
These white clothes stained red






Think of something, think of something, THINK OF SOMETHING!  Leeteuk thought putting his hands to his head. His back was against the wall as far away from the door as possible. Outside the door was a commotion of paniced members, Kangin who was even threatening to burst through the door. 
"Just go!" Sungmins voice was loud among the other members and suddenly everything was silent. Leeteuk  wasn't sure what to expect, he didn't want s to find out he had been harming himself, what would they think of him?.
"Leeteuk hyung?" Ryeowooks small voice broke the silence.
"Ryeowook....are you the only one there?" Leeteuk asked 
"I'm here as well hyung, the other members are gone" Sungmin spoke up 
"Oh...." Leeteuk muttered 
"Hyung i'm sorry, did i hurt you?" Ryeowook asked nervously 
"No, don't worry" Leeteuk answered looking down at his arm.
"Leeteuk hyung if your hurt, let us help you" Sungmin said in a serious and desperate tone.
If only you could.... Leeteuk thought biting back tears that threatened to escape.
"You just opened up an old injury, you know I've always been bad at cooking" Leeteuk answered hoping they would believe the lie. 
"Really?" Ryeowook sounded like he really believed it 
"hyung lets go home, ok?" Sungmin said in an inviting voice. Leeteuk sighed getting to his feet and unlocking the door. He was greeted immediately by the two members worried faces. 
By the time the three got home all the other members had gone to bed. Leeteuk himself was exhausted. He hadn't eaten all day and he hadn't slept for days. Sungmin instructed Ryeowook to go to bed before leading the leader to the kitchen. He sat him down at the table before finding the medical kit. Leeteuk wasn't even able to fight back when Sungmin gently rolled up the sleeve of the leaders hoodie. He was barely conscious. 
"L-Leeteuk, you should have...talked, to me" Sungmin stammered when he saw the cuts lining up the leaders arm, some scars and others like the still bleeding one were fresh. Leeteuk however didn't answer, he just swayed lightly while Sungmin  bandaged his arm. 
Sungmin guided Leeteuk towards his room making sure he didn't faint before he got there. He lay the leader down before pulling the blankets over him. 
"I'm... I'm so tired....." Leeteuk muttered quietly before Sungmin could leave the room.
"I know hyung...." Sungmin said quietly "Get some sleep" He turned the light off leaving the leader in the darkness of his room. It wasn't long before he was asleep, this time Sungmin didn't sleep very well. He truly felt guilty that he hadn't realized sooner that Leeteuk was suffering. All he new was he was going to speak with the members the next morning, there was no point in waking everyone up now. With a heavy sigh Sungmin finally fell asleep.
The next day Leeteuk wasnt woken up for schedules, the members left him to rest. Sungmin had explained that he was simply unwell and didn't mention his cutting habits. The other members felt that Sungmin was still hiding something from them, however they decided to trust him. Sungmin was a leader too, he was made leader of Super Junior M and even though he wasn't as old as some other the members outside of the sub group, they still held respect for him.
Sungmin was about to leave for his schedules when a familiar figure appeared in the hallway. 
"Sungmin....what time is it?" Leeteuk asked drowsily 
"Leeteuk hyung, you should be sleeping" Sungmin put his bag down to guide the leader back to his room but the older refused.
"I have schedules Sungmin" He said pushing past the member already dressed. 
"Leeteuk, you need to rest" Sungmin grabbed onto his arm in an effort to pull him back "Or at least talk to me about those" He motioned to the bandage on Leeteuks arm. 
"Goodbye Sungmin" Leeteuk said in a stern tone pulling his arm free and leaving the dorm. Sungmin looked on with eyes full of worry. He was unable to control what his hyung did, after all Leeteuk was the one who normally led them. 
I cant even remember what happened last night, did I say something? Sungmin obviously knows about the cuts. He must have been the one who bandaged them, what about the other members? Please tell me they don't know! Leeteuk thought as he sat in the car, the first schedule he had was an interview. He hoped he would be able to hold strong through it before the need to cut returned.

Ugh sorry this was late and its not very long X_X i have a friend staying at the moment so i havnt had the chance to write anything, Enjoy the chapter, i will try to get the next one out as soon as possible. Thank you for reading :D

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Annroy89 #1
Chapter 4: Love the emotions and confusion that were brought out so well by your writing :)
Annroy89 #2
Chapter 4: Love the emotions and confusion that were brought out so well by your writing :)
Chapter 5: I would have liked the ending a biiit longer but this was good, I liked it
Chapter 1: It was good, on to the other chapters!!
Chapter 5: I had this really weird expression whilst reading this apparently lol
The ending was so cute ><
dyemolink1 #6
Chapter 5: You should make more stories of exo lay or leeteuk having depression I really enjoyed it once not a lot of people write about them having depression because they look so carefree I wish you can make it longer and you are a great writer I promise you
Swiftwind #7
Chapter 5: Ahhh, this was a sad story, I love the angst, it made me tear up. The members really care for Leeteuk.:) Thank you for the story:)
newtokpop09 #8
Chapter 5: Ah Daebak<3
looshyhooshy #9
Chapter 5: I liked it ^^