and walk to the restroom..... "Ge ge, Am I looking clumsy?" you asked steping out in black suits.. Luhan smiled, "Mei mei, you look just like me" he said placing his hand on your shoulder making you face the mirror... You couldn't help but smile, there was not a single difference between the two of you, from tip to toe, everything was similar. . ____________________ "You go ahead Kris is waiting" Luhan said and fished out his phone to make a call.. You smiled and step away, "Mei mei" Luhan called so you turn around.. "Walk more manly, its too graceful you might get noticed" he suggested.. "Ok gege" you smiled and straightened up, gave a sigh and raised your head higher with your chest and shoulder raised, "This is it, I'm Luhan now" you said to yourself and walk away taking firm steps..... "Thats more like a robot" Luhan couldn't help but chuckle as he watch you walking away.______________________ __ MEANWHILE Kris was pacing here and there then he saw you steping out... "Luhan, don't worry about Mei mei, I promise I'll take care of her" he assured... "Ge ge?" you stare confusely at him... "Mei mei? I thought you are Luhan" He exclaimed and both of you broke to laughter... "Seriously, who wouldn't think you are Luhan" he added...... JUST THEN Luhan step out.... "Is that you mei mei? You looked exactly like Luhan" Kris joked.... "You've got to be kidding me" Luhan rolled his eyes as you hold yourself from laughter.... "I was kidding, but I just mistake Lu Wen mei mei for you" he hit Luhan's arm... Luhan chuckled at it... "BTW, Suho called and he said his majesty had just arrived from Japan" Kris informed eyeing you... You could feel your body warming up out of anxiety and nervousness. A part of you wants to meet the Prince but a part of you is scared because of the secret.......... Luhan noticed it so he held his arms around you and pat you gently, "Mei mei, don't worry you'll do great" he smiled, you nodded and puffed your cheeks....... "Ge ge, that means we should leave right?" you look at Kris, he gave you a nod.... "Kris, I'll be counting on you" Luhan pat Kris shoulder and embraced you, "Mei mei, I know you will do great" he smiled, "Thank you so much" he added.... You were on the brink of tears.... "Ge ge.." you sniffed...... "Hey, no crying" Luhan said softly and wipe your tears away with his thumb... "Mei mei, I'll be leaving within 1 hr too but I'll surely pay a secret visit during weekends" He said..... "Mei mei, I think we should leave now" Kris interupted checking the time..... Both of you stare at Kris and nodded, "Mei mei, you are so cool!" Luhan cheered you up... "You'll just do fine so I don't have any worries at all" Luhan smiled shaking his head.. You giggled at how cute your brother is....... "Ge ge, I'll miss you"..... You smiled sadly with twinkling eyes.... "Na do, now you go ahead, Kris ge ge is getting impatient" he joked and push you gently to Kris. ____________________________ YOU GUYS exchanged goodbyes and you left with Kris to take up your brother's place as the newly crowned Prince, Chanyeol's page...
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Chapter 2: Update soon^^
Chapter 1: Annyeong author-nim! :D oh my gosh! Its really cute :) but no offend, this story is really awesome but I think you need some upgrade? XD and btw, I read that you need co-author? I reall want to help :) maybe If you want, I can be your co-author, I have some ideas to share with you in this story :)