
Dangerous Mistake - Zico ver.

When you got to your apartment, you were half hoping Zico would be there, waiting for you. But, of course, nobody was there.

You paced the living room, your steps echoing in your empty home. You had no idea how you were gonna find Zico, or save him. They wouldnt kill him right away, would they? Your stomach gave a painful twist. You stopped, squeezing your eyes shut trying not to think of the horrible things they could do to him.

You knew a few people, from other gangs, or who were involved in this ''underground world'' somehow that maybe could help you find Big Bang, or at least talk to them. You werent all that hopeful, though. Even if someone COULD contact Big Bang for you, that didnt meant they would want to.


You were very tense as you walked to the bar beside your building. The owner, Jay, was your first shot. Jay Park (mostly known as Jay), was a short, buff guy, with many tattoos, and the closest thing you had to a friend. He owned the bar and a few other ilegal businesses, so he knew lots of ''unusual'' people. Maybe he could help you.

- Yo, girl! Whassup? - he asked from behind the counter when he saw you walking in. - How's your boy doing?

You felt like there was a lump in your throat.

- Jay can i talk to you for a second... in private?

Noticing how serious you were, Jay nodded and gestured towards the back door, which led to an alley.

- What? - he asked, closing the door behind him.

- Jay, do you know a gang called Big Bang, by any chance?

He turned very pale.

- Yeah... i mean, a little... why?

You took a deep breath.

- I need to talk to them. Can you help me?

Jay fixed his cap, looking very nervous.

- I dont know... i mean, i think i might know someone... who knows someone...

You grabbed his arm.

- I know what i am asking for is a lot... but Jay, please...

He just looked at you.

- Its about Zico, isnt it?

You hesitated, then nodded. He sighed, then took his cellphone out of his pocket, dialing a number:

- Hey, G.O.? Its Jay, man, how you doing? Are you with Thunder right now, by any chance? Can i talk to him? Thanks.

He waited for a bit.

- Oh, hey Thunder! Yeah, its Jay Park. Listen, can you give me your sister's phone number? What... No! No, i dont want anything with her, dont worry, im just.... what the hell are you talking about, of course she is not out of my league! If i wanted to i.... anyway! - Jay quickly focused again when you gave him a nudge, rushing him. - I need to talk to her. Business stuff. Can you help me up? - suddenly, he took a pen out of his pocket and grabbed your hand, suporting the cellphone between his ear and his shoulder. He wrote a number on your palm. - Alright, thanks.

He hung up, then called the number written on your hand.

- Hello, this is Jay Park, is this Sandara? Dara, alright. Im a friend of... yeah, how are you? So, im calling to ask you: you know Big Bang right? Because i need to talk to them. Is this absolutely necessary? Well... OW! - you pinched him. - Yes, yes it is! Its not for me th... what? Oh... - Jay took a quick glance at you. - You cant give me their number... yeah, i know they would kill you... literally. But is there a way you can... you can? Great! Can you come right now? Awesome, ill be waiting... hold on, ill have to do what? Hello? - his eyes went wide, then he hung up.

You were nearly hopping on the spot.

- So? What did she say?

- Ok, Dara said she cant give us their phone number but she will come here and call them so you can talk. And... - he tried to hide a smirk. - she said thats a big favor shes doing me, so i have to do something for her too... do you think she meant what im thinking?

You ignored the question and rolled your eyes.

- So shes on her way?

- She'll be here in half an hour.

You nearly crushed Jay against the wall in a hug.

- Thank you so much, Jay! I owe you.

- No problem. - he chuckled. - And dont worry about it, something tells me im gonna be glad i helped you.


You didnt relax one little bit until Dara got there. But, finally, Jay called you back on the alley.

Dara was a small and skinny girl, skin tight black jeans and a leather jacket and high heels, a wicked hairstyle, with half her head shaved while long brown wavy hair cascaded on the other side.

Jay awakwardly introduced you.

- So, S... - she eyed him and he coughed. - Dara, this is ________, she is the one who wants to talk to Big Bang. 

You shook hands.

- Are you sure you absolutely need to talk to them? - asked Dara, taking her cellphone out of her pocket. - I mean... even I wouldnt bother them, and, hey, im one of the few who can call them friends.

- Yes, im sure. - you answered, quickly. All you wanted was to get this over with, and get Zico safely back home.

Dara shrugged, then dialed.

A few seconds passed.

- Hello? Its Dara. - she smirked when someone picked up, seeing you bite your nails, nervous. - Yes, im fine, sweetie. Listen, i got someone here who wants to talk to you guys. Yes, she says its important. Ok, ill put her on the line. - Dara handed you the phone, which you took with shaking hands. - Lets go, handsome. - she said, running her her hand over Jay's sculpted chest and pulling him along by his shirt. - Lets give her some privacy.

Jay turned to you, mouthed ''Good luck!'', then followed Dara back inside the bar. You pressed the phone against your ear.

- Hello?

A voice on the other side of the line chuckled.

- Well, hello to you, my dear.

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Chapter 9: aw i wish this was updated ! ㅠㅠ
catmilkkk #2
Chapter 9: i wish this would get updated omg
Chapter 9: I really want to know what's gonna happen to Zico :O please update soon author-nim!!
Chapter 7: GDragon because he needs more love
ChuRin #6
Chapter 6: Creepy... hope nothing bad happens!
Keep up the good work~♡
Chapter 5: He was expecting you to call…
ChuRin #8
Chapter 5: Aw jay helped her out ^^ and Dara lol. I hope zico will br safe soon tho ^^
Keep up the good work~♡
ChuRin #9
Chapter 4: Oh no! They got zico what is she gonna do :o
Keep up the good work~
Chapter 3: Whoaaa... zico :3