
These white clothes stained red


Leeteuk was an exhausted leader, Nothing more....nothing less.
Maybe it was his extremely busy schedules, or maybe it was his long talks with both s and members from other groups. It could be his constant worry for Super Junior, It might be his fear of the day they all disband. One thing was for sure however, it wasn't his emotions. Nope, Leeteuk had lost those a long time ago along with feeling. 
Leeteuk was known for his addiction to white, he loved white clothing or generally anything white. It irritated him when his clothing became dirtied, only one thing was allowed to dirty his clothing. That was red, the colour of his emotions.
Leeteuk lay staring at the ceiling of his room. He was the only one in the dorm that didn't share a bedroom with anyone. He didn't know how many hours he had been looking at what he made out to be the ceiling in the darkness, but a loud sound let him know it was time for schedules. 
The leader rose up turning off his alarm like he usually did before stepping out of his room. He made sure to switch on a light, it was a good idea too. Donghae had a habit of leaving a stray shoe here or there. 
The man opened the first door entering EunHaes room, the two boys as usual were sharing one of the single beds. Donghae was back hugging his anchovy like his life depended on it, it may have with the angle he was laying. Slowly by surely Leeteuk put a hand on the back of Donghaes head so he wouldn't fall backwards onto the ground when he was woken up. 
"Donghae...Eunhyuk" Leeteuk said in a soft tone, he was answered with no reply "Donghae, Eunhyuk" Leeteuk spoke with a slightly stronger tone, this time Donghae opened his eyes and slumped up with a sleepy sigh. 
"Hyung....What time is it?" He asked 
"Its 5am, what time did you two get to sleep last night?" Leeteuk asked looking the tired boy over, Eunhyuk seemed unconscious at this stage. Even the members talking wouldnt make him flinch at all. 
"2am, me and hyukkie wanted to order in food, and then Kyuhyun held us up by playing games in the other room" Donghae answered giving his Hyuk a hardy shove, normally someone would do it softly but that wouldn't work for someone like Eunhyuk. 
The boy suddenly sat up with a groan and Donghae put his arm around him to stop him from laying down again. 
"Morning..." Eunhyuk muttered with a yawn, he seemed half asleep. 
"You two get washed up for breakfast, Ryeowook is probably cooking by now and Kyuhyun.....well.....I never really know what hes doing" Leeteuk muttered with a frown, the other two members laughed and normally Leeteuk would as well but he didn't this time. 
Eunhae ignored their silent leader giving him a nod before wondering out of the room at the mention of food. Leeteuk too left the room and went to wake up Kyuhyun, by now all the members were getting up but the sleepy Kyuhyun who had been playing games all night.... Lets just say Leeteuk had a lot of experience with him. 
The older boy stepped into the room to find Kyuhyun nowhere in sight Thats funny....hes up already? thats not GameKyu He thought scratching his head and letting out a sigh. 
"BOOM!" Kyuhyun shouted as he sprayed water from a small water pistol he had used when the group had last gone on holiday. Leeteuk flinched at the sudden feeling of the cool liquid but did not respond. Kyuhyun was laughing like a little kid until he realized Leeteuk wasnt bursting into one of his lectures about respect. "Guess the magnae finally took down the leader" He provoked to try and get any response out of his hyung but still he got nothing. A cold silence filled the room and the two stood frozen. 
"Kyuhyun....go wash up and get ready with the others, ok?" Leeteuk said in usual tone before passing the magnae. Kyuhyun was stunned, he had never seen the leader with such a lifeless expression especially after a prank, It took the fun out of it. Kyuhyun frowned What is up with him anyway? He went on questioning as he left the room and followed Leeteuk. 
"Hyungs! I made your favorites!" Ryeowook said joyfully as he began to put plates on the table. The members were gathered around like wolves, drooling and struggling to get first pick at the meal. Ryeowook of course just stood back admiring his work and the faces of those he cared about. 
I don't feel like eating today.... Leeteuk was only able to stomach a mouthful of soup before an ill expression broke out on his face. He had been like this for days, the sudden lack of food made him prone to dizzy spells, he looked thinner as well. Last time they went to a photo shoot he had to hide slightly behind the other members to block his thin waist.
He had luckily escaped before s were able to notice but slowly they were closing in. Each one had seen how lifeless his eyes were, how instead of being the natural MC on shows, he became silent and often awkward. He would say things that brought everyone down such as "Whats the point" and "Do whatever you want, it doesn't matter to me...". Leeteuk would still become a shoulder to lean on and often solved arguments. If you didn't see his face you would think nothing was wrong with him. 
However....those eyes....they told the truth.....

Im not sure if it was good or not but i hope to write some more :) Enjoy ^-^


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Annroy89 #1
Chapter 4: Love the emotions and confusion that were brought out so well by your writing :)
Annroy89 #2
Chapter 4: Love the emotions and confusion that were brought out so well by your writing :)
Chapter 5: I would have liked the ending a biiit longer but this was good, I liked it
Chapter 1: It was good, on to the other chapters!!
Chapter 5: I had this really weird expression whilst reading this apparently lol
The ending was so cute ><
dyemolink1 #6
Chapter 5: You should make more stories of exo lay or leeteuk having depression I really enjoyed it once not a lot of people write about them having depression because they look so carefree I wish you can make it longer and you are a great writer I promise you
Swiftwind #7
Chapter 5: Ahhh, this was a sad story, I love the angst, it made me tear up. The members really care for Leeteuk.:) Thank you for the story:)
newtokpop09 #8
Chapter 5: Ah Daebak<3
looshyhooshy #9
Chapter 5: I liked it ^^