
Dangerous Mistake - Zico ver.

You woke up to a storm.

It was strong and the temperature had dropped. You werent cold at all, though, Zico was cuddled against your back, almost on top of you, his warm body keeping you comfortable. You turned your head, and smile seeing his sleeping face. You squeezed yourself closer to him and felt he was shivering, so you tried to pull the blanket over his shoulders, but ended up waking him up. He streched and rubbed his eyes, making your heart skip a few beats when he gave you a sleepy smile.

- Morning. - said him, voice husky.

- Morning. - you replied, rolling on top of him and giving him a big smile and a deep kiss on the lips. He sighed, and dropped his arms lazily over your back.

- Hmm, wow, i guess i did a good job yesterday... - he laughed when you moved your lips to his jawline.

- VERY good. - you laughed too. Zico gave you a cocky smirk and wrapped his arms more tightly around your waist, rubbing circles gently on your back.

- Then i guess... since the weather is so awful... - he said, slowly pushing your hair out of the way, and using one of his hands to tilt your head.- we'll have to stay in here all... - he kissed the curve of your neck. - day... - again. - long. - he finished it of by bitting your earlobe lightly.

You sighed.

- I'd love to, but we have to go grocery shopping, get some food.

Zico groaned.

- Aw, we can do that some other time... - he whined.

- Its almost noon! Arent you hungry? - you slid your hand over his smooth abs and felt the slight growl of his stomach.

- Only for you... - he bit your neck, giving you goosebumps. - Maybe ill just eat you. - Zico flipped you over and started to give you love bites, leaving you with marks all over. You laughed and pulled him up to kiss you.

You could leave grocery shopping for later.


You were getting dressed to finally go grocery shopping, when Zico came in, already dressed, and made you stop finding your sweater by hugging you from behind.

- Hm, you smell so good... - he said, taking deep breaths. Then he turned you around to face him. - Can we talk, before we go?

- Sure!

Zico sat down on the bed and pulled you to sit on his lap, supporting you with one arm. You started to get a little worried, he had such a serious expression. You put your arms around his neck.

- What do you wanna talk about?

He your tight gently for a moment before answering.

- Before... you said you couldnt fall in love in me, you couldnt like me the way i like you. But then yesterday, when we were...uh... - he smiled. - well, it felt like... you did! It didnt feel like you were faking it just so i wouldnt leave, but like you actually wanted me and loved me just as much.

You smiled and hugged him tighter.

- I do.

Zico's smile grew bigger.

- But... how? Why? What... changed?

You took a deep breath and, very honestly, answered.

- I dont know. - you ran your fingers in his hair. - I have no idea why... i, hm, at first i kissed you just so you wouldnt leave. I decided to give you chance. I didnt expect to feel so... i mean... when you kissed me  back...

Zico's expression became extremly cocky and full of himself. You nudged him, blushing.

- Shut up, Zico.

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Chapter 9: aw i wish this was updated ! ㅠㅠ
catmilkkk #2
Chapter 9: i wish this would get updated omg
Chapter 9: I really want to know what's gonna happen to Zico :O please update soon author-nim!!
Chapter 7: GDragon because he needs more love
ChuRin #6
Chapter 6: Creepy... hope nothing bad happens!
Keep up the good work~♡
Chapter 5: He was expecting you to call…
ChuRin #8
Chapter 5: Aw jay helped her out ^^ and Dara lol. I hope zico will br safe soon tho ^^
Keep up the good work~♡
ChuRin #9
Chapter 4: Oh no! They got zico what is she gonna do :o
Keep up the good work~
Chapter 3: Whoaaa... zico :3