Friend and Heartbeat


Jieun POV

I was walking around the shelves in our school library, I've been looking for a book over an hour already. I was having a hard time finding it, i wish someone would passed by and help me. As if someone's reading my mind, someone timidly walked their way towards me.

Suzy: I've been noticing for the past hour, do you need help?

Jieun: thank God, i thought i would spend the night here.

Suzy: so what are you looking for?

Jieun: Hmm... I'm looking for a good book for my book report.

Suzy: Hmm.... Let's see. I think it's a good idea if you choose something classic.

Jieun: that's a good idea, any suggestion?

Suzy: how about Shakespeare's works

Jieun: aren't Shakespeare's works mostly tragic?

Suzy: Kinda, don't you like tragic stories?

Jieun: it's not my thing.

Suzy: how about Jane Austen's works?

Jieun: What are her works?

Suzy: Hmm.. Pride and Prejudice is a good one.

Jieun: then i'm settling with that.

Suzy: then let's head to the classical section.

Jieun: lead the way.

Then we headed to the inner part of the library.

Suzy: Hm... Hmm... i know it's somewhere here... oh i found it!.... Here.

Then she handed me a maroon hard covered used old book. i read the front cover it says,

"Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen", yup here's the book.

Jieun: thank you very much for helping.

Suzy: no harm done.

I instanly felt guilty for what i've done to her. Despite of what i did she's still willing to help me. Then she was about to walk away. i know i needed to say something.

Jieun: wait....

Suzy: yes? do you need anything else.

Jieun:'s just ....that ....ahh...

Suzy: yeah?

Jieun: it's just that i want to apologize

Suzy: For?

Jieun: for being mean to you, for doing all those cruel things i did to you. I'm sorry

Suzy: apology accepted.

Jieun: Really? I'm forgiven

I can't believe she forgave that easily.

Suzy: yeah, forgive and forget.

Jieun: Truce?

Suzy: hmm.. Truce.

Then we headed for our next class. After a two hour lecture from the famous Ms. Jung, who is known for having the most boring classes, I lived.

Lunch Time.

As usual I headed to sit with my friends.

girl1: did you hear that Hee jun and Danji are officially dating?

girl2: no way, i thought they're mortal enemies

girl3: I don't know, we just saw holding hands while walking at the mall yesterday.

girl4: i thought Hee jun likes somebody else.

girl1 : that's what we thought.

As usual our table is full of gossips, I sometimes wonder where they get these rumours. I kinda tired of listening to pointless conversations. What's good about talking about somebody's bad sides?

I played with my food, in the corner of my eye Daehyun and his friends sat on their usual table

girl2: jieun, Daehuyun's here, aren't you going to give him the packed lunch.

Jieun: not this time, i didn't prepare packed lunch for him.

girl3: Why? Jieun, have you decided on not pursuing him?

Jieun: i realize that i have no chance with him.

girl1: so you don't like him anymore.

Jieun: i still like him but i don't know if i have a chance with him.

I saw Suzy sat on a table all by herself. Then i stood up and approach her.

Jieun: hi

Suzy: hmm...hi?

then i sat in front of her.

Suzy: hmmm... not to be rude....but.... why are you here?

Jieun: i want to sit with you.

Suzy: Why?

Jieun: i just want to.

Suzy: you're not supposed to sit with me

Jieun: why does your friend hate me?

Suzy: I don't have friends *she mumbled*

Jieun: what?

Suzy: i don't have friends

Jieun: oh... I'm sorry. I did'nt know

Suzy: It's alright

Jieun: why don't you have friends?


She stayed quiet. Then it hit me, i was the one who bullied and made fun of her. probably, it's because students tend to stay away from her because they might think that they would be also bullied if they made friends with her.

Jieun: is it because of me?


Jieun: tell me the truth, it is because of me?


Jieun: so it because of me .


Jieun: then....friends?

Suzy: huh?

She look bewildered and suprised.

Jieun: i said, Friends?

Then i raised my hand for a handshake

She looked hesitant as if she's wondering if it's real.

Suzy: ok, Friends.

Then she shook my hands. then smiled.

After our conversation, i notice everybody was staring at us.

Suzy POV

After making friends with Jieun. i stood up and exited the cafeteria then i heard my name being called.

Wonho: Suzy

Then i stopped and turned to face the eight of them.

Suzy: Hi, guys, what are you doing here?

Dongwoon: what was that all about?

Suzy: huh? what?

Sunggyu: why are you talking to Jieun?

Suzy: is it not allowed

Dongwoon: she bullies you.

Myungsoo: did she threathen you? if she did tells us, we'll deal with her.

Suzy: no no no, don't do anything. she didn't do anything wrong

Daehyun: what were you talking about?

Suzy: we made friends


Jonghun: that's impossible

Dongwoon: that didn't happen

Sunggyu: why would she do that?

Wonho: maybe that's a part of her plan.

Suzy: no, she sounds sincere

Myungsoo: she can act

Suzy: no, i don't think that was an act

Dongwoon: but...but...

Ljoe: leave it guys, if she thinks it's sincere then it's sincere, don't doubt Suzy

Sunggyu: guys, let's just believe her

Dongwoon: ok, i'll drop it but tell us right away if she does something.

Suzy: ok, i got it

Sunggyu: let's go guys, lunch break is almost done.

Jonghun: see you

Daehyun: see you later guys

Ljoe: later

Dongwoon: bye guys

Wohno: Bye Suzy, guys

Then they all left except for Kai

Suzy: what are you still doing here?

Kai: i... just....

Suzy: what? i can't understand you. talk properly

Kai: ah... it's just... be careful.

Suzy: ok, thanks, you too.

After he left, i felt my cheeks heating up, my heart is beating fast. why am i like this? He just said be careful. what matter with me?











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Bae_Suzy_DH #1
Chapter 16: I love the kaizy and myungzy moments but I wish there were more scenes with the other boys too. :)
purpleblack #2
Chapter 16: How I wish some joezy moments but it is never happen...
sia_23 #3
Chapter 15: Can't wait for the next chapter ,
i love kai so much too <3
sia_23 #5
Chapter 13: Pls update sooooooon :)
Thanks for the update.
princess1807 #7
Chapter 10: Kaizy ♥♥♥♥ kaizy ♥♥♥♥♥
Precious421 #8
Chapter 9: Omo, myungzy or kaizy????? Ahhhhhhh kaizy for this fic please???
722DolDeer #9
Chapter 9: thanks for update
Chapter 7: Author's note

Please comment more so i could know your thoughts about my story. i know this is crazy but your comments could influence how i could write the flow the story because i still haven't write the rest of the chapter. i might somhow base the flow of the story with your comments so please comment and subscribe!!!