Love You More Than Myself

Love is Something That I Feel

- I can’t understand our breakup
Even now I imagine our future
Even after our breakup
Just like how my heart is always living by your side
It’s as if it’s dead -


"Kyuhyun kidnap Donghae" refrain Yesung makes three people who were there were surprised. After yesung turn off the phone. He looked at all that was there, and mumbling with confusion 'Donghae kidnapped by Kyuhyun'.

"What!" shout all three simultaneously.

"We have to go help him now!" Hyukjae stood up and frantically want to find Donghae, but Kibum block Hyukjae, Yesung and Sungmin. All three stared kibum confused.

"WHY?" Hyukjae screamed

"Calm down, Do you really think Donghae kidnapped Kyuhyun? I think Kyuhyun friend just too panicked "kibum tried to calm

"So, do you think kyuhyun will not kidnap donghae ? he was a jerk, he will do anything to get what he wants. Including Donghae "Hyukjae still panic

"Kyuhyun loves Donghae. I know it, and I'm sure Donghae still love him too. if Kyuhyun take away Donghae, I think he just wanted to talk about something in between them. Let them solve their problems, Hyukjae. Kyuhyun might not hurt people who are very in love. Trust me "speech kibum seem to make Hyukjae stops. He understood and agreed with kibum greeting.

"If Donghae did not tell us till this evening and did not come back until tomorrow morning. We're looking for him "

"I agree with you, kibum" Yesung nodded in agreement.


Kyuhyun did not want to do this before. He did not want to bring Donghae rude manner like this. but he has no other way to get to meet and talk to him. Too many things he wanted to know, too many things he wanted to make sure, and too many things he wants to do. Donghae being stubborn when he hates someone, and Kyuhyun hates it. He really missed the bright smile he always got from Donghae handsome face, long shady eyes that always made him unable to resist any of Donghae desire, innocence that makes him mad because it was too adorable. He missed all of it. He did not want to see the flat face and the sadness of donghae face, don't want to see the full glare of hatred, he does not want to see Donghae attitude that became so annoying.

As it is today. Donghae stared hatefully at Kyuhyun. he was very upset when Kyuhyun broke into his apartment and dragged Donghae to go with him by force, even Kyuhyun tie donghae hands to make sure that he would not run away. Although initially donghae rebelled and constantly berate, but during the course of the unknown direction, Donghae became silent and calm. When Donghae realized, Kyuhyun took him to a place he did not know for sure (whether hotel or home). He just knew where it was very large and luxurious.

Kyuhyun untied donghae and pulled donghae hand to follow him. Donghae did not dare to rebel as before, because there are so many tall men and big around the place. he was not sure I could run away, even if he wanted to. Donghae  followed Kyuhyun from behind. Until he came into room is very large and luxurious, this is a bedroom, because there is a king-sized bed and looks very comfortable there. after the door closed, Kyuhyun let go of donghae hand. Only two of them in the bedroom for it.

"What do you want to ? I was ever a e, but that does not mean you can freely drag me to come with you "it is the first say of Donghae after they arrived. Donghae did not want to say anything actually, but because he was angry. Words like that coming out of his mouth.

"can we talk nice, Donghae?" Kyuhyun turned

"You take me to places I did not know by coercion. What's a good way "

"Because you're not going to listen to me if I treat you well. Because you hate me now too. I had to, I'm sorry if it upset you "Kyuhyun sincerely apologize

"Then, what do you want?" Donghae asked quietly

"I want you to see and hear what you want me to prove to you. I don't want you to think I lie. So, I want to do it in front of you "Kyuhyun took a cell phone in his pants pocket, and a contact person. He let Donghae heard it. Donghae did not know what Kyuhyun wanted to prove , but he anticipated what happened.

"Kangta hyung, I ... wanted, I wanted to cancel the whole tour concert this year "Kyuhyun said, his eyes focused on Donghae. Donghae was shocked, he could hear kangta scolding kyuhyun and shouting at him.

"I'm sorry to trouble you. But I'm sure you can handle it. I will be responsible for everything "Kyuhyun then hang up and don't care about that kangta still yelling angrily at him.

"Are you crazy? why are you canceling your concert? "Donghae shouted in front of Kyuhyun, don't believe what he heard in

"Is not that what you want. It is a requirement that you gave me, if I want you to come back to me. I do it now "

"I did not meant it, Kyuhyun. You should not have to do that. I just threatened, because I thought you were not going to do it and gave up. Should you ignore my words!! "

"What do you want to come back to me, Donghae?" Kyuhyun asked, ignoring the cries of Donghae.

"Oh my God, you're totally crazy! fast, contact kangta hyung and say you're only kidding. You can't cancel the concert, Kyuhyun! "Donghae started to panic. Kyuhyun seriously do, donghae remember kibum saying that Kyuhyun would lose everything if he does that, it makes Donghae anxiety and panic.

"Not that enough, Donghae? I'm going to lose my dream just to be with you. Is not that enough? "Kyuhyun remain calm, and Donghae is getting restless. He felt frustrated and pulling his hair.

"Kyuhyun I beg you, don't cancel the concert" Donghae is very afraid

"But that's all I can do to be with you"

"Kyuhyun STOP, STOP!!! I promise I'll do whatever you want, but please, don't cancel the concert " Donghae stepped closer to kyuhyun, took both his hands and begged.

"Kyuhyun, I beg you. I'll do anything, I'll do a million wish. I'll do whatever you want, but please stop all this "

"If I ask for you to come back to me, will you grant it?"

"I will do everything and anything you want to grant. But, not to get back with you. I can't. We can be friends, we don't need to come back together. But, we can come back together to be friends "Donghae could feel kyuhyun trembling hands.

"Why? don't you love me anymore? What you really don't love me anymore? "Kyuhyun is very broken. His tears fell, making Donghae can't stand to see it. Donghae took off his grasp and turned around. He did not want to see Kyuhyun cry.

"Kibum, he is my boyfriend now" Donghae honest. He did not hear any response from Kyuhyun. it makes it even more hurt.

"I, is his now" Donghae continued. He wanted to talk and respond to any Kyuhyun. But there was no reply whatsoever. Donghae turned around, bracing myself to see Kyuhyun. when he turned around, Donghae surprised. Kyuhyun cries, hold his tears and made his whole face flooded with tears. Donghae never saw Kyuhyun cry like that. 'This is what I feel when you go and break up with me at that time, Kyuhyun'.

Donghae stepped closer to kyuhyun once again, he could not help but see Kyuhyun was so devastated as it is today. Donghae hugging kyuhyun tightly, trying to calm. But Kyuhyun cries getting louder than ever. Donghae did not say anything. He just shut up and listen to the sound crying of kyuhyun indoors. When hugging Kyuhyun, Donghae glanced around the bedroom, he finally realized that this is the kyuhyun home, and this room was a kyuhyun room. there are some kyuhyun photos there. and a few pictures with his parents. The more he realized it, the more convinced Donghae. Kyuhyun is no ordinary person.

"Maybe, I could not get back with you as a boyfriend. But, I can get back with you as a friend. Don't cancel the concert, kyu. I ... I want to come and see you as a pianist "it was the last words before donghae let hugs and gives a brief kiss to Kyuhyun. 'That's what you've done to me, kyu'. And donghae left Kyuhyun.


Donghae arrived at the apartment and was greeted by so many people. Donghae was surprised to see Hyukjae and Sungmin there, Hyukjae ran over and hugged donghae, flooded with a lot of questions. There are fears of a facial expression Hyukjae. And Donghae just want to cry. Don't know if it was because he missed Hyukjae or because he left kyuhyun so devastated. Everyone who was there to look calm and wait for Donghae to speak. But Donghae locking lips and don't want to talk.

"Kyuhyun did not do anything to you, right?" Hyukjae said

"How did you know I was with Kyuhyun"

"Ryeo wook in a panic, saying that Kyuhyun kidnapping" Yesung answered

"Kyuhyun was not hurt, right?" Said Hyukjae once again

"No. Him, he just cried "Donghae remember kyuhyun faces filled with tears. His heart suddenly felt ill

"He just cried and I left him" Donghae continued. Everyone looked confused, but did not ask again.

"Hyukjae, I want to know how did you get here? how did you know I was here? and how did you find me here? but, can we talk tomorrow. I'm so tired, my head is very dizzy. I want to break "Donghae walked wearily to his room, but stopped before kibum.

"I. .. I'm doing the right thing, right? "Donghae said. Kibum just smiled and nodded. Donghae then walked to his room and shut the door. Everyone who was there knows, that there is something in between Donghae and Kyuhyun. and it is certainly not a good thing.

Hyukjae and Sungmin for a while in an yesung apartment, until they are sure that Donghae fine. Hyukjae also want donghae to go back home with them and stay with them again. That morning, at the dinner table, Hyukjae resist to ask about what happened last night. He just shut up and wait for Donghae. Anxiety Donghae look at hyukjae and smiled. He knows that Hyukjae very worried. Then, sungmin motioning to donghae to start talking. Donghae comply.

"How did you know I was here, Hyukjae?" Donghae want to know, though Yesung and Shindong know about it, but they let Hyukjae to answer that time.

"A friend of Sungmin saw you in Seoul cafe. That's how we know where you are "Hyukjae answered

"I'm worried about you, Donghae" Hyukjae resume

"I'm sorry. I make guys like this. I always made the people around me to be anxious and worried "very sorry donghae

"But I'm glad, you're fine and healthy" Sungmin smile

"Thank you Sungmin, are you .... would be a place where Hyukjae can return anytime and anywhere "

"I am also very grateful to Yesung and Shindong hyung, you have to accept and maintain the excellent Donghae" Hyukjae say thanks. Yesung and Shindong just reply with a smile.

Because Donghae, Yesung and Shindong had to go to work, they left Hyukjae and Sungmin. Yesung told them to break. Hyukjae stared at Donghae who backs away, he wanted to bring Donghae back with him, stay with him and restore Donghae figure that he knows very cheerful and childish. But Hyukjae know this is a very difficult time to ask Donghae back with him. Not just because of Kyuhyun, but also because kibum. Hyukjae, the more difficult to get together with Donghae again.

Sungmin stared at Hyukjae worry, he came over and hugged him from behind. Whisper something to make his boyfriend quietly. Sungmin did not know, why Hyukjae be very worried, fear, anxiety and panic. Sungmin is his boyfriend, but if it is associated with the name 'Donghae', Hyukjae would be difficult to predictable. Sungmin remembering their conversation last night after Donghae get into the room after coming home. Hyukjae said that he began to feel worried and scared. Not because Kyuhyun, but because kibum. Sungmin did not know kibum, but he could guess kibum is a very influential person on a friendly relationship Donghae with Hyukjae.

Hyukjae told to Sungmin, that he is not afraid of Kyuhyun. any evil Kyuhyun to Donghae, Kyuhyun would never make the connection between Hyukjae and Donghae became distant. However, kibum. As good as any kibum, he was able to make an instant friendship Hyukjae and Donghae changed. Nothing is wrong, and it's not a bad thing. However, because Hyukjae was very fond donghae, he just afraid if Donghae will forget it and will never go back to him. Because, it's ever happened in the past.

For Hyukjae now, the big problem is the presence of Kim Ki Bum. Not in the presence of Cho Kyu Hyun.


Seoul Cafe

Donghae is busy delivering orders from one table to the other. Yesung and Shindong while busy in the kitchen preparing orders. Donghae is a very friendly waitress, he knows how to make customers feel comfortable coming. He always gives a sweet smile on all of its customers, so that customers will have a value well on your way donghae work.

Donghae want to go back to the kitchen, but someone tapped his shoulder. Donghae looked up and saw there Ryeo wook. wooky smile, Donghae wondered how a man funny and cute as wooky can be hit as strong as a few days ago. Wooky motioned for Donghae to follow him out the cafe. Once they are out, wooky provide an envelope for Donghae. Donghae did not understand, but he took it and view the contents of the envelope. There were six concert tickets.

"Kyuhyun, asking me to give you this ticket. came to the concert with others "

"There is one VVIP tickets, it's for you" wooky continue

"And five other tickets, for all your other friends. Ah, Kyuhyun wants to give two tickets to two of his friends, but he said to me, if it turns out two of his friends to stay with you at this time. so, two tickets there for them as well "

"Who do you mean?" Donghae don't understand

"If I'm not mistaken, Kyuhyun said that his name is Hyukjae and Sungmin. He contacted one of them, but they said that they've found you and now they are with you "wooky explained. Donghae smiled, he understood.

"Tell him, thank you. We will come "Donghae grateful. He could not deny that he was eager to see Kyuhyun as a pianist on stage.

"I hope you can keep your promise to come" sighed wooky


"If you don't come, Kyuhyun could escape on stage" wooky laugh

"I don't know for sure, what happened yesterday in between you and him. I panicked when it found a note in his apartment who said that he would go looking for you and take you away". Donghae just smiled

"Is he alright?" Donghae really want to know, because he's leaving Kyuhyun in a way a little rough yesterday.

"Do you think he's okay?" Wooky asked back. Donghae silent.

"He did not come back to his apartment. He said he was in his house, when I came, he looked gloomy and depressing. I often saw him crying silently in a single day. Painful to see him like that, but I can not deny that he had to be punished for what he did to you. But I was also his best friend, I'll stay by his side. No matter what happens "

"Thank you. I wish you could treat him well "Donghae pleaded. Then he left wooky, because they have to continue his work.

Ryeo Wook stared back Donghae who walked away. Every time see Donghae,  always remember kyuhyun. kyuhyun love to Donghae so great and sincere. exceed even love his self. If only Kyuhyun could establish a relationship with donghae with the right way, they will be the happiest couple. it's just that, Kyuhyun always make mistakes. he loves Donghae, but don't know how to protect and maintain one. The way he did it, just make Donghae hurt and go in the end.

"Kyuhyun, you're a genius in everything. You're just being an idiot to Donghae "wooky smile.



Concert on that day

Ryeo Wook met with Donghae and the other in the hallway. He was very happy to see a lot of his friends came to Kyuhyun. and that pleased him most was the arrival of Donghae, which makes the world a very sunny day. Wooky ask them to go into the hall and waited for the show to begin. Unless Donghae, Ryeo Wook asked Donghae to come with him for a while a time. Outside the hall, wooky asked donghae to meet Kyuhyun in backstage, wooky said that Kyuhyun looks very nervous and anxious for the first time. He begged to donghae see Kyuhyun. Donghae obedient, well acquainted with the intent Ryeo Wook.

Donghae opened the door back stage and saw Kyuhyun paused in front of a mirror. Wooky leaving Donghae, he knew they needed privacy. Donghae stepped in and approached Kyuhyun. Donghae did not say hello. He stood there for a minute, but kyuhyun seemed unaware of the donghae presence, he looks sad with blank stares like that. Donghae touched Kyuhyun's shoulder, and Kyuhyun looked shocked, he quickly stood up from his stool. Both of them looked at each other. Kyuhyun clenched his hands, he could not bear to hug Donghae, but he resisted because he knew it could not.

"Smile, kyu. All the people who come here want to see you smile. Not see you frown "Donghae smiled.

Damn, I miss that smile. Kyuhyun sighed to myself

"You should be happy" Donghae continued

"You're happy, Donghae?" Kyuhyun asked

"I'm very happy"

"I ....." Kyuhyun did not continue his words, when Donghae held out his hand. Kyuhyun did not understand, he just quietly waiting for Donghae say something.

"Kyuhyun, what do you want to be my friend?"


"I can't go back as a boyfriend. But, I can get back to you by way of 'friends'. So, do you wanna be my friend? "Donghae still smiling, though his heart was so devastated when told about it. Kyuhyun, extended his hand and accept offer of donghae friendship. He thinks, only in this way can be returned with Donghae, no problem. It's much better than being hated by the enemy

"I promise. I'm going to be a good friend to you "Donghae promised

What I still can hug you, Donghae. If we just friends?. Kyuhyun wondered

"You, can tell me anything, if I can help. I would have helped "

What I still can kiss you, Donghae. If we just friends?

(Kyuhyun just smiled)

"Forget everything that happened. We start the new day with a friend "Donghae continued. Kyuhyun just nodded. He does not want to talk, afraid that donghae will hear his voice may crack due to tightness in his hold.

"Kyuhyun, Fighting!!" Donghae said before he went out of the back stage.

Just Friends,

Just a friend,

My status is just a friend

(Kyuhyun clenched his fist, and hit the wall behind him. Blood flow there, it feels sore and very sick. But not at hand, Kyuhyun more feel pain and tenderness in his heart. Though his hand was injured)

Kangta who came and saw it, and was surprised to lecture Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun did not care about any kangta utterance. He knows, he's not supposed to be like this. He is a pianist, a few hours will be standing on stage to perform. But with the fingers of the wounded and covered in blood, is it possible he could survive. Kangta is very frustrating and can't stand, because Kyuhyun was silent.


"You don't have to worry, I will continue the concert" Kyuhyun step to go

"But your fingers hurt" kangta hold

"Even my fingers hurt and destroyed. I can survive, because the most painful wounds are my heart "Kyuhyun replied, walking away leaving kangta are confused and don't understand.

What actually happened to him? Kangta never found the answer.


Strains of fast-pitched song from the piano in the middle of the sound stage up to the corner of the hall throughout the show. Cho Kyu Hyun sat behind the piano, which injured ten fingers move swiftly over the keys, his head bowed, and his eyes closed to feel the sense of the tone of the song. His eyes remained closed until the last note he plays that song. All audience applause echoed throughout the hall. Kyuhyun glanced around the room and smiled. Then he told the whole audience that he would sing for the show that day, the applause was more excited. Suddenly the silence, when Kyuhyun started playing again with his piano and singing. As long as he sang, kyuhyun remembering all the memories with Donghae. Increasingly made ​​his heart explode, each time remembering donghae sayings far.

Within the whitely faded picture,
Atop the bookshelf of memory,
We were just faintly exchanging helloes
Comeback, but to the end I still couldn’t say it
And as the time flies by


"Why. We've been in a relationship for three years. But we never kissed. I know this is redundant, but I don’t think it wrong for me to expect "

"Kyuhyun, love is something that I feel. for you"

"I'm sad. I was sad to see your reaction. I'm your boyfriend, but, your reaction was, like as if I was a bad person who will you "

"who is more hurt. I'M ... I'M, NOT YOU !!! I love you Kyuhyun, more than anything. I always believed in you. Even to Hyukjae tell me about your relationship with Siwon. I don't believe, because I trust you. Although I always think of it, I always try to throw away the bad thoughts. Until the end ............. siwon recognizes all"

The memory fades away

Many seasons passed
And as we meet face to face
I still couldn’t say it

"I will go. This is the last time I say, I will go. I will never go back to you, will never see you again. I'll disappear from your sight. It was all the best for us "

"I'm mad at you. I hate you, but I still love you ".

"You are the children of the rich. Very rich. An heir. As for me, I'm just a poor boy who lost both parents. Life always stay at hyukjae home, don't have much money and stupid. I'm afraid to think about the differences between us. What if your parents don't like me. He does not expect his son might be gay, let alone fall in love with a poor man like me. I'm really scared "

The coldhearted man is crying
At our parting, even he’s crying
All that’s left are cuts
From the faded memory-window fragments


"My father left me when I was 6 years old. My mother, leave me when I was 8 years old, my brother had an accident and left me when I was 9 years old. Since that time, I lived with Hyukjae. When Hyukjae along with Siwon, he let me go. When I met you, I think I finally have someone to accompany the rest of my life. Now, do you want to go "

The pure blue sky
The rigid lips cry
As I shout how much I miss you
The string of fate tangled at lingering feelings
Remains tangled
Then it buries itself once again

The suffering heart couldn’t hold back any longer
And it’s chasing after your distant figure


"God, I've always wanted to spend every second with him. You write words like this in my diary. All of it ...... LIE "

The coldhearted man is crying
At our parting, even he’s crying
All that’s left are cuts
From the faded memory-window fragments
Oh Stay~ stay again (oh stay~ stay again)

"I don't need your help. I worked two years for the money as much as possible to restore everything. Money, Self-esteem, attention, affection, and love. I want to restore everything. Even if it could, I wanted to throw in my heart that you've bought, so I could pay off all my debt to you, Mr. Cho Kyu Hyun "

"If I say, I've Become a e, do you still want to come back to me?"

"If I say, I pay off the debt by working as a e. Do you still want to come back to me? "

The coldhearted man is crying
At our parting, even he’s crying
The time within tears cut apart
From the faded memory-window fragments
I’ll tie them together once again
To tie, to tie


"Kibum, he is my boyfriend now"

"Maybe, I could not get back with you as a boyfriend. But, I can get back with you as a friend "

You wouldn’t know, the tears of broken boy
The tired sighs circling around you, so you can’t stand it
I will send our tangled memories
That has been tightening around the throat venomously, to the saddened sky


"I promise. I'm going to be a good friend to you "

(After Kyuhyun finished singing. He only heard the sound of applause echoed in the hall. Eyes then look at just one person, who stood up, smiled and applauded. Kyuhyun could see clearly, when Donghae muttered 'you're great'. And Kyuhyun smile)



Preview Chapter 15

"It is a feast for the successful concert, for our new friendship, and for our separation. I will go, and will not return to Korea "- Kyuhyun

"If I was Lee Dong Hae, I will choose Kibum. But, If I was Lee Hyuk Jae, I would choose Kyuhyun "- Hyukjae

"Why? every time I go away from you. I always come back to you. But, why? every time you go, you never go back again. In the end, I always bring you back to me. Why Kyuhyun? "- Donghae

"I find Donghae pain on the highway. when I approached him, I was surprised to see he was covered in blood. His face was covered with wounds and bruises. Apparently, there are those who pierced him "- Changmin

"Ryeo Wook, I've killed someone with my hands" – Kyuhyun


A/n : I have not been to thank all the readers and new readers. Thank you remedy loyal readers still here with me. Because of you I can continue this fanfic. and I want to thank you for the new readers who have joined here ^ ^. And the most important is to always provide the reader comments, which I can not mention one by one. Much obliged.

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veera104 #1
Chapter 15: I've read this fic in bahasa couple days ago and now i'm here! Looking for the sequel~ xD this is awesome auhthor-nim! Great job!
Chapter 15: woah! The ending was o_O How could Kyu do that?!

Interesting plot! So angsty.. Gotta read the sequel! :)

Spread the KyuHae love<3
Chapter 15: oh its ended already huhu..but so glad that u make the sequel..
now imma wait for the first update for the sequel ^^
Chapter 14: I hope Kyuhyun won't easily to get Donghae's love again. He should pay as much as he do..
He has hurting hae's heart too much.
and hae forgive him so easy..

And this is a nightmare if Donghae would be victims again by all people around Kyuhyun..

Poor Donghae but lucky Kyu...
lindasu #5
I'm glad tat Donghae moved on with his life. Its Kyu's fault for dumping Hae twice & all the suffering he has to go tru. So now he has to suffer in silence for not getting Donghae again!!
Chapter 14: Did Kyu kill Hae next chapter?..
Or Siwon hurt Hae and Kyu kill Siwon?..
Whatever it is, why is this so angst?
Chapter 14: "sigh............its too painful...kyu and hae...why why...
im glad that everytime u update it will be a long one...hopefully kyuhae will get together again sooner...thank kyu for the update and update soon neeee ^^
Hi im new readder here
i i didn't redr chap 1-4, coz i knew it was full of my baby tears...
I hate cheat coz make something smeels so cheap
and kyuhyun's reason , why he does not make a skinship with donghae, no kiss and ,,,that so unreasonable..

Kiss and making love not will be an habit if u do with comitmen and trust in love, skinship is an affection, shows how much you love your couple,,Love is not only says by mouth but also touch and skinship..

except if Kyuhyun only want to touch hae just even they are getting married, but that not the right reason for CHEATING.

How come, he touch someone eles when he says doesn't love him, but in the end he touch Donghae,,,whats the different?
I knew he touching donghae, coz now donghae was know Kyuhyun love him that much, Donghae kinda too weak traped by stupid love, ( i hope everyone should not be like him do, thats wrong)..

ya, though was jus Kyuhyun's pas stupidty. Luckyly he did it to poor Donghae,

and Then, Kyuhyun Doing something STUPID again, he leaves Donghae to cough his dream, why he does not told Donghae the truth and Build their dream 2gether? Donghae always chear up him, rite?

and now for the last chap, i hope the author will not make Donghae so easy to give Kyuhyun forgiveness, Kyuhyun Should pay Donghae's tears soo much. and don't makes donghae too stupid just becouse of his love. Love is not anything if u get brokenhurt everytime.

Jiayo Author,
Chapter 13: i wish that...nobody involved in kyuhae relationship though..they need to solved it by their own..but kyu kidnap hae is the best thing maybe kkk...thank kyu for the update ^^