Episode 4. Tension

Hey Mintytv Feat. Dong Bang Shin Ki HIATUS

Episode 4

Minty is at a lobby with dbsk, they all sitting in a U formation. A reporter is interviewing them and taking down notes for her.

Reporter: How does it feel to live with 5 other guys, much less, 5 hot guys?
Minty: (Laughs.) Um at first, I was nervous but after meeting them and staying with them for 2 days, they're not bad. They're actually way cautious and very caring. So I think its really fun living with them so far.
Reporter: It seems like the boys get along with you. (Smiles.)
Changmin: We try. (Sighs dramatically.)
Jaejoong: She's strange though. Sometimes she can be so manly. But all those times are not filmed when the camera crew is there.
Changmin: Oh! I'm not the only one that notices!
Yunho: Minty-sshi is so cute though! (Exclaimed and ruffles her hair.)
Minty: (Smiles up at Yunho with a shy expression.)
Changmin: Anniyo! She eats like me! She's a monster! (Dramatically says.)
Junsu: (Cracks up.) But she's polite when she eats!
Jaejoong: She eats my food very well.
Minty: Jaejoong sunbae always makes delicious food so I eat well. Sometimes I get so stuffed that I force myself to finish the food because I don't want to disappoint Jaejoong sunbae.
Yoochun: (Laughs.) You always finish it though!
Junsu: But she takes a long time to eat.
Yunho: She's a good girl. She takes care of herself very well and doesn't make us worry for her. (Squeezes her shoulder for comfort.)

Reporter: Wow, seems like you're very comfortable with the boys. (Writes some notes down.)
Minty: (Glances at the guys with a fake smile. She chuckled nervously.)
Changmin: If I was younger than her, I would call her hyung! (Laughed.)
Everyone bursts into laughter. Minty chuckles and fiddles with her fingers.)

Reporter: Minty-sshi. Since you live with so many guys, do you have an ideal type of boyfriend?
Minty: Uh... I've never dated, so I don't know what qualities to look for. (Pauses to think.)
Changmin: Is it because all the guys thought you were just like them? (Jokes.)
Jaejoong: Wouldn't that mean she had lots of male friends!?
Yunho: Yah, don't interrupt. (Wags his finger at Changmin and Jaejoong.)
Changmin& Jaejoong: (Snickers.) Chesunghamnida.
Minty: My ideal boyfriend would be someone who is funny and can make me smile. He has to be caring and understanding. He has to be someone I really admire and look up to. (Nods and smiles to the camera sincerely.)
Reporter: Those are all good qualities! (Claps.)

Reporter: In the future, will you be joining DBSK in their events and for promotion?
Minty: We do have some activities together but it's not official but hopefully I can see my sunbaes more often.

Reporter: I see, well the interview is coming close to an end. I have one more question for you. Which idol or idol groups do you really want to do a project together with?
Minty: Uh... hmmm... does it have to be within the same company?
Reporter: Nope. I was hoping it was someone or group from other companies.
Minty: Uh... then I would really love to do a project with Big Bang. (Smiles and nods.)
Reporter: Why Big Bang? (Records the notes and answers.)
Minty: Big Bang is a very amazing group. I love their songs and they're always so energetic when they perform, every time I see them I get excited and they're all so talented! I would really love an opportunity to work with such a talented and handsome group. (Giggles and smiles brightly.)
Reporter: Yeh, indeed they are very talented and very hardworking. I see you're a fangirl yourself. (Laughs.)
Minty: (Blushes and giggles.)
Reporter: Alright, that's a wrap. Thank you Minty-sshi for accepting this interview. Thank you Dong Bang Shin Ki for another wonderful interview. I'm looking forward to working with everyone again. Thank you. (Stands up and bows and dbsk and Minty bow too.)

Back at the house.
Junsu: (Plops down on the couch.) Aigoo, today has been so hard.
Yunho: You lazy , get up and get ready for our next schedule. We're going to a fan meeting! (Scolds him.)
Minty: I'm all set Yunho Oppa.
Jaejoong: Wae? Are you coming too?
Minty: Yeah, it's a joint fan meeting.
Yoochun: Oh this will be fun! (Claps his hand.)
Yunho: Anyone who needs to use the bathroom better go now.
(Changmin and Junsu rushes to the bathroom.)
Yunho: (Sits down and Minty sits beside him on the couch.) Hey kiddo, good job at the interview. Your first interview and you looked so professional. (Praises.)
Minty: Chincha? (Nods but forces out a smile.)
Yunho: You were so adorable! (Pinches her cheek.)

(Junsu and Changmin come out of the bathroom the same time.)
Yoochun: You two went at the same time!?
Jaejoong: That's disgusting. (Shakes his head.)
Junsu: We didn't do anything!
Minty: (Turns the camera.) Uh right now, we're going to head to the joint fan meeting. I'm excited to attend. This will be my first joint meeting! I'm so excited! I wonder if there will be fans! Awh, it's going to be so embarrassing if no one recognizes me and just ignores me. (Worries.)
Kenchana, even if I don't sign anything today, I still get to watch!

"Positive and modest idol!" Words that scroll on the bottom.
At the fan meeting.

The five boys are seated in a row, the table they sat at was decorated all fancy and elegant even for a fan signing.

Minty: (Looks at the camera.) Omo, so many fans! They're so excited and oh my god they make me smile! (Points to the crowd.) Look so cuteee and they have oppa's merchandise.

The camera films the whole crowd, moving slowly from left to right to capture each detail.

Minty: (Watches as fans slowly make their way up the stairs to start the fan signing.) Yunho oppa...(Whispers to the leader that sat next to her.)
Yunho: (Looks over.) Yeah?
Minty: I'm nervous... what if no one wants me to sign?
Yunho: (Chuckles.) Aigoo our little star is nervous! (Ruffles her hair.)
Minty: Ah! (Holds her head.) Noo! Stylist unnies are going to be so mad at you. (Pouts her lips.)
Yunho: Don't worry, Jaejoong once didn't have a single fan go up to him. And look at him now! (Laughs.)
Minty: Chincha? (Looks at the camera.) You caught that right. Jaejoong oppa had no one going up to him for signing!! (Excited...then her smile turns to a frown.) Maybe it was because they were too afraid to...
Yunho: I don't know. But the important thing is, you will have fans. Trust me you'll get at least 10 fans to ask for your autograph.
Minty: Hmm... we'll see. (Giggles.)

Minty was watching as cute little fans, younger than her ask for their signatures. Although some has past her without even recognizing her, she didn't feel bad. A smile was kept on her face, beautifully and sincerely. Her manager would talk to her and keep her entertained during the first few people and she was going to go get a drink when someone came up to her.

Fangirl #9: Hi! (Timidly.) Are you signing today?
Minty: (Gasps.) Omo! Yes!!
Fangirl #9: Can you sign my picture? (She shows Minty a printer printed photo of her.)
Minty: Oh my god! (English.) Yesssss! (Excitedly pumps her fist in the air.)
Yunho: I told you! (Ruffles her hair.)
Fangirl #9: (Smiles so brightly.)
Minty: (Signs the girl's picture.)

After the girl a lot more fans asked for Minty's autograph. She was dying of happiness. The fans were all squealing and sending her their love. She hugged a lot of fans and took pictures with a lot of fans. Yunho was right, but more than 10 friends asked for her autograph. She didn't know she had so much fans!

Back at the dorm.
Minty was exhausted. She never knew such excitement could easily tire her out.

Minty: Aigoo! That was so much fun! I'm so tired now! (Stretches her arms. The other guys slowly join Minty in the living room. All the camera point to the idol group in different angles.)
Yunho: Good job today everyone! The fans were terrific!
Minty: Obviously expected from Cassiopeia! They're so cute and well-behaved.
Yunho: Mm! A little star has also gotten to sign more than a few autographs too! (Rests his arm around Minty.)
Junsu: Wow! Chincha! I'm so tired!! (Squeals in a dolphin like manner.)
Yoochun: (Plops on the couch.) I'm sweating. Wow, there were a lot of people there!
Changmin: I'm hungry!
Jaejoong: The weather is nice today! Wow, there was so many fans supporting us! Kamsahamnida!
Yunho: Yah, our little star, Yunri-ah, got to sign for a lot of fans today! (Proudly beams.)
Minty: (Giggles and smiles brightly.)
Jaejoong: Chincha!? That's good!
Minty: They were so nice and sweet! I was so close to crying!
Jaejoong: Omo! I was so surprised when I saw fans walking up to you!
Minty: (Smiley face turns into a confused face.) Wae?
Jaejoong: I didn't think they recognize you! You haven't debuted yet and I thought they were going to make trouble. I didn't think you would have fans that recognize you or wanted signatures, just like my first time. I was really heartbroken then. (Sighs.)
Minty: (Her face dulls and her head unconsciously lowers.)
Changmin: I thought they thought she was one of our siblings or relative or something. (Laughs.)
Junsu: But I'm proud of her! She got so many signatures, her hand is probably cramping! (Giggles.)
Yoochun: It would have been embarrassing if they ignored her like she wasn't there. (Nods.)
Changmin: Yeah, but she was in make up and her outfit was glamorous so they probably thought she was the stylist unnie.
Minty: How can I be an unnie!? I'm younger than you! Plus we are siblings!
Changmin: AHA! Why would I want a dongseng like you! You can never beat the Min Master! I will always be smarter than you! (Teases.)
Jaejoong: It kinda that she didn't even get a poster.
Minty: (Eyes well up.)
Yunho: Yeah, maybe next time. Maybe they forgot or ran out of time. (Hugs her.) They will probably prepare next time.
Jaejoong: (Pokes Minty's cheek.) Next time, it'll be hard to see if fans actually go to see her. (Teases her.)
Minty: (Slaps Jaejoong's hand away and pulls out of Yunho's embrace.)

Time seemed to pause for a second because everyone froze from the sudden tension. Jaejoong's hand was pulled away in shock. Yunho stood there confused, staring at Minty's back.

Minty: Is it funny? (Sternly asks.) Is it funny to torture me like that!? (Shouts.) You guys are too much. (Coldly says.) Does it amuse you to say things like that to me? (Sniff.)

Yunho: (Reaches out and touches her shoulder.) Yunri-ah, what's wrong?
Minty: (Shook her shoulder away from his hand.) You guys are too much! Does it make you feel better to hurt me this way!? (Cries, tears stream down her pretty make-up face.)
Jaejoong: Y-yunri-ah...
Minty: I can't do this anymore! I... I don't want to stay here. I want to go home! I can't stay here like this! (Shouts and cries. She wipes her tears away and runs to her room leaving the guys all confused and distraught. A single cameraman follows into her room. After the man goes in, she slams the door.)
Yunho: (Turns to the guys.) Was it necessary!? (Shouts.) You guys know better than to say those words to someone who hasn't even debuted yet! You guys know the pressure that she has and the stress she is carrying. Judging from her personality she probably keeps everything to herself. (Lectures and turns to Jaejoong.)
Yunho: You're the oldest here, shouldn't you know the mature ways? Do you think it will feel good to know that other people don't think she has fans?
Jaejoong: Yunho-ah, you know that's not what I meant. (Defends himself.)
Yunho: But does Yunri-ah know? (Turns to Changmin.) Yah Changmin, why do you always have to embarrass her and insult her!? She perfectly fine the way she is! We're on tv. This affects the way people will look at her! (Turns to the whole group.) Does it make sense for us Sunbaes to not help and look after our hoobaes!? We're suppose to help her and train her.

Changmin: Hyung... chesunghamnida. I wasn't thinking. I just was teasing her and playing around. I didn't think she would take it seriously. (Lowers head.)
Jaejoong: Me too hyung, chesunghamnida! I shouldn't have said all of that. (Sincerely apologizes with Changmin.)
Junsu: (Tense and speechless. He is sitting beside Yoochun, watching and clueless as to what to do next.) Hyung, we'll treat her better.
Yoochun: We're take good care of her. But what should we do.
Junsu: (Guilty face even if he didn't do anything. His eyes starts to tear up.)
Yoochun: Junsu-yah... are you crying? (Worried.)
Junsu: (Everyone watches him but he shakes his head even if the tip of his nose was pink.) No... but Yunri was crying... I feel so bad. What should we do hyung!! (Whines.)
Yunho: I'll talk to her first... (Goes to Yunri's room and the rest follows.)

In Minty's room while Yunho was lecturing the group.
Minty: (Collapses on the bed and wipes her eyes of tears and sniffs. She sits up and groans. Looks at the cameraman and camera.) Did I do a good job? (Smiles and silently chuckles.) You were surprised weren't you! (Whispers. The camera inches closer.) You guys were so surprised right!? (Giggles.) To be honest, they were being mean, so they deserve this. Boa Unnie and Li Yin unnie said they were going to help me with this prank. I had to run out of there before I laughed and blow my cover. (Nods.)

"Next rising actress!" Phrase scroll on the bottom.

Minty: I just feel bad to doing this to Yunho oppa and Junsu oppa. The looked completely surprise. Aish, I feel bad... but Unnies said I can't chicken out or they will forever bully me. (Snaps her finger.)
I just have to carry out the plan. (Nods. She suddenly hears a couple of knocks on the door and jumps up in surprise.) Omo! (Whispers to the camera.) Cry, I have to cry! (Panicks.)

Yunho: Yunri-ah! Are you okay? Kenchana? Can I come in?
Minty: No! Go away! (Says in a crying voice, her tears piling up again.)
Yunho: Yunri-ah, let's talk about it! (Says in a soothing voice.)
Minty: (Runs in place with a cheek full of tears. Drips a few eye drops in her eyes and grabs a few books. She slams them to the ground and scatter things in her room to make noises like she was throwing everything to the floor.)

Yunho and the other guys hear the chaos in the room and they panic.
Junsu: (Cries.) Ottoke! I hear things breaking! (Shakes Yoochun.)
Yoochun: Hyung, just break the door!
Yunho: (Shakes his head.) No, that will be even worst.
Jaejoong: (Pounds the door.) Yunri-ah!!! Open up!!! What are you doing in there! STOP IT! (Shouts and pounds the door harder.)
Minty: Leave me alone!! (Cries out loud. She covers immediately.) So close... I was going to laugh! (Whispers and chuckles softly.) Aish, I don't know what to do... I'll send Boa and Li Yin Unnie a text. (Grabs her phone and sends the two a text.) What should I do next? I think I should let Yunho in... (Pouts her lips.) Yeah, I think just him.

She breathes slowly and her playful face became dull, sad and tears piled up again.

Minty: Yunho Oppa? (Softly called out.)
Yunho: Yunri-ah!? I'm here. Oppa is here!
Minty: I want to talk to you... can I just talk to you? I only want you to come in and no one else. (Sniffles a few times.)
Yunho: Oh okay. (Tells the others to wait in the living room.)

Minty: (Peeks out and lets only Yunho in.) Come in. (She locks the door after and sits on her bed in the corner of the wall, hugging her feet tightly.) Oppa... (Says in a broken voice.)
Yunho: Shhh... (Pulls her away from the corner and into his arms.)
Yunri-ah, I scolded them for you. What they said to you was harsh and insensitive. They were just joking around with you. (Explains.)
Minty: Still! It was hurtful, they don't know how it feels to have no one to lean on! (Cries.) I have no one to go to... I can all the way out here in Korea, I didn't even get permission from my parents. I just came here after auditioning all by myself. I have no friends... and it's just painful and lonely. (Cries on his shoulders.)

Flash back:
Audition video:

Minty: Hello, my name is Yunri Jang. I am 15 years old and I am going to sing...
Scene changes.
Minty: Although my parents don't support my dreams I still feel it's important to follow my dreams and make them see how serious I am. Of course it'll be lonely path but I feel like I'm strong enough to handle myself and to take good care of myself. (Said with confidence.)

Flash back ends.

Yunho: ( the back of her head.) That's so sad. Kenchana, you have me! And all the other guys too. We all love you very much! And you have Boa sunbae and Li Yinnie.
Minty: (Sniffles and nod.) I know, I have you guys. But what if I don't succeed? (Wipes her tears away.)
Yunho: You will! You're talented and you have tons of ageyo! You have such a cute personality! People will love you!

Knock knock!!

The door is unlocked by a frantic Boa.

Boa: Ohh! Yunri-ah! Our baby! Why did you lock the door!? We thought something happened to you guys!
Li Yin: (Follows behind.) Are you okay Yunri-ah?
Boa: You're crying! (Wipes tears away from Yunri's eyes.)
Minty: Unnies! I'm fine...
Boa: Who was it!? (Scowls at Yunho.)
Yunho: (Smiles at the arriving girls.)
Minty: Nothing... I... don't know... (Grabs a tissue and dries her face.)
Boa: (Stomps out to the living room with anxious boys.) WHO WAS IT!? (Shouts angrily.)
Changmin: (Shoots up from his chair and bows.) Chesunghamnida noona!!
Jaejoong: (Pouts.) I didn't mean it! (Pleads for forgiveness.)

Minty and Yunho comes out from the room to join the group. Jaejoong and Changmin rushes to Minty. Junsu ran to Minty too with teary eyes. Li Yin runs up to Junsu and pats his head.

Li Yin: Kenchana dolphin? What happened?
Junsu: Jaejoong hyung and Changmin said really cruel things to Yunri-ah! (Explains.)
Boa: BWOH!?
Jaejoong: (Hugs Yunri tightly.) Yunrinnie-ah! Please forgive me! I was just joking!
Changmin: Yunri-ah! I was just teasing you! I didn't mean what I said... I was just... I don't know... (Stutters and nervously rubs the back of his neck.)

Minty: (Pauses but burst into laughter and that causes Boa and Li Yin to crack up.)
The boys all stare at the girls like they were crazy or something.
Minty: OMG! We got you good! Oppas... you've just been pranked! (Cracks up and hugs her unnies.)
Boa: That's what you get for bullying her!
Junsu: It's... not real!? (Squeals in disbelief.)
Li Yin: Awh, you cry too much oppa! (Smiles and wipes his tears away.)
Yoochun: (Stares at Junsu and Li Yin in disgust.) Get a room!
Jaejoong: Wae?! (Dramatically shouts.)
Changmin: Omo! I feel like my heart just... jumped out and ughh!
Minty: You guys can stop bullying me now! (Smirks.)
Yunho: Yunri-ah...
Minty: (Turns to Yunho.) Oppa, mianhe! I didn't mean to trick you but I didn't want to blow my cover.
Yunho: But... in the room... is it true?
Minty: (Nods.) Sadly... that is true. But I'm strong now and I have you guys. I'm more than happy now. And I forgive you guys for bullying me! (Laughs.)
 Episode 4 ends.


omg long episode! WOOT!

going on a trip tomorrow so leave comments so i can check them when i get to my cousins house

gahh drunnk as old people are loud as during midnight.!!!

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kissme-minseok #1
i remember this!
HAHAHAHA their exchg is so cute! Sorry i'm still on chap 1! keke.. :)
Yay there is going to be a sequel!!!!! And I think Minty is wise for doing that :3
lol dancing haha<br />
and kyah she's so smart^^
butterfly555 #5
butterfly555 #6
i knkow right majesticsnow ^^ but also i so cant wait for the next update ah so curious on if they will find that girl who hurt her
wow this fic is really original! im impressed ^_^ <br />
truly love this~ its like watching 2ne1tv all over again! except with dbsk!! LOL twice the awesomeness<br />
please update soon!
Poor Minty! antis are scary... hope she okay and please update soon <3
butterfly555 #9
omg a fan poisoned her so sad i hope she okay
omoasian #10
Someone poisoned her! Omo! Update soon!