Spring is irrelevant

Feeding the ducks



Argh my eyes hurt.. who opened the curtains? I take a look towards the voracious light that shines through the windows. I see no one. I look around my room. Still no one. I feel kind of cold, not the freezing cold where I need some clothes but just like some warmth was gone. Maybe it could be just me though, I get cold so easily that it isn’t even funny anymore.

“Oh, you’re awake.”

I turn to look at the door of my bathroom that’s conveniently connected to my room. Sehun is leaning in the doorway, wearing only a towel around his lower private parts. And is that glitter?
What does this kid even..  Oh. It’s water. False alarm. But still, no one should look that fabulous in the morning, it just isn’t allowed.

“Like the view?”


Sehun his head at me with another of his grins. “You sure?”

No. Although barely and too skinny, Sehun has nice abs. Also slightly toned arms. Damn genetics.

“Yes.” I was never one to lie about something but I think he might believe me-

“Totally.” Ok, maybe not. Sehun walks towards the closet. Which he, by the way, has no reason to be there because he is way too tall and (I hate to admit this but) skinnier than me for my clothes. Yet he still opens the closet, taking out my favourite skinny and an oversized sweater. Because spring, that’s why.

“Sehun-ah, I swear that if you even attempt to put those on-“

“Calm down, babe, these are for you.”

I’m not even going to bother with thinking about what he called me. “Thanks, I guess. Also I’d rather you call me hyung, Sehun-ah.”

He moves to put the clothes he just picked out onto the end of my bed. The glitter- ah no, I mean water is dropping everywhere, did he even dry himself? After putting it on my bed, he sits close to my legs that are covered by my sheets. Sehun turns his torso towards me.

“Do you really love being called hyung that much?”

“Not really but it shows that I’m older than you, and you should have some respect.”

“Is it that important that you’re 10 years older than me?” Sehun asks me with his famous
‘no-expression’ poker face. Is it? He is as smart as me, probably even smarter. He’s richer than me. He’s more handsome than me. Taller, better, younger. In fact, his inexperience is the only part where I am ‘more’ than him.

“Not the ‘ten years’ part.”

I look into his eyes for a second or two trying to figure out exactly what made him ask that question. Then I look down at his sneaky hand that is trying to get higher up my leg by the second.

“But I don’t think you’re actually interested in that, now are you, Oh Sehun”

I look him square in the eyes, smiling my signature smile, daring him to move his hand even a millimetre further. He gave me a grin and picks up the heap of my spring-unfit clothes, handing it to me.

“You should get dressed, hyung.”

“Not in that sweater, I won’t.”

“Yes you will, I picked it out.” Ouch, pouty & loud Sehun is back. Sometimes it is so unfair because I want to throw a tantrum and whine as well due to his childish behaviour.

I throw a pillow to his face. It’s too soft to do anything but I don’t care, maybe I could ruin his flower-boy hair that he probably has copyrights for. Oh that annoying pink right in the mornings. “Hyung!”


Sehun pouts at me. “Hyung, did I already give you my school results on my last test?” Oh, so maybe what he said last night might actually be true to some degree? I give Sehun a pointed look.

“No but if it’s good..”

He looks at me with hopeful eyes. “ ...I’ll get something as reward?”

Oh god. Those eyes, I feel like I’m going to crush his hopes and dreams. Like kicking a puppy straight in its gut if i don't- “...maybe?”

“ yeah-“

“Language!” I give him a frowny face because really, I’m the only one allowed to curse here, it’s my privilege as elder. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door? I think it might have been that but I’m not sure. I’m not even sure if it was real at all. For all I know Sehun might have been giving me so much stress I became delusional.

Sehun sits up after looking at me for a while. Maybe to see if I was going to answer the door. Not in these duck pyjamas. He calmly opens the door, you can tell he is a rich kid by just the way his hands move. As in gestures. Oh my god.


“Master Sehun? Oh, erm.. breakfast is ready to be served.” The maid looks between me and Sehun, confused. I hope not that you’re thinking I’m victory #38 in Sehun’s bedtime stories. I’m wearing duck pyjamas after all.

“We’ll be there in a minute.” He closes the door right in her face. Brilliant Sehun. Way too woo the ladies. “Sehun, you can go already. I still got to change.”


I smile at him. I rarely do that. I see his eyes widen a tiny bit. “No buts.” He frowns a tiny bit looking down. Then suddenly he's looking at me like serious business-

“Except for yours~” He grins and turns around to open the door again. Giving me one last look before closing the door behind him and leaving me alone with the dreaded sweater he chose for me in this weather. There is a sticky note on top of the pile I didn’t notice before seeing as his hand took up so much space.

 ‘Don’t dare to wear anything underneath it!’

Like hell I will.


i managed 15 words short of getting 1000. 

I think i'm getting better at making long stuff.
sorry it took so long c:

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Aircond #1
Chapter 7: Chapter 6: I really love your story~
Hopefully that you would update it in the future
If not, thank you for providing us with this story of yours :)
rereading this again because i can yehay
Chapter 7: Hi there! I actually visited your country, it's very beautiful. :) Update soon author-nim
Chapter 7: The flashback got to me in a way, I don't know .. I guess cause it reminds me of my situation with my parents >.<

Of course Sehun would interrupt his dreams. I actually wanted to know more for some reason, LOL! Is that bad? xD but honestly, groping isn't going to get you the answer Sehun. Instead Suho would be annoyed yet he might like it and will give you a chance if you don't cross the line :P keke.

I was fangirling cause he was comforting Suho by tickling him but it got ruined because he blew in his face with morning breath :'D gosh, that's classic ~

I see he isn't afraid of storms but likes to be close with Suho? Wah, do you know I ship Suhan? /mouth agape

I honestly love that pairing but fudge, I ship Seho also ;__; oh the irony of being a fangirl who can't choose her otp. Exo is really shippable or Suho in other words /coughs

I don't even know what I'm saying /ignore my blabber mouth

Really? T^T that . I know the feeling though :l you don't need to apologise. It really wasn't boring, trust me I squeal everyday cause of you author nim <3

Cool, you live in Belgium right? c:
Chapter 6: I smell xiuhan /cheshire grin/
i really really pity suho though, poor soul getting frenched by an 18 y/o otl
/but he totes liked it didnt he/
Chapter 6: SCREEEEEECHING BC YOU ARE BACK YAYYYYYY omg the subtle lumin and coming soon oh dear oh dear oh dear i am an incoherent puddle of feeeeelssssss
p.s. how was your trip? (:
Chapter 6: Don't feel guilty author nim.

No matter the length, I still enjoyed the chapter <3

Hehe. Junmyeon is still cute and he has the house to himself ^^ I wondered if maids really do that? And where does that trash go? /curious mind

Lmao. Him playing games xD haha. Ah. Hunhan coming out of nowhere. Ohmygawd! Did Sehun actually apologise? And what's this? D.O. Is a character? O: /how cool

Yes they kissed! Well Sehun in other words :P :'/forcefully

I lol'ed /literally\ because he already gave up. /giggles

Really? ? Ox Wah. /gasp

Now that's good to hear ^_^ hehe. Glad you're feeling better :D Please don't apologise. Everything's good (:
Chapter 5: Poor Junmyeon.

He actually listen to Sehun's request and did it.

Ah, you made Luhan as his older brother? Cool. Even if people ship them, I see the two more as dongsaeng/hyung ^^

Haha. Now I see. They have accidents in the car cause of spilling food :P awesome

Aw. He pecked him on the forehead.

Don't apologise author nim. I hope you do good on your exams -- Hwaiting! <3

P.S. Feel better neh? Don't want you to get more sick ;-;
Chapter 4: I see Junmyeon isn't a morning person

Hm. Sehun and glitter? No. That's water from the shower he took :P tehe.

I totally caught the babe thing. Sehun you sly player. Aw, he picked the right clothes for little Junmyeon /I always imagined him wearing those either way

I say he wants to get into his pan - umm wanting his lover? /stumbles over my words

Ooh. Rewards each time he score high? It's a good idea though Junmyeon is going to suffered /giggles

He is wearing duck pjs? .. Bwhahah! That's classic but adorkable :3

Sehun is . You can just tell by that note.
Chapter 3: Lol Kesha's song in the beginning xD

Sehun is already harassing Junmyeon? Oh my .. Does he want something besides the 'tickling' he suggested? O-O

Ah. He does have other things in mind. But a hug? Awww /squeals

Ooh sleeping in the bed? Now thats adorable! C: