3: Mianhae

Reversed Cendrillon [HIATUS]

Chapter 3: Mianhae

{note: blue : seunghyun's thoughts ;; pink : bom's thoughts}


SeungHyun woke up slowly opening his eyes.
When they are fully opened, his left eye started to hurt and kept them shut. With his right eye only opened, he scanned his surroundings. On the front, he saw ointments and other things you usually see at the hospital.
*Clinic?* Then he turned to his right as fast as he can to see a girl staring at him.
*Wow she's got pretty eyes. Ohhh long eyelashes she got there.* SeungHyun was disturbed from his fantasies when the girl yelped.
“Oh you're awake! I'm sooooooo sorry! Mianhae!” The "knight" kept on apologizing.
With all the bowing, she's like dancing I whip my hair back and forth with the ponytail and all. SeungHyun just stared at her. The girl bit her bottom lip and started rummaging her bag. She handed him his compact mirror.
“What am I gonna do with this?” SeungHyun asked her.
*Wow a deep husky voice.* She thought dreamily.
“A-ah look at your right eye,” She glanced at his ID “---SeungHyun-sshi.”
*Oh my her voice sounds like all the cherubim gathered. Plus her saying my voice... wow*
All the happy feelings faded when he saw his eye.
AHHH!!!!” He let out a shout that made the girl close her eyes. “Wait what's the time?” He asked the girl.
“Uhhh 8 am.”
AHHHH!!!” He let out a shout again now making her flinch.
He already missed 3 subjects.
He flipped the blankets and made himself stand up. But from the incident earlier, he felt kinda dizzy.
“Are you okay, SeungHyun-sshi?” The girl asked him with her face closer to him.
With all her twinkly eyes asking for an answer, he stuttered. “I-I'm fi-fine! Thanks for everything!”
He dashed outside the open door like an elementary school kid. The girl giggled because of that. She was packing her things up and was about to leave when SeungHyun popped his head and peeked through the door's open gap.
“What's your name?”
“Park Bom”
Being satisfied, SeungHyun just nodded and ran through the hallways. Bom just raised her eyebrows and chuckled. *Time for classes.* She thought to herself.
SeungHyun ignored the whispers around the hallway.
He was on his way for his fourth subject after the incident. He chuckled to himself when Bom admitted that he was carried all the way here. His smile faded when he heard other students chattering. Normally, he will ignore them. But nope, they were talking about him.
“Wow he's got a black eye.” “Did he got himself in a fight? It's the first day of school!”
He closed his eyes and sighed. He kept on walking until one particular conversation caught his ears.
“And I even saw him with Park Bom! /The/ Park Bom.” The guy with brown hair named Zu Lim emphasized ' the ' to his friend. This made SeungHyun stop. He doesn't know why but his body and mind acted on their own. It seems that he needed to know this.
“I mean she's the richest girl in the school! Her high grades with her good looks! A lot of guys are lining up for her heart!” *Me too---Wait no no! We just met!*  SeungHyun kept on battling with his conscience when the Zu Lim guy said something about him. 
“And I heard that SeungHyun was adopted by Soo Wang! The drug dealer! Can you believe that?” SeungHyun frowned. He doesn't even like to dig up his past. And it was someone who doesn't know him that well to say it casually. Before SeungHyun can do anything rash to the guy, he stormed off.
SeungHyun entered his classroom. 
He was welcomed by four boys who attacked him. Attacked him with hugs that is.
“Hyung! Where were you?” A boy with blonde hair with small eyes asked.
“Yeah, hyung! You missed Math! And you left us to endure it!” The boy playfully stomped his feet to the ground.
“Oh shut it, SeungRi! You can see Tabi all day!” 
“But, Jiyong-hyung! I---” Before SeungRi can finish his sentence, the teacher entered the room.
The students all went up to their seats and left the clueless SeungHyun standing at the front. 
“So Mr. Choi Seung Hyun, eh?” 
“N-neh, Lee seonsaengnim?”
“Since you missed three subjects you'll get detention. Together with Miss Park Bom.”
The whole class erupted in chatters. 
“Silence please.” Mr. Lee's voice echoed the whole room. “After the last subject, go to the detention room.” Mr. Lee eyed SeungHyun and Bom. “Since you two were late, the only available seats are at the back.” Bom and SeungHyun both went at the same narrow direction. SeungHyun raised his right hand, signaling Bom to go first. Bom was shocked, but kept a calm expression. SeungHyun trailed behind Bom. The class didn't notice because they were busy listening to Mr. Lee. Bom and SeungHyun shifted on their own seats.
*DINGGGGG* The students of 1-E all went outside for their lunch. SeungHyun and his friends all crowded the farthest possible table at the cafeteria.
“So what's that?” A boy with spiky hair asked him.
“What's what?” 
“You know earlier at the class! With Park Bom!” SeungRi asked him.
“Why were you two late?” “Are you two dating?” “NOOOO OUR INNOCENT BIG SEUNGHYUN ALREADY GOT HIMSELF A GIRLFRIEND!!”
Before any more misunderstandings will happen, Tabi all answered them. “Okay so I got this black eye,” Tabi pointed to his swollen eye. Making all his friends drop their jaws to the ground. *So they didn't notice me having a black eye at all?* “earlier with that girl's stilettos.” Instead of feeling sorry for their hyung, they all erupted in laughter. “What? She did?” Jiyong wiped an invisible tear from all the laughing. Tabi all shot his friends a glare which made them stop. “I was about to save her from these maniacs who's hitting on her. I thought she was gonna need my help but it was the other way around.” While his other friends were busy making fun of him like he didn't get to save the girl and was black eyed because of a stiletto, someone else is observant.
While Tabi is telling the story, this made Jiyong raise his eyebrows in amusement. He's observing how Tabi is right now. He seemed to have a change on his life. A good change that is. 
*DINGGGGG* The school bell rang to signal their dismissal. Tabi was about to go outside the school gates when someone tapped his shoulder. He jolted in response to see Bom standing behind him. “SeungHyun-sshi, the detention room is on the opposite way.” Bom jabbed her thumb to the left. “Oh y-ye-yeah of course! I'm just gonna say something to my friends.” While on his way to his friends, he facepalmed himself mentally. *How could I forget?* 
“Guys, uhm detention so I'll just catch up.”
His friends looked at Tabi in a teasing manner but became normal again. “Sure, Hyung.” “Have fun!” They all ran outside the gates.
*Have fun?* “Let's go?” Bom nodded.
hiiii! it's summer vacation and it's my last day here at new york! it's actually my flight to california tomorrow! so i updated for you guys! :D waaaa the place where i will stay at doesn't have wifi and we'll go to different places. i'll try to update when i can! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! see you all soon~ :3 /bows


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Chapter 10: Keke looks like tabi and Bommie went on a date even though it was just a tutor session ha...I'm loving your cute faces too^^
Chapter 10: That's fun! Hahaha
It's such an interesting chapter....please update soon!
Chapter 9: Haha topbom sure love spending time together^^...keke soon enough they'll become a couple...and shame on BB and 2ne1 spying, they were too loud and got caught lol!
kyaaaa! update please! :)
Chapter 8: kyaaaa :) love it! update soon authornim ;)
Chapter 7: ahh tabi ah, thats romance anyw. update soon pls :)
BommieLuv #8
Chapter 7: thanks for the update please update
Chapter 4: what a funny story, i like how u write this story, thats fresh and make me cheer up ;) omg haha
Chapter 3: Haha I was gonna comment for the previous chappie but you beat me by updating^^...anyways hehe it's so cute how seunghyun got a black eye, and by Bommie too, plus she knows how to kick a$$ too^^...going to Cali, safe flight then....where you from? ~sigh I miss Cali too!