Game over

Feeding the ducks





“Oh my god!” I groan as I push my face into a random pillow. Since I got the whole house to myself, I usually read or fix something that Sehun broke, like my sanity, during the time that he is gone. But today, I just can’t concentrate. I need to do something physically. Oh boo, I hate these days.

I look around, thinking about what I could do.

Cooking? Nah. Take a walk through the gardens? Meh. Go for a swim? Huh, seems like not a bad idea, if I weren’t so lazy. One of the reasons I’m utterly, completely weak. Sehun is skinny but he packs quite some amount of power underneath all of that. I sigh, why does he always get the good stuff?

I hear some rattling coming from my left. I turn to see a maid coming out of the game room with a cart carrying a lot of trash and dirty dishes. So they actually took that with them into the room with asking me first? Note taken.

But how about gaming? I never tried before but there’s a first time for everything, right?



“Yes, die!” I nearly screech. I have been fighting this boss battle for the last 2 hours and this is my second try already. If I die again I will flip my . That needs to die-

“Hyung… you ok?” huh?

I turn to see Sehun and Luhan questionably judging me. I can understand, I do not play games nor am I one to wish someone dead but still “Oh, don’t look at me like that.”

Sehun glares at the console I’m holding. “Let’s get you out of here hyung.”

My character makes a dying sound and I turn around in panic only to see huge red letters on my screen ‘GAME OVER’. I let out a sound similar to a dying mouse and turn to sehun.

“It’s all your fault.” I’m actually quite pissed.

Sehun snorts. “Please you were going to die anyway, now let’s go.”

“No.” I spent so much time on this and you just trivialise it and didn’t even say sorry. “I’m sick of you” I get up to walk away only to have my arm yanked back in a painful manner. Sehun says nothing but look at Luhan  in a way that tells him to go.

Luhan holds his hands up in the air like under gun point and quickly shuffles away.

“Don’t say stuff like that.” Oh don’t act like you’re hurt.

I make an offended face. “Maybe if you’d say sorry for once.” I yank my arm out of his grip and cross my arms over my chest. Maybe the game did push me a bit but he was still rude and I deal everyday with that ty attitude of his.

He sighs and looks down, seems to look anywhere but near me. “…”

“huh?” I squint my eyes. He seems frustrated but tries again. “I’m sorry.”

Did he just-? Oh my god, he did. The almighty great Oh Sehun said sorry to me about this little small thing I wasn’t even really going to fight about. “Awh.”

He looks alarmed up and grabs my shoulders. “I’m sorry, ok? Please don’t cry or anything-“

“Huh? No, I wasn’t going to cry.” I grin up to him and raise my eyebrows to just that bit more. He makes an ‘oh’ face and quickly turns around to hide his face but I can see the tips of his ears turn red. I chuckle a bit before turning him around again. “You’re such a child.”

He makes a face like the popular cartoon character D.O. “No I’m not!”

I snort “Prove it then, if you can.” Every word that comes out of his mouth just proves the opposite.

Sehun makes a determined face, looking at the door where Luhan just left. He puffs his cheeks a bit before turning his sight back to me. “Ok.” He says before he cups my face and moves closer.
I- Is he really going to kiss me? What? I can’t take this. I quickly close my eyes because I can’t deal with his slow-motion crap.

He blows wind in my face before chuckling. “Did you really think I was going to kiss you?”

“Oh my god, Sehun! You’re such a bastard-“

He quickly moves forward to capture my lips in a kiss. Nibbling at my lower lip, I can do nothing but let him in. He keeps playing with my hair as he refuses to let me go. I’m running out of air though so I push him by his chest as a sign. I’m going to die like this.

He unwillingly lets go. Pouting a bit while looking at my lips. Sehun raises his eyes until they meet mine. “Don’t call me a child again, ok? I think you’ll regret it.” He flatly says before giving me one of the most -eating grins ever, blatantly turning around and walking through the door leaving me gaping at him. I just got frenched by an 18 year old.

Ah, what a milestone in my life.

“He didn’t you or anything, right?” I look up and see Luhan poking his head through the door.

“Nope.” I smile up at him. He’s not as tall as Sehun but still a good head taller than me. I puff my cheeks for a second thinking if I should restart my game but nah. “Come on, Let’s go play some soccer with Sehun.”

His face lights up. “Yeah! Minseok taught me this new trick that-“ I hold up a hand. I’m not good with tactical know-hows about soccer, in fact I at soccer. The only thing keeping me alive is when Minseok plays along in my team seeing as he is just as good as Luhan.

Minseok is Luhan’s ‘friend’ but honestly, Luhan is a bit too touchy and happy around him so I suspect something else but I don’t put my nose into business that doesn’t concern me like a specific someone does. Coughsehuncough.

“Let’s just go and be on my team will you?” I’m more of a liability in soccer than anything else, Sehun might just win against us.

“You sure you don’t want to be on sehun’s team?” Luhan asks with a grin and raised eyebrows.

“Yes! Oh my god, Luhan.” I puff out before walking to him and harshly pushing him out of the room. He deserves it.



“You’re Like 20 years too early to try and defeat me in soccer, Sehun!” He is only 18, how can he be 20 years too early to try.

“You’re only 4 years older than me!”

I can hear Luhan laughing in his dorky way of his. “Oh, don’t be such a party pooper!”

I gave up like long ago. Not even 10 minutes and I was heaving my lungs out. I don’t get how they can be so active. I snort. “Young people.”

I roll over in the grass under the shade of the big tree in their garden. God, I love relaxing here.

“Hyung! Stop being lazy and join us!” Oh, hell no. I raise myself until I’m sitting and put my hands around my mouth. “Do you want to kill me?!”

You brat.



Imagine suho’s face at the end like a  :<

I’m so sorry and I felt so guilty so I tried to get it a bit longer (lol 300 words longer, I’m so hardcore)
I work a lot during my free time (aka all the time because I have no life hurr) , I went to Disney from Sunday till Tuesday but my exams went well and I’m not sick anymore.

I have decided that there will be a scene for those of you who want it (kinda want it too but I just can’t write it ;;) but it will be done by another author, a friend of mine. Her writing style is a bit more poetic but I’ll edit it a bit more into my style of formatting c:

I’m so sorry again, I hate it when authors do what I just did :s


words: 1.367 (hurr)

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Aircond #1
Chapter 7: Chapter 6: I really love your story~
Hopefully that you would update it in the future
If not, thank you for providing us with this story of yours :)
rereading this again because i can yehay
Chapter 7: Hi there! I actually visited your country, it's very beautiful. :) Update soon author-nim
Chapter 7: The flashback got to me in a way, I don't know .. I guess cause it reminds me of my situation with my parents >.<

Of course Sehun would interrupt his dreams. I actually wanted to know more for some reason, LOL! Is that bad? xD but honestly, groping isn't going to get you the answer Sehun. Instead Suho would be annoyed yet he might like it and will give you a chance if you don't cross the line :P keke.

I was fangirling cause he was comforting Suho by tickling him but it got ruined because he blew in his face with morning breath :'D gosh, that's classic ~

I see he isn't afraid of storms but likes to be close with Suho? Wah, do you know I ship Suhan? /mouth agape

I honestly love that pairing but fudge, I ship Seho also ;__; oh the irony of being a fangirl who can't choose her otp. Exo is really shippable or Suho in other words /coughs

I don't even know what I'm saying /ignore my blabber mouth

Really? T^T that . I know the feeling though :l you don't need to apologise. It really wasn't boring, trust me I squeal everyday cause of you author nim <3

Cool, you live in Belgium right? c:
Chapter 6: I smell xiuhan /cheshire grin/
i really really pity suho though, poor soul getting frenched by an 18 y/o otl
/but he totes liked it didnt he/
Chapter 6: SCREEEEEECHING BC YOU ARE BACK YAYYYYYY omg the subtle lumin and coming soon oh dear oh dear oh dear i am an incoherent puddle of feeeeelssssss
p.s. how was your trip? (:
Chapter 6: Don't feel guilty author nim.

No matter the length, I still enjoyed the chapter <3

Hehe. Junmyeon is still cute and he has the house to himself ^^ I wondered if maids really do that? And where does that trash go? /curious mind

Lmao. Him playing games xD haha. Ah. Hunhan coming out of nowhere. Ohmygawd! Did Sehun actually apologise? And what's this? D.O. Is a character? O: /how cool

Yes they kissed! Well Sehun in other words :P :'/forcefully

I lol'ed /literally\ because he already gave up. /giggles

Really? ? Ox Wah. /gasp

Now that's good to hear ^_^ hehe. Glad you're feeling better :D Please don't apologise. Everything's good (:
Chapter 5: Poor Junmyeon.

He actually listen to Sehun's request and did it.

Ah, you made Luhan as his older brother? Cool. Even if people ship them, I see the two more as dongsaeng/hyung ^^

Haha. Now I see. They have accidents in the car cause of spilling food :P awesome

Aw. He pecked him on the forehead.

Don't apologise author nim. I hope you do good on your exams -- Hwaiting! <3

P.S. Feel better neh? Don't want you to get more sick ;-;
Chapter 4: I see Junmyeon isn't a morning person

Hm. Sehun and glitter? No. That's water from the shower he took :P tehe.

I totally caught the babe thing. Sehun you sly player. Aw, he picked the right clothes for little Junmyeon /I always imagined him wearing those either way

I say he wants to get into his pan - umm wanting his lover? /stumbles over my words

Ooh. Rewards each time he score high? It's a good idea though Junmyeon is going to suffered /giggles

He is wearing duck pjs? .. Bwhahah! That's classic but adorkable :3

Sehun is . You can just tell by that note.
Chapter 3: Lol Kesha's song in the beginning xD

Sehun is already harassing Junmyeon? Oh my .. Does he want something besides the 'tickling' he suggested? O-O

Ah. He does have other things in mind. But a hug? Awww /squeals

Ooh sleeping in the bed? Now thats adorable! C: