
Feeding the ducks


Hyung-deul: is plural in korean for hyung. I just couldn’t write hyungs, it looked weird.
130lbs: almost 60 kg. i know he's actually 63,5 kgs but i rounded it to an easier number.



I try to open the door as quietly as I can, hoping to not catch the attention of my mother.

“Joonmyuuun…” Crap, why do I never have any luck?

She gets up from the couch only to fall again in the process, stumbling over her whiskey bottles. “…myuuun…” She sniffs. I can’t leave her like this. I’ll have to call Kris that I can’t meet him again. It’s a wonder he still wants to hang with me at all.

“Mom.” I sigh. “Get back on the couch, I’ll get you some painkillers-“

My mother suddenly scrambles to get up and stumbles over, grabbing me painfully at my shoulders. “Myunniie, you won’t leave me like your father did, right?!” She shakes me. “Right?!”

Abruptly, she lets go and turns to where her empty alcohol bottles are scattered all over the floor. Stopping at the first one to touch her feet, she grabs it and throws it to the wall. My eyes widen in old surprise. I’m used to it but I still can’t…

“Mom, don’t…”

“A child like you doesn’t understand!” She grabs another. “What a coward he was!” She screams with a lot of effort and a pained expression. It hits the tv this time.

Mother grabs her hair and crouches down. “I told him that it would get better b-but he-“

Sitting herself down on the floor, she starts crying like a child that fell and can’t get up. “I told him but he-“ I move towards my mother. I hate this, I hate this so much because I have no one to blame. Not my mother and neither my father.

“Myunniie, you’re the only one I have left. You can’t… You can’t leave me, ok?”She says with big teary eyes staring up to me, fearing my answer.

“I won’t, mom.” I give her a back hug like she used to do with me when I was younger.


“You won’t what?” Is that Sehun? urgh. Too much sunlight.

“What are you even…” I roll over pulling the blankets over my head. I’m too bloody tired for this crap. How did he even- Oh right, security keys. Would I be able to sue him for that? Too bad this isn’t America.

“You were sleep talking. Saying something like ‘I won’t’.” He looks at me with big eyes. What can I say to that, I don’t really remember what I dreamt about. I sigh, he probably won’t believe me.

“Look, Sehun.” I gaze up towards him and put a hand on his shoulder. He frowns a bit before turning his head sideways to stare the crap out of me.

“I don’t remember what I dreamt about- hey! No sneakily trying to me.” Clicking his tongue, glaring to his side, he sighs before pulling his hands back. Young people, god.

Looking up to me again. “But you mentioned your mom, I never heard you mention your family before.” He explains with a pout.

...I must have dreamt about my mom again, It’s the only dream I get about my family. I blocked out lots of stuff from my childhood and youth. I don’t think I would be able to smile if I didn’t.

“I don’t really remember my family, Sehun.” I grab his fingers and toy with them. “My mom died due to alcohol poisoning and I’d rather not mention my dad.”

I don’t dare look up to Sehun. I don’t want to see the first of many pitying glances that I’m going to get from him nor the face of realisation. “Oh” I hear Sehun mumble.

He removes his hand from mine and puts them on my shoulders. He takes a deep breath and blows air in my face. Did… did he even brush his teeth? Urgh. Sehun, gross. I look up to see him grinning. Sehun shrugs before saying. “It’s morning.” And before I know it his hands have slithered down to my waist and started tickling me.

I yelp in surprise. I hate it when people tickle me because I’m too sensitive. I can’t stop laughing. I try to pry his hands off my waist but damn, I can’t. Oh, I’m getting cramps because I haven’t laughed like this in ages. Have I ever laughed as much as this anyway?

Sehun is laughing alongside me and soon we topple over. I weakly hit his arms in surrender because the cramps from laughing are getting too much for me. He seems to understand and lets me go before quickly pecking my nose while I’m still laughing. He smiles like a child that got what he wanted.

I beam up at him. “Sehun, Thank-“

He blows air in my face again. My face just- no, urgh.

“Sehun, gross!” He laughs evilly before jumping off my bed and turning back to me. “I’m going to wash up, ok?” He says while walking backwards, hitting his heel against the door frame. Ha, karma. He mumbles some words that I presume are Korean slang words. Not good ones either, I guess.


I am the first one to reach the dining room. The maids are still preparing breakfast so I take a seat on the couch near the windows. The last two weeks have been an extremely sunny and hot summer for Korea. All the evaporated water needs to come down at some point though. It’s usually paired with thunder and lightning because of the temperature.

It’s been thundering slightly since yesterday but no lightning yet although I can see the sky flashing every once in a while.

I’m so happy it’s passing over us, it means the heat will go down. I can’t take that hot weather. I haven’t been able to properly sleep for a while now.

“Why the pout Suho?” Luhan rests his arms over my shoulders and places his chin on the top of my head.

I whine. “It’s the heat. I just can’t deal with it.” Just thinking about it distorts my face into an unpleasant expression. “And I do not pout. You might, but not me.”

Luhan laughs as he moves to sit next to me on the couch, his eyes wrinkling into tiny little slits. He’s pretty for a guy and although his laugh does not match his face, I really like it. Sehun has that as well. A laugh that does not match his straight face.

“Hyung-deul.” We turn around to see sehun slither over and plop right on both of us.

Luhan may be unaffected by his 130lbs younger brother but I’m dying. Sehun nudges his head on my lap and stretches his legs over Luhan.

Luhan raises a hand and fake-whispers to me. “Sehun is actually scared of thunder-“ He couldn’t get anything more out before ‘Evil!Sehun’ strikes again and gently hits his brother in the nuts.

I can’t help but subtly chuckle at his misery.

“I’m not scared, I’m just unsettled at this uncomfortable weather.” So he CAN use proper words.

Luhan laughs again although a bit higher than usual before raising a hand to Sehun’s hair and going through it. Sehun instantly relaxes and closes his eyes.

It makes me smile, brotherly love.

A maid taps my shoulder to indicate that breakfast is ready to be served so I nudge Luhan and Sehun to get off me and the couch.



my internet doesn’t work anymore so I wrote this in all the free time I have now and it may be boring, I’m so sorry. The weather though, is based on the real time weather here in Belgium.

Storms everywhere :< oh boo.


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Aircond #1
Chapter 7: Chapter 6: I really love your story~
Hopefully that you would update it in the future
If not, thank you for providing us with this story of yours :)
rereading this again because i can yehay
Chapter 7: Hi there! I actually visited your country, it's very beautiful. :) Update soon author-nim
Chapter 7: The flashback got to me in a way, I don't know .. I guess cause it reminds me of my situation with my parents >.<

Of course Sehun would interrupt his dreams. I actually wanted to know more for some reason, LOL! Is that bad? xD but honestly, groping isn't going to get you the answer Sehun. Instead Suho would be annoyed yet he might like it and will give you a chance if you don't cross the line :P keke.

I was fangirling cause he was comforting Suho by tickling him but it got ruined because he blew in his face with morning breath :'D gosh, that's classic ~

I see he isn't afraid of storms but likes to be close with Suho? Wah, do you know I ship Suhan? /mouth agape

I honestly love that pairing but fudge, I ship Seho also ;__; oh the irony of being a fangirl who can't choose her otp. Exo is really shippable or Suho in other words /coughs

I don't even know what I'm saying /ignore my blabber mouth

Really? T^T that . I know the feeling though :l you don't need to apologise. It really wasn't boring, trust me I squeal everyday cause of you author nim <3

Cool, you live in Belgium right? c:
Chapter 6: I smell xiuhan /cheshire grin/
i really really pity suho though, poor soul getting frenched by an 18 y/o otl
/but he totes liked it didnt he/
Chapter 6: SCREEEEEECHING BC YOU ARE BACK YAYYYYYY omg the subtle lumin and coming soon oh dear oh dear oh dear i am an incoherent puddle of feeeeelssssss
p.s. how was your trip? (:
Chapter 6: Don't feel guilty author nim.

No matter the length, I still enjoyed the chapter <3

Hehe. Junmyeon is still cute and he has the house to himself ^^ I wondered if maids really do that? And where does that trash go? /curious mind

Lmao. Him playing games xD haha. Ah. Hunhan coming out of nowhere. Ohmygawd! Did Sehun actually apologise? And what's this? D.O. Is a character? O: /how cool

Yes they kissed! Well Sehun in other words :P :'/forcefully

I lol'ed /literally\ because he already gave up. /giggles

Really? ? Ox Wah. /gasp

Now that's good to hear ^_^ hehe. Glad you're feeling better :D Please don't apologise. Everything's good (:
Chapter 5: Poor Junmyeon.

He actually listen to Sehun's request and did it.

Ah, you made Luhan as his older brother? Cool. Even if people ship them, I see the two more as dongsaeng/hyung ^^

Haha. Now I see. They have accidents in the car cause of spilling food :P awesome

Aw. He pecked him on the forehead.

Don't apologise author nim. I hope you do good on your exams -- Hwaiting! <3

P.S. Feel better neh? Don't want you to get more sick ;-;
Chapter 4: I see Junmyeon isn't a morning person

Hm. Sehun and glitter? No. That's water from the shower he took :P tehe.

I totally caught the babe thing. Sehun you sly player. Aw, he picked the right clothes for little Junmyeon /I always imagined him wearing those either way

I say he wants to get into his pan - umm wanting his lover? /stumbles over my words

Ooh. Rewards each time he score high? It's a good idea though Junmyeon is going to suffered /giggles

He is wearing duck pjs? .. Bwhahah! That's classic but adorkable :3

Sehun is . You can just tell by that note.
Chapter 3: Lol Kesha's song in the beginning xD

Sehun is already harassing Junmyeon? Oh my .. Does he want something besides the 'tickling' he suggested? O-O

Ah. He does have other things in mind. But a hug? Awww /squeals

Ooh sleeping in the bed? Now thats adorable! C: