Chapter 3

The Mysterious Black Mansion

Chanhee arrived at Niel's cafe. Niel came up to him and dragged him to the locker room.

"Change here, hyung. Hurry up! There's a lot of work to do." Niel said.

"Where's Ricky?" Chanhee asked.

"He's entertaining a table. Hurry up!" Niel said and left.

Chanhee sighed before changing into the uniform. He threw his stuff into the locker and shut it before exiting the locker room. Chanhee went up to Niel.

"So, what am I suppose to do?" He asked as he scanned the cafe, which was filled with customers.

"Just be a waiter! I'll pay you after the cafe is closed." Niel replied as he was preparing someone's drink.

"Which table should I take the order from?" Chanhee asked.

"Here! Take this and go take table 3's order." Niel said as he handed Chanhee a notepad and a pen and left to prepare more drinks.

Chanhee took it and left to table 3. As he approached table 3, he saw Ricky there. Chanhee nudged Ricky, who looked at him.

"Yah! Aren't you taking their orders?" He whispered.

"Was going to but someone won't give it to me." Ricky replied as he glanced at a tall boy in the corner of his eyes.

Chanhee followed his eyes and saw the tall boy smirking at Ricky, who rolled his eyes in response. He looked around the table and saw two other guys. One was muscular with jet black hair. He was wearing a jacket with skinny jeans and a cap. The tall boy was wearing a tank top with skinny jeans. Isn't he cold, Chanhee thought. The last one was wearing a hoodie with skinny jeans and a scarf. There was one thing Chanhee noticed about all three of them.

Everything they wore was black.

Chanhee also noticed something else. One of the boys had blonde hair, was smirking at him. He shuddered a bit because he found it kind of creepy.

"May I take your orders?" Chanhee asked.

"I would like a cup of mocha." The muscular guy replied.

"I would like a cup of coffee." The tall boy replied.

"Which flavor?" Ricky asked, crossing his arms.

"Brown coffee. Not too sweet not too bitter." The tall boy replied.

"And you, sir?" Chanhee asked the last boy.

"I would like a cup of blood." The boy with the hoodie replied.

This cause Chanhee to look up from his notepad and make eye-contact with the boy. The boy, Chanhee noticed, was the blonde-headed boy he saw earlier this morning during class. Chanhee shuddered again when the boy smirked again. He didn't really know how the boy looked like because he was obviously wearing the same hoodie earlier as he is now.

"Excuse me?" Chanhee asked in confusion.

"I would like a cup of blood." The boy repeated.

"Sorry, sir. We don't have any blood. If you want some, then go to the hospital and buy a bag. If that's all you're ordering then excuse me." Chanhee said before leaving with Ricky.

Before he can leave, the boy spoke.

"Then, I'll take whatever is today's special." The boy said.

Chanhee glanced back. He noticed the boy pulled his hoodie off. He looks handsome, Chanhee thought. Then, he mentally curse himself for thinking that. 

"Alright." Chanhee mumbled before leaving.

When Chanhee and Ricky arrived in the kitchen, they start preparing the drinks.

"Chanhee-hyung." Ricky said.

"Hm?" Chanhee asked as he was in the middle of pouring the mocha.

"Do you think that guy is kind of strange?" Ricky asked.

"Which one?" Chanhee asked as he finished pouring the mocha and sprayed whip cream over it before putting a lid over it.

"The blonde-headed one." Ricky replied.

Chanhee froze.

"W-Why do y-you think that?" He asked.

"The way he was ordering a cup of blood. It sounded like he was hungry. Like he wants to drink someone's blood. Like a-"

"Vampire?" Chanhee asked.

"Yeah! Like that!" Ricky exclaimed.

"Aigoo. Ricky-yah, there are no such things as vampires. They're only in novels, movies, and games. Not reality." Chanhee said as he shook his head.

"What if they're real?" Ricky asked.

"Why are you asking such of a question?" Chanhee asked.

"I'm just curious. What would you do if vampires are real?" Ricky asked.

"Uh...I don't know. What would you do?" Chanhee asked.

"I would become friends with one!" Ricky exclaimed.

"Really? Why?" Chanhee asked, a little surprised by the reply.

"Vampires are awesome! It'll be cool to be friends with one!" Ricky exclaimed.

Chanhee shook his head with a grin.

"You and your vampire addiction." He mumbled as he started to prepare the special order.

Chanhee thought about what Riky had said earlier. What if vampires are real? Is that why people are dying? Chanhee's thoughts were broken because of Niel.

"Yah! Hurry up! Table 3 is waiting for their orders!" Niel shouted before leaving.

Chanhee quickly hurry up before he and Ricky went to serve them to table 3. Another group of boys entered and joined table 3.

"Yo, C.A.P-hyung!"

"Yo, Hoya!"

The three boys joined as Chanhee and Ricky were serving the drinks. C.A.P and Hoya, is what Chanhee heard to their names, were having a conversation. The others were kind of talking too, except for the tall boy and the blonde-headed boy. After Chanhee finished serving the drinks, he asked the 3 new boys if they wanted anything. The 3 boys shook their head. Chanhee and Ricky didn't hesitate to leave and continued working until their cafe closed.


Sorry for the late update! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Keep the comments coming! Sorry for any grammar mistakes! As always, Ayumi13 will take care of them! Love you all! Bye~! ^^

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StolkerDeer123 #1
Chapter 7: Update
nickmo #2
Author nim..where u guys go???update soon update soon..please finish this amazing story
Pleaseeeeee i begging u
nickmo #3
Chapter 7: Update pleaseeeeeee!!!it's 2016 already dear..please update pleaseeee
Chapter 7: oh! byunghun didnt kill him?!
omg..this is yours xD
i remember loving it..but it wasn't complete ...did u give up on it ?????????????
Chapter 7: omfg this is amazing ;_; update soon huehue !!
Chapter 7: I know it's late but could you update cause it's really interesting <3
Chapter 7: update soon!
Angblingjonghyun #9
Chapter 7: O.M.G that . was awsome!!!!! waiting for the next one!!!
Chapter 7: OMG!!!So perfect. I'm looking forward the next chapter *-*