Dilemma - Tao & Yixing

Exo Short Story Collection

Bass sound of Justin Timberlake’s My Love boomed around the bar where Haetnim decided to finish her exhausting days. She has wandered around town, trying to find a job that suits her. However, it was like finding a needle between hay. Job was nowhere to find. She kept being either refused or lost. And it was just one of her unlucky days. Unlucky day equals to impoverish her self. At her favourite place.

As a matter of fact, Haetnim isn’t a heavy drinker. She was in a depressing side of her life. Counting her last days of being a 21 –year-old adult, Haetnim has postponed her college and currently in state of no jobs. The only one she thanks for is having Zhang “Lay” Yixing in her life, the admirable hip-hop club dancer and one of the favourite guys of all club goers. For one year he has been the encouragement, the energy, the drugs, and the world of her. Yixing is the greatest boyfriend Haetnim ever had and the last thing she’s afraid to lose.

But isn’t having a cute and popular boyfriend make you feel alone? Sometimes. That was one of those days, days where Haetnim would feel lonely with no one to share her unhappiness events.

Except, best friend came at the very right time.


Tao has been standing there for some minutes having a big doubt whether to greet the girl or not. Well said that he would rather looking at her from a far than talk to her. He was an outgoing and mischievous person to be honest. Unless, he has to face the girl he likes. Tao was afraid he might bother her. So, he stayed quiet for the next minutes.

Until the girl saw him and gave him the weakest yet prettiest smile he ever identified.


“I didn’t know you were here.” Haetnim propped her back on the counter along the bar, grinning at her best friend.

“Hi Haetnim,” Tao can felt his insides tickling him but he ignores it. It was his long crush in front of him.

“How long have you been here? It wasn’t Friday night yet.” She chuckled as she fixed her ponytails.


In Tao’s thought, Haetnim seemed so far away. Although, she seemed prettier than the last time he saw her. They said, the pretty one is made for each other. Sadly, that’s what confuses him. He never thinks he was ugly for some reasons. He was good, pretty good. At anything. Looks, brain, sports, you name it. So does her. She is beautiful -- gorgeous in her own way. Flaw is there but Tao doesn’t bother. Because he likes her the way she is.

“Reality is a pain in the .” There he went, blurting out something he shouldn’t said.

“Indeed,” Haetnim agreed.

Such intimate atmosphere built around Tao and Haetnim. Both of them could feel something pulled each of their body closer.

Haetnim has touched the corner of her lips for the millionth times tonight. Tao couldn’t even count it again. As many times she touched her lips; that was how much Tao wants her.

“I’ve been through one lifeless day.” Haetnim sighed as she breathed the lemon flavour of her Mojito.

“So did I.” Actually, I’ve been through one lifeless year because of you. Tao pulled his body closer to the girl. Their shoulders were touching each other.

“And I have no one to talk to.” Last sip of her Mojito has finished and she was up for another round.

“You have me.” Tao could feel his heart clenched. He was lying to his heart if he said that he was okay with the fact Haetnim is Yixing’s.

She snorted, “yeah, like you’re easy to find.”

“Sorry. I’ve been out of town lately.” Liar. I was in a place where I won’t find you nor be found by you.

“Why is everybody busy? And I am the one who doesn’t have any ing jobs?!”

Tao knew when Haetnim feels upset. She would crash down to the nearest bar, drinking and shouting. He felt thankful that he was here to catch her upset face. At least for the millionth times, Tao was still the one that saved Haetnim.

“You know, Kris hyung just started his company. I might find you a job there.” He hid his exciting voice. Because he knew if Haetnim worked at his hyung’s office that means he could see Haetnim everyday.

Haetnim’s face lit up, “for real?”

Tao nodded.

And in a flash, Haetnim’s arms already circled around his neck and her hot breath was on his neck.

He couldn’t hear any words that came out from her.  He couldn’t sense anything but
the smell of Haetnim's perfume mixed with alcohol. Next thing he knew, he already placed his hand on Haetnim's hair. How much Tao wanted to do this from long time ago. Even before Haetnim met Yixing.

It was pretty pathetic having crush on someone for 3 years. However, Tao still couldn't replace his feelings for Haetnim for now and for many years later.

"Tao," Haetnim's breath brushed his neck. He knew she was feeling uncomfortable. But Tao kept his hand still. He wasn't ready to let her go just yet.

"Life has been pretty rough, hasn't it?" said Tao as he caressed Haetnim's wavy hair. She nodded indicating her agreement. Just like Tao caught the weakest spot of Haetnim, she already sobbed inside Tao's embrace.

"What is it? Tell me. Cry as much as you want." Weigh your problems on me, pretty. I can't stand seeing you cry.

Haetnim told Tao how ugly her life has turned to. She didn't know where to go. It was like she lost everything; her happiness, her luck, and her love. The sobs got worse as she talked about Yixing. She told him how Yixing easily left her everyday without the sweet kisses like he used to do that Yixing has been too busy with his social life until he forgot to give her a simple call everytime she needed him.

Tears have stopped running down Haetnim's cheek. But the clenched hearts of Tao from hearing her stories hasn't relieved yet. He gulped another shot of his alcohol, so did Haetnim.

"Wait, how many shots you've drank?!" Tao couldn't hide his worried sounds. 

"I don't know. I won't be drunk, silly!" she chuckled. But her body didn't tell her so. She stumbled on her feet and fell on Tao.

"You're drunk. Let's go home." Tao put Haetnim's over her shoulder so he could proper her unbalanced body.

"I'm not going." Haetnim stepped aback and sat again on her seat. She crossed her legs and told the bartender to give her another shot.

"Come on, Haetnim. You might end up throwing your last lunch." As Tao grabbed her arms Haetnim pulled him closer so their faces met each other.

"You can't order me around, Mr. Zitao." She put her finger on Tao's lip.

Minutes passed and they stood still. Tao mesmerized by Haetnim's big eyes. Her imperfect face is still the prettiest thing alive. Haetnim caught Tao off guard as she crashed her lips on his. But it was tasteless kiss, there was no fireworks or spark on the kiss. Tao still felt a little happy knowing his almost girlfriend kissed him but it also felt so wrong. It wasn't right, her lips weren't his and he couldn't take Haetnim for granted. His love for Haetnim was too big and too strong to let her kissed someone she didn't love.
"Haetnim..." Tao pushed her a little so there could be proper space for them to gain their senses.

"I messed up," she blurted out. "I'm not perfect for Yixing. I'm dumb." she broke into tears  but she let Tao proper her on his back as she continued her crying in quiet.

The moment Tao walked out of the bar, Haetnim already passed out on his back. Voices of her heavy breathing noticed him. Tao wasn’t sure if he walked to Haetnim's dorm he might not endure the back pain because he already felt worn out after drinking a lot of alcohol. So he decided to bring Haetnim to his place. At least, it was much closer. It's only a couple blocks away from the bar.

Arrived at his house, Tao carefully laid Haetnim on his bed. Worried he might awake her, Tao didn't bother to close the door. So he just sat beside her in quiet, observing Haetnim's face. He wondered how beautiful it'd be if Haetnim was his. If he could see her sleeping face beside him every night. But that was just some if his thoughts, his imagination, his never fulfilled wanting. Seeing her painful and wrecked face hurt him most yet he couldn't do much but to listen to her doubts.

A sudden voice of Zion T's Two Melodies jolted Tao from his seat. It was Haetnim's phone. He searched for her phone inside her purse. When he found it, he knew he was totally forgot about this person's presence. It was Yixing. Tao was doubtful whether to answer it or not at first. But the sound of her phone ringing was too loud to be ignored. Rather than making Haetnim awake he pressed the answer button of Haetnim's phone as he walked out of his bedroom. 
"Hello," Tao's husky voice greet Yixing well. 
"Who is this?" Yixing's cold answer stabbed right at the most hurtful point. 
"It’s Tao." 
Tao could hear Yixing's gasp. But he insisted to play along. He wanted to know how much Yixing care for his loved one. And to know whether Yixing is highly qualified for Haetnim.

"Where's Haetnim?" Yixing knew something's fishy but he kept his voice cold and undercontrolled. 

"On my bed, sleeping." Tao played his role.

"Don't joke around, Tao." Yixing's voice was shaking. Tao could even hear his clenched teeth.

"What’s there to joke about if your girlfriend just crashed down at my place because of your ignorance?" Tao's pricking words shot right at the place since Yixing rightly hung up the phone. 

By then all Tao should do was waiting for Yixing banging on his door. He better be prepared and stood at his apartment door. He didn't want to wake up the sleeping beauty yet.

There were quick and heavy steps along the hallway and Tao knew who owned them. 
"Where's her?" A hard punch landed right at Tao's face. It wasn't like he didn't expect this. But this was much harder than he expected it to be. 

"Didn’t want to know how she ended up at my place? Because it actually was your fault only." Tao touched corner of his lips. He didn't want to make the problem going any longer. He wanted Yixing to realize how worth Haetnim is to be loved with his life. Because Tao couldn't let Haetnim love the one who can't love her better than he can.

"She came to me because she was feeling lonely. She just got another rough day because she got problems finding new job." Tao paused, letting Yixing to absorb the informations he needed to know. "And that you were not there by her side when she needed you most. She was lost, Hyung. She felt that she was not worthy enough for you, that she was lacking because you were never there to catch her fall. So, she had to turn around and find someone else to count to. She needs you. Even if I want to replace you so bad, I cannot. She only loves you." Tao talked his heart out. He forced himself to do so. The pain on his face couldn't cover the unbearable ultimate heart broken inside him. "You better go inside and take her home." He said as he unlocked his apartment door.

Tao watched Yixing found his bedroom so easily since both of them used to play together as childhood friend. Times passed then it changed after Yixing joined his dance club, but after all they're still brothers.

Yixing slowly reached for his loved one. Her exhausted face hurt his heart. He mentally slapped himself for being such an retarded boyfriend. He remembered how he said he would be there everythime she needs him. He too once said that no matter how worse life could be he is the first thing that would embrace her in his arms, protecting her. Seeing this now, Yixing wanted to burn himself as the exchange for the pain Haetnim has been feeling. All he could think of was regaining her love again, promising her, convincing her that he won't do another same mistake. "I'm sorry," He said as he Haetnim's chin then piggybacked her.

"Yixing?" She murmured, eyes still closing. 
"I'm here, Love." He turned his feet then walked out of Tao's door. 

"It's ing hurt indeed," Tao chuckled before he slammed his door. 


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Chapter 4: noooooooooo~~ park chanyeol you little dimwit! dont ever do that thing again okay huhuhuhu :<
and the song is perfectly fit to this story~ i love you ♥♥♥
*throw you with sweet things and yixing* ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ