Getting Ready

❥When I'm with You∞

I almost can't breath because of non-stop jumping and screaming. Then, suddenly umma heard noises outside of our house. And knew it was me all the time. Omo Eun Ae-ah? is there something wrong? umma asked with a confused face. I quickly approached her and held both of her hands and I jumped.

And told her the good news, Umma, i finally got accepted! I said. Omo really? chugha haeyeol!/congrats/. i knew it you can do it! she said and hugged me tightly. Where, what school were you accepted? umma asked. "Elite Academy". you giggled and keep jumping as if the world will end today. Elitee-ah? Omo! that is one of the most expensive and popular schools in Korea? Honey, i'm so proud of you! umma was very happy and told me to go inside fast or you will catch a cold. 

It feels like one of my best days are today. Appa! appa! Eun ae is accepted as a scholar in Elite Academy! umma screamed. Appa goes inside the house and looks at me and says, wow, congrats!  and he continued walking inside the room. You were stunned on how your appa's reaction was. You felt like he doesn't care. Obviously, because i'm adopted. But umma still tells me to understand Appa. You *nodded and proceeded into your room. 

*Sigh* i have to get ready! * I told you, Eun ae-ah your the best! * chuckles. Okay, let's start listing

Bag check
Books check
Notebooks check
Diary check
Ballpen case check
Ballpens check
New I.D check
Shoes check
Reading glasses check
Long socks check
Clips check
Headphones check
Coat check
Folders check
Phone check
Gloves check

I think everything is okay for now. It was already 10 pm you changed to your night gown and you went to the comfort room to brush your teeth and wash your face. *Yes! giggles, OMO i think i forgot something! oh, my school uniform yes the lady said to come back tomorrow hehe... I should sleep now *yawns*

Next Day:


Kring- kring!! And you slowly opened your eyes and stretched. You started looking at the alarm clock it was 7:35. Oh, I should be going…. You took a bath/ changed your clothes/ ate breakfast/ and said goodbye. “Morning sigh” you were about to get out of your house and you started walking with hands covering in your pocket.


As you were passing by, you saw a crowded people falling in line. There was a garage sale. You quickly peeked to see if you want to buy something, since you expected the price is cheap. But under a very noisy place, you felt something awkward.

You found out that your phone was stolen. And you started panicking and started running away from the crowd and you immediately saw the guy running away from you bringing your phone. You panicked but you still chase him. Yah!! Yah!! Stop!! You run as fast as you can you almost reached the thief but a very huge sound…. BANGG!!



Before you know it, you tripped and fell you were about to open your eyes with a very shocking face. Both of you stare more than 3 seconds. But you quickly get up and cleaned your dirt stock in your coat and with your face staring where the direction of the thief ran. You slowly bowed your head alittle and started crying. The unknown guy was confused and the look of his face he is about to explode.

Hey! Ms. You should watch your way!! You made my uniform dirty Aaarrgghhh!! You looked up to the unknown guy and yelled. Watch your way?!! Watch your way?! You were the one who is not looking?! You started crying so loud that made everyone look at you including the guy.


Yah! Yah!! Get up! The unknown guy mumbled. But you still continued to cry. Aisshh!! I’ll be late for school!! Yah! Yah!! He yelled. You still continued. But the guy ran away and told his chauffer for forgiveness. At the same time, Dae ho saw you crying in the middle of the street. He quickly helped you get up. Eun ae-ah are you okay? What had happened? Dae ho asked. You slowly uttered: Mmmyy…. Phhoonnee.. ~

What? Your phone? Was stolen?! with his face in shocked.  He began to comfort you and told you,  Eun ae-ah don’t worry I will look for it for you! I won’t stop until I found that thief okay? Don’t cry easily! I’m sure he is just here somewhere he exclaimed. Komawoo!! For helping me you really are my best friend! You hugged him. *Omo, dae ho why is your heart beating fast?*


After that incident, you still continued to go to the school. You reached there and went to the information office and greeted, Good Morning! I’m Kim Eun Ae, I came here yesterday and would like to ask for my uniforms? The lady greeted you back and told you to go to the Clothes store. “Omo, there is a clothes store here? Wow” you reached to the clothes store, and another girl handed you your uniforms. It was 3 sets of uniforms the colors were black and white your upper was mostly white and lower was mostly black.

You were in a very good state of mind despite when your was stolen by an unknown thief. *Aishh... Eun ae what to do*

Kamsahamnida *smiles and bows* you start going out with a confuse look.



A's note:

Hey! So what do you think? hahaha the unknown guy was actually Kai obviously. And I Hope you enjoy reading this ^^ i'll try my best to update more! :D







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pls...update more..:)