Chapter 1

My Beautiful Page
You were celebrating you 22nd birthday in Beijing with your close friends Tao and Lay in the club. . . . . JUST THEN your phone rang, "Luhan gege" you answered, "Happy Birthday mei mei" he chimed, "Thank you gege" you smiled. . . . "I'm sorry, I couldn't be there" he apologised. . "Its okay, gege I understand" you answered. ________________ Luhan was your protective and caring brother and the only family you had. Your mum died while giving birth to you and your dad died of heart attack some few months back. Right now, Luhan was in Seoul as he was to be appointed as the Page of the newly crown Prince so he left 2 days ago.____________________ "Ge ge have you me the Prince?" you asked, "Not yet" he answered "Mei mei, I have something to discuss with you so you should come here tomorow" he added. . . "O.. Ok" you answered confusely. . . . "Thank you, catch the 1st flight and come soon" he said over the phone... "Kris will come to take you" he concluded... "Kris gege?" you asked.___ Kris is your cousin.. "Yes, he is the PA of the Prince so I got this job" he replied, "Wow.. " you said in awe making him chuckle.. "Mei mei, I have to go now, rest early and NO ALCOHOL, I know you are in the club again" He said... "Sorry! But no worries I won't drink again" you giggled... "Good girl" he laughed.. "Ge ge take care and have your meal on time" you reminded him... "Okay mama I will, now go home take good rest, I'll see you tomorow" he said and hang up the phone. . . . . . "Is that your twin brother?" Lay your best friend teased.. "Yup " you laughed. . . . Everyone would think Luhan and you were twins though you were not _ _ _ _ _ "You know, I have to go to Seoul tomorow" you said and pick up your clutch.. "Why?" he raised an eyebrow, you just shrugged "Luhan Ge ge wants me there".... "I have to leave" you said apologetically..... Tao frowned "Thats not fair, we are only for you" he said... "I'm sorry" you pat his shoulder. . . . . . "Hey, you guys can go ahead and enjoy as much as you want, it'll be my treat" you said in a cheerful tone... "Nah, Thank you but we'll leave together" Lay said and both of them stood up... "I'm sorry" you bit your lips.. "Its okay, we stillg have lots of time" Tao smiled... And led you out. . . They dropped you to your apartment and left. The next day you caught the 1st flight to Seoul and left. ____________________________ 1st chapter.. Hmm its not good, Sorry but I'll work harder. Anyway, thank u so much for subscribing... EXO Loves You!! Kekeke.. BTW, I'm in need of a co-author for this story.. ~SHY~
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Chapter 2: Update soon^^
Chapter 1: Annyeong author-nim! :D oh my gosh! Its really cute :) but no offend, this story is really awesome but I think you need some upgrade? XD and btw, I read that you need co-author? I reall want to help :) maybe If you want, I can be your co-author, I have some ideas to share with you in this story :)