Happiness interrupted

Dangerous Mistake - Zico ver.

A/N: Lets bring some action to the story, shall we? :3

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You were happy. Like you hadnt been in months.

Of course, you were stil worried about a vicious gang torturing and killing you, but Zico made you feel so... lightheaded, content, breathless, silly... in love.

After so many months in fear and hiding, your heart felt like it was exploding, because of Zico... despite his teenage-boy-with-crazy-hormones attitude sometimes, he managed to be just so sweet. You smiled and laughed so much lately, sometimes you even forgot what you have been worried about. There werent many moments in the day when his skin wasnt touching yours, he was always either kissing or hugging you, holding your hand, leaning on you. You stayed together all day and all night long, it was as if, now he had you, he couldnt get enough. You didnt mind at all. You didnt think you could ever get enough of him either.

And you were finally happy again.


About 2 weeks later, the two of you were taking a walk in a park near your apartment. It was getting dark, since it was almost sunset. Zico had his arm over your shoulders, while you had yours around his waist, keeping each other warm in the chilly breeze.

- Wanna get something to drink before going home? - he asked you, as you passed a grocery store. You nodded, and got in.

While you were by the refrigerators picking your drink, Zico told you to wait there and went to get himself a chocolate bar. You searched for the one you wanted, getting Zico's while you were at it, but before you could decide he came back. He had a strange expression on his face and looked like he came running.

- ________... lets go. - he mumbled, grabbing your hand. He was shaking.

- Zico, whats wrong? - you asked as he took the drink you had in your hand and put it on the nearest shelf before starting to drag you out of the store.

Zico opened his mouth to reply, but then froze, eyes wide, and cursed under his breath. He dragged you to a corner, opening a suply room door and pushing you inside.

- Wait in here, PLEASE dont come out until i come to get you! - he whispered.

- Zico! - but he had already closed the door. Trembling, you reached out your hands in the dark to find the door and pressed your ear against it. You could hear Zico's voice talking... and another male voice. No, TWO other voices.

They seemed to argue for a minute, even though you couldnt understand what they were saying, and then everything went silent. You stood very still, listening. Minutes passed. You impulse was to ignore Zico's request and go after him, but you forced yourself to wait.

5 minutes... 10 minutes...

20 minutes later you couldnt take it anymore. You carefully opened to suply room's door and sneaked out. You searched for Zico inside the store but he wasnt there. You went out, it was already dark. He was nowhere to be found.

You clenched your teeth, held back your tears, and started to run home. Because you knew what had just happened.

Big Bang took Zico.

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Chapter 9: aw i wish this was updated ! ㅠㅠ
catmilkkk #2
Chapter 9: i wish this would get updated omg
Chapter 9: I really want to know what's gonna happen to Zico :O please update soon author-nim!!
Chapter 7: GDragon because he needs more love
ChuRin #6
Chapter 6: Creepy... hope nothing bad happens!
Keep up the good work~♡
Chapter 5: He was expecting you to call…
ChuRin #8
Chapter 5: Aw jay helped her out ^^ and Dara lol. I hope zico will br safe soon tho ^^
Keep up the good work~♡
ChuRin #9
Chapter 4: Oh no! They got zico what is she gonna do :o
Keep up the good work~
Chapter 3: Whoaaa... zico :3