
Dangerous Mistake - Zico ver.

Your hands were shaking so much you nearly dropped Sandara's phone.

What were you gonna do?

You walked slowly back inside the bar, in deep thought.

Your chances of taking Zico home tonight were not good. Maybe you should ask for help before going. You looked at Jay the other side of the room. No, you couldnt ask that much of him, it wasnt fair to drag him more into this situation. Dara was leaning so close to him, scanning him up and down, like a guy would do to a girl he wanted to pick up at a bar. As you got closer though, she sat back and crossed her arms, smirking.

- So? How did it go?

You handed her the phone.

- They wanna meet me. Right now.

Sandara lifted an eyebrow.

- Really? Wow, they must be feeling very generous today... or they want something else. Did they say they would negotiate?

- No.

She shrugged, then put her phone back in her pocket.

- Thats a little odd... but, well, they are pretty unpredictable. - she got up.

Jay quickly got up, too.

- You are leaving?

She smirked.

- Dont worry, im just gonna give you a minute. 

After she walked away, Jay turned to you.

- ________.... are you seriously going to meet them, face to face? Are you insane? I mean... - he gulped. - You know im not a sissy but.... i would be running away as fast as i could by now.

- I cant just abandon him like this.

Jay bit his lip, then pulled you in for a bear hug.

- Thank you Jay.

- Nah, it was nothing... but if something happens to you then its my fault...

You sighed.

- Dont be stupid. I wanna do this. Im not leaving Zico.

Jay shook his head.

- You must really love him.

Your heart gave a painful twist.

You did.

You really loved him.


An hour later, you stepped out of a cab, a block away from the adress you were told to go to. Ahead of you, there was a building, which seemed empty.

That must be it.

You started to walk towards it. The street was dark and every step you took seemed to echo. 

You were about to cross the street, when you saw there was a man standing in front of the building. You froze.

It was Seungri. Apparently, he had been waiting for you. Your mouth went dry, but you it up and crossed the street.

- Hello. - he said, as you aproached him. Seungri was leaning nonchalantly against the wall of the building. - Thats was quick. - he pushed himself to stand straight, a grin playing on his lips. You stood about 2 meters away from him. He laughed and gestured towards the entrance of the building, signing you to go first. As you passed him, he closed the distance between you and grabbed you by your arm, making you jump, scared, and try to jerk away. He grined again.

- Dont worry, - he whispered in your ear, conducting you throught the halls. - i wont bite you... yet.

You freed your arm from his gasp, sending him an angry look.

Seungri led you upstairs. The building was dark and silent.

- I would be a nice girl and behave when talking to our leader, if i were you. - Seungri said as you reached the third floor. - He has a... explosive temper. - he chuckled.

You bit your lip. Seungri opened a door.

It was a large and empty room, except for a fireplace and a few chairs. All members of Big Bang stood around the fire, except for one, who sat on a chair, his back turned to you.

You exclaimed. Lying on the floor a few steps away from the group, looking hurt and unconcious, was...

- Zico!

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Chapter 9: aw i wish this was updated ! ㅠㅠ
catmilkkk #2
Chapter 9: i wish this would get updated omg
Chapter 9: I really want to know what's gonna happen to Zico :O please update soon author-nim!!
Chapter 7: GDragon because he needs more love
ChuRin #6
Chapter 6: Creepy... hope nothing bad happens!
Keep up the good work~♡
Chapter 5: He was expecting you to call…
ChuRin #8
Chapter 5: Aw jay helped her out ^^ and Dara lol. I hope zico will br safe soon tho ^^
Keep up the good work~♡
ChuRin #9
Chapter 4: Oh no! They got zico what is she gonna do :o
Keep up the good work~
Chapter 3: Whoaaa... zico :3