
Shooting Star


Employee's POV


Thank you and come again!!” I sang to the customer.


I hate my life..

I absolutely hate it...

God! Let something interesting happen! Please!!!


I heard the doorbell ringing and turned around to greet the new customer.

Two guys entered my market.

Thought the taller one wore a scarf,a cap and sunglasses, I recognized him.


Right here in MY market was no other than Super Junior's Lee Donghae!!

My heartbeat increased dramatically. Instead of a greeting I just managed to squeak his name.. Upps that was embarrassing..


He shoved the guy away and approached me.

“[Hi Donghae-oppa! Can we make a photo together? Do you mind to sign here?]” My heart beat faster

“[Sure. Looks like even when I disguise myself, still people recognize me... ]” He chuckled. Ahhh so cute!! ^^

“[Of course!! Who wouldn’t?]”

He handed me his autograph and we made a photo together. Sadly he excused himself and went back to the other guy..

BTW who is this...?

Never mind!!!




Waaahhhh!! God I looove you!!!

I still can't believe it!


Chris POV


Uff.. This basket is heavy..

“Chris! Here you are!!” I nearly dropped the food.. -.-

“Wow. You sure like meat!”

“Well this is mostly for my pet I brought with me! Spencer he's a Bearded Dragon”

“What is a Bearded Dragon?” He asked wide eyed.

“Ehm.. can't describe it. You'll see back home. You're ready?”

“No just let my get the things from my list! I'll be right back!”

A few minutes we went to the counter.

Why's this girl smiling so brightly at Donghae?


! I forgot to exchange money!!

Well I just pay by card... Although I wanted to use this card just in emergency...

Well it's an emergency. I'm starving and I've got no money!! ^^

I opened my purse and pulled out my golden card. Yes! I have a golden credit card! And I'm just 16^^ My luck that my parents are rich^^ Ok back to the point..

“[Sorry. But you can't pay by card. I've no card reader.. I'm sorry.]”

“Donghae. What did she say?”

“Ehm.. She has no card reader... Let my pay then”

“No you can't it's my food after all!”

“[I pay!!]” He turned to the saleslady.

“[Aniyo Oppa! For you it's free]”


“[Yes it's not that much after all! Take it as a thank you. Ok?]”

“[Thanks... Oh and. Keep it as a secret Ok?] ;)”

“[Yes!]” He went out.

“Donghae!! We didn't paid yet!! Wait!”

“No she said it's Ok!”

“Why?”... He thought for a few seconds. “Well.. She knows me... and likes me..”

“Oh.. It's Ok then..” He nod.



We went back to our corridor.
My eyes widened..
Why was my door open? ... We went inside, laying the bags on the table.
Than it hit me.

“Scheiße!! Wo ist SPENCER!!!!??? *” I yelled, and got an asking expression from Donghae.

*! Where's Spencer?



I know this chapi is a bit short but please read my other story Baten Love. I'm actually writing it. 

Thank you! 

with much of love and eunhae <3 <3 <3

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