When we first met

❥When I'm with You∞

You keep on repeating that incident in your head and you decided to go to their cafeteria and grab some hot drink. While you were drinking, you saw a familliar guy passing towards you. Hmm... I think i saw that guy somewhere i'm sure i did *tilting your head* . After a close look, your eyes widened and shot a death glare and you slowly approached him. Aha! that's the guy i bumped earlier? he should pay for what he did! i mumbled.

You walk towards the guy, Ahemm~ you said while standing next to him. uhmm... sillyehabnida, /excuse me/ when does the class here starts? *fakes a smile*. The guy just snobbed and walk away. *Angry sigh* don't you have manners? you mumbled. But still you followed the guy.

Yah! Yah! gidarida! /wait/ you said as you were running behind him. *He is so fast even though he is walking* you stop for a minute and grab your shoe and you hit him without second thoughts. The guy was shocked and  angry. Yah! what's that for? he yelled as he was cleaning his uniform. *Angry sigh* what's that for? *tilts head*
neo! /you/ you said as you pointed him straight to his face. Didn't you know it's all your fault why my phone was stolen? *laughs alittle* didn't you learn manners at home? you didn't even say sorry to me and you just snob and walk away? and now your telling me what's that for? you yelled. The guy just stares at you and laughs.

Don't you know who I am? the guy points to himself and leans alittle closer to your face. you laugh alittle, Yah! i'm not making fun here nor getting to know you?! You just have to pay me! end of story? simple! you said waiting impatiently. The guy continues to laugh, Seriously don't you know who I am? whom your talking in front of you? he said with his face surprised. My Family is the owner of Kia and Hyundai! *laughs* your so funny! he said while touching his stomache. Yah! laughs again, i don't care how rich you are, how popular you are, how girls like you? I'm here for your forgiveness and for your compensation! if your really rich just give me the money! you yelled at the top of your lungs while leaning your face closer to his. You can see many people are staring at you. 

Hey! old lady! i don't really care if your phone was stolen in the first place? you were the one being so clumsy and not thinking about your things first, so i won't give you a money since it's not my fault literally! the guy said and bumps your shoulder and started walking away. Yah! you yelled. This is not yet finish! you continued.

Kai's POV:

I saw an unknown girl who approached me and hit me with her shoe. She then told me that it was my fault that her phone was stolen. It is kinda funny since i never met a girl like that who hitted me with her shoe. But i told her that it was really her fault since she didn't think about her things first. Since she is so annoying and many people were already staring at us with a confuse look, i started walking away so fast. Oh i wish i can see that girl again. And i forgot to ask her name! Well, why would i ask her name since i don't think she is that pretty at all. Oh i should be heading since class is almost starting.


Kim Eun Ae's POV:

The guy just walked away. arggh!! he makes my nerves boil! but he seems kinda right. Yeah it's my fault after all. For not watching first my stuffs especially my phone. But he doesn't need to act arrogant like that it makes me wanna punch his face and.... wait.... is he studying here? aiishh!! yeah he is you said while scratching your head. Ottoke?! Oh yeah, i should be heading now since i'm still going to work in the convenient store. 

You headed to where you work and you seem alittle bit tired. "Titt, Titt" those were the only sounds yo can hear while you were working. 
after 3 hours:
When the Store is almost closing:
Kamsahamnida Thank you and come again *smiles and bows*
Pheww... we're finally done you said while stretching your arms. Hey Eun Ae are you going to work again at night? pimp said. Neh wae? you said while grabbing your bag. Wow! i can't even take two jobs everyday? and you your so great. you smile and nod i'll be going take care you smiled and waved.

Pimp is actually my chingu /friend/ we are in disame workplace at day. She is as disame age as me. She keeps on complimenting me good things and treats me free if were eating. She loves bags. And Oh, she is so generous! she gave me some clothes that she didn't use. So yeah she is my closest chingu when it comes to bags because she can't stop talking about it. 

New text message: Hi! Eun Ae! it's me Sohee! I'm texting you that there will be no work for today since the restaurant is renovated. So i should insist, you should go home now! Take Care, Goodbye!
end of text message~ 

Sohee the one texting me earlier, is one of my closest, funniest and most understanding chingu. We are in disame workplace at night. She is 2 years older than me but she calls me unnie. She is corny as ever even though she is, i still find her funny.

While walking home:

I can hear my parents screaming from outside. It looks like they won a lottery. As i was about to go inside, Mom scared me and made my legs shake. Umma! you scared me! what's wrong? it's like your chasing something or did you win a lottery or something? you asked while covering your ears. Oh Honey, your already here? mi an hae i was about to go to the train station mom said while getting her jacket. Wait wait... wae? you said while tilting your head. We won 2 SumsungPhones! just wait there i will just claim my prize mom said while hurrying going outside. Jinja? Nae nae we will wait for you. Oh is this for real? my mom actually won two Sumsung Phones? did God gave me another chance? you immediately stare at the night sky Kamsahamnida! *smiles* i will take care of my things for now on thank you for letting me have a second chance.


A's Note:
Finally updated Chapter 3! :) I made it as soon as possible since it's been a month not updating it! and i hope you like it!


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pls...update more..:)