Love at First Sight- Part 2

My Handsome Princess and Other Minber Short Stories


Four days have passed since the accident and honestly, it's been really hard for me to adjust to my new condition... During the last few days,  I practically had to feel my way around and I really needed help whenever I had to do something... Good thing my mom and my friends are always there to help me... The doctor also told me that I should start practicing how to walk without anyone helping me. At first, it seemed hard because I had to feel my way through the corridors and lobbies but I soon got the hang of it...






"Excuse me, sir. Do you need help?" Someone asked. I followed the sound of her voice and turned to my left.





"Uhm... not really..." I answered.





"Are you sure, sir? I can help you if you want... Where do you want to go?" She asked me again. She's really persistent... How can I reach- wait a minute... I thought. I don't even know where I'm going...





I stopped walking and stood there for a while.





"Uh, miss? Do you know a place where I could sit down and relax for a bit?" I asked her. I definitely need to give myself a break after walking around the hospital...




"A place where you could sit down and rest? Hmmm... She paused for a bit and suddenly snapped her finger.Yes!" She exclaimed.


"You could try the hospital park, sir. It's a really relaxing in there and I'm sure you'll love it. Here, let me lead you. " She held my hand and we slowly walked forward... 





After ten minutes, we finally reached the park... I could feel the breeze on my cheek and hear the kids laughing as they play... I wish I could see them... I wish I could see how happy everyone is in this place~




"Sir? Are you okay?" She asked. I didn't notice that she was still beside me... 




"Yeah, I am. You can just leave me here, I'll be fine~" I smiled. "Thankyou for bringing me here miss...?"




"Krystal. My name is Nurse Krystal Jung." She replied. "Are you sure you'll be fine in here, sir? I could ask someone to watch over you if you want-"




"No, it's okay." I said as I eased myself unto a bench. "I'll be fine."




"If you insist~" She said. "I'll be leaving then. Take care, sir!"




"Thans a lot, Krystal." I said as I waved my hand.




A few minutes have passed and I'm still here. sitting.thinking about my future. so, what now? I asked myself. What do you want to do, Minho? What's gonna happen to your life? Your job? Your dream to become the world's best painter? What are you going to do if your eyesight will not be restored? What if they can't find a donor? What will happen to you?









"Uhm, is this seat taken?" I flinched as someone spoke from behind me: It was a girl's voice.






"No, it's not." I replied.






"Mind if I sit with you?" She asked. Well, It wouldn't hurt to let her sit beside me... I thought.





I moved a bit to my left and felt her sit beside me and we stayed in that position for quite some time.There was silence between us and it felt kinda weird because I don't know if I should speak or not. Finally, I decided to talk to her...









"Uhm,What's your name?"/"Hi." We spoke at the same time. I smiled when I heard her giggle. "Sorry." We both said at the same time again which sent the both of us into a round of laughter. It's the first time I felt this happy ever since the accident~ I said to myself... She's the only one who was able to cheer me up like this. Even if I didn't know her name, I felt comfortable being around her.







"The park's beautiful, isn't it?" She said.




"I think~" I answered in a low voice. "Honestly, I really wouldn't know because I can't see it."




"Huh?" She exclaimed. "What are you saying? Your eyes are open yet you can't see anything? Are you blind or something?" She chuckled.




"Actually, I am." I replied and she stopped chuckling... 





"Oh... I'm, I'm really sorry. I didn't know." She stuttered.




"That's okay." I replied. "No big deal."




"You know what, you don't really need eyes to see..." Her voice trailed off as I thought about what she said. 




"That's easy for you to say..." I said with a sarcastic chuckle. "Because you don't know how hard it is to live a life in total darkness. You don't know the feeling of not being able to see things. You don't know how hard it is for me to adjust to the darkness when I was so used to living my life in the light. You never experienced all of these that's why it's so easy for you to say that." I said grimly. It's true. She doesn't know how it feels to be visually impaired. She doesn't know anything about my situation. Heck, she doesn't even know me!







"You're right." She answered after a moment of silence.  "I don't know how it feels to be blind. But I know that being blind is not a hindrance for one to be happy."





"There are some things that only the heart can see like true friendship, sincerity and love... and most of the time, what the heart sees matters so much more that what our eyes see. It's often the important and valuable parts of life that we often miss when we rely on what we can see with our eyes because the eyes can choose what they would like to see but the heart knows what is real. Even if you have a 20/20 vision, you will never see the best things in life unless you learn how to see things with your heart." Those words echoed inside my  head and I realized that she was definitely right. I have been so busy fussing over the loss of my sight that I literally lost sight of the things that mattered most. 





"Hey, are you okay?" She asked probably after noticing that I was dumbfounded by what she just said.





"Yeah." I responded. "It's just that, I realized that you're right... Thank you."





"Well, I think you shouldn't be thanking me. I got those lines from a drama series that aired last year. So don't thank me too much~" She chuckled and we both burst into laughter





"Well you really made me believe that you made those lines up by yourself..." I confessed while I held my stomach which started the ache after all the laughing. 





"I know right? You looked totally guilty after I said those stuff. The look on your face was priceless!"  She said as we laughed our hearts out...







Pretty soon, we were talking with each other like we've known each other for a really long time. We introduced ourselves to each other and started talking about random stuff. It seemed like she would never run out of things to talk about. She was bubbly and very cheerful. She has this 4-D way of seeing things and I can't help but laugh at every joke she cracks. She expresses her thoughts and her ideas in a vivid manner and she speaks her mind. She's really fun and comfortable to be with.





During the whole time that we were together, I felt like I was normal. She didn't make me feel like I was blind. She tries her best to treat me like a normal person and I appreciate that. While she was filling me in on how beautiful the park looks like, our conversation was interrupted by four voices which were very familiar to me...






"Hey, Minho! What are you doing there?"





"We've been looking everywhere for you man!"





"How did you get here?"





"Uhm... Minho? Who is she?"






I turned around and smiled at them. It was Onew, Jonghyun, Key and Taemin... I felt them come closer to where my newfound friend and I were sitting...




"Hey guys!" I said as stood up to shake hands with my friends...




"Uhm, Minho, I think I'll have to leave first." My newfound friend said. I felt her stand up from the bench where we both were sitting... I was about to stop her when Jonghyun spoke...





"Wait. Let us introduce ourselves first." Jonghyun said. "I'm Jonghyun."




"I'm Key."




"I'm Onew."





"And I'm Taemin." They all introduced themselves to her. 






"Nice to meet you all." She said. "My name is Amber Liu but you can just call me Amber."





Okay, before you guys throw your knives and pitchforks at me, let me say SORRY FOR THE SUPER DUPER ULTRA MEGA LATE UPLOAD!!! I know I should've updated this weeks ago but my laptop was broken so I had to use my mobile to upload but I found out that it was soooo hard to type with a teeny tiny screen (I'm using a samsung galaxy y) but just yesterday, my laptop got fixed so I hurriedly typed this (which explains the errors) so there.:D Hopeyou guys understand and bear with me~ T^T


Thanks for reading guys!!! *hugs* thankyou so much for commenting on the previous updates~ <3 that's all for now, goodbye! :D

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Mendesgomes #1
Chapter 9: You made me cry then you put a twist in the end thanks for that ☺️
Chapter 4: I just found this minber one shots I love it, it's really rare for me to find minber stores which is good to read I hope you'll make new stories (which I hope still with amber) I really love it :)
chagunseunghyun #3
Chapter 9: It's worth the wait. I would love and be really glad if there would be a part2. Thanks for the wonderful chap author-nim!
xxcindyxx1 #4
Chapter 9: ah seriously making me cry :( i loved it! sort of life she was reincarnated into minhos life :)
annenaz #5
Chapter 9: Authornim~~you make me crying..i was about not wanting to finish your story...its really makes my heart ache...but then, the last part makes me love your story more and eagerly for the next story...oh authornim, you are a great author...;-) please make more minber..
Chapter 9: TT.TT u make me crying a river in the middle of the night... I believed tomorrow my eyes gonna be swallen like an egg! Its all b'coz of u... But THANK YOU SO MUCH... For the ending! Gosh.. Its just a miracle from u author-nim... I don't mind u being a troll coz,the result is just so adorableeeeeeeee.e huuuhh.. I felt so relieve right nowwwwwww... I almost hated u for making amber died here... But, I love youuuuuuuuu NOW ;* #FlyingKisses
Chapter 8: I love this story & I LOVE KRISBER
xxcindyxx1 #8
Chapter 7: OH MY GOSH! I have a feeling that Amber is the donor. Poor Minho, and amber.
justmeyay #9
Chapter 7: A few weeks is more than enough ,when the walk in your life........
justmeyay #10
Chapter 7: No way i think amber is the donor....bwell minho is going to beable to see agin and he will takecare of amber ryt!!!!!