The first meeting with Donghae

Shooting Star


Why?” I asked worried.

You see, kids are not allowed to work at such a young age”

I sighed. He got a point. I was still young.. How was I supposed to find such a well-paid job when I'm not even an adult? What was I thinking? I'm so stupid... Damn.. I think I have to travel back since I don't even have a place to sleep now, and no chance to get a job, with which I could afford an apartment or even a hotel room. Damn..

I think I'll have to use my credit card.. But I wanted to use it just in emergency. Wait.. this is ÖÖan emergency. (-.-*)

I sighed. So I can't experience the life here. It's just sad.

Chris.” And I was soo happy. My dream was to come true.. But a dream is just a dream right? I have to face the reality..


Chris!!”I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't hear Mr. Park saying my name. I faced Mr. Park again.

What were you thinking about”

Well I thought how to get home as soon as possible” I weakly smiled. I felt tears in my eyes. I lowered my head.

And who said you'll leave?”


I-I don't u-understand” I stuttered trying to hold back the urge to just start to cry and roll over the floor in frustration. The room lightened up as the cloud passed by.

I said this will be a problem. But not one that I can't handle. You don't have to leave Korea. I just make an extra contract, which will be legal and you'll be able to work.” He winked.

As I heard this I nearly jumped off my seat, rushed over and hugged him.

But I didn't. I controlled myself.

I sighed in relief and cleared my throat. “So what exactly is my job?”


So let me explain it in this way. You'll be caring for a few persons.”

By caring you mean what?”

Well.. You'll cook for them, clean the house and such stuff.”


Ehm.. Ok that can be a problem too, because I've never cooked. Normally our Maids do this job”

It isn't so hard and you'll learn quick. They are sometimes selfish, lazying around and mostly aren't thankful. But they are nice, once you get to know them. I think you can change the boys and make them behave better towards you. Then your job wont be this hard”

I..I don't think that I am the right for this.”


Look. I know that it will be hard in the beginning. But I believe that you'll be successful with you job. I believe that you can handle them.” He looked at me with a serious expression. I looked outside the wide windows into the bright blue sky.


I don't know why, but I think I have to accept this offer. I mean. What else can I get? I'll have everything I need to live here. An apartment and a job in which I don't even have to speak Korean. The perfect conditions!!

And it's well paid! What else do I need? I wont find another job like this. I guess I don't have another choice.

So when do I start?” I faced Mr. Park again.


His face changed within a second. With a wide smile he answered.

First of all I have to discuss the problem about the contract with Mr. Lee SooMan, the owner of this company. But if everything goes well, you'll start tomorrow. Today you'll just move into your apartment and rest after the long travel.”

I nodded.

He looked at me for a few seconds than asked

Do you by any chance know 'Super Junior' ?”

I thought for a moment before answering “No. Never heard of.”

Before I could ask, his phone rang. He excused himself and answered the phone.

After a few minutes of Korean talk, he ended the call.

I'm sorry Chris. A meeting was postponed earlier. I have to go now. I tell Mrs. Lee to get you a chauffeur who'll bring you to your apartment. See you soon”

With that he rushed outside the office.

Stunned I stood in the middle of the room.

'What a weird day..' I sighed and shook my head.


After almost an hour of driving, we arrived in front of an apartment building. It was quiet since there was no traffic on the streets. The location seemed fine. Maybe it wasn't this bad to live here.

I grabbed my baggage and the key Mrs. Lee gave me.


Just which room is it?

Is it on the 1st floor room 13 or the 11th floor room 3?

I don't know.. TT_TT

I stood in front of the elevator thinking what to do when a guy appeared beside me waiting for the elevator to open. I didn't really pay any attention to him, since I was deep in thoughts.

We both entered.

I stared at the buttons with a blank expression. The only possibility was to check both floors.

Before I could reach the 1st button the guy tapped my shoulder asking something in Korean.

I don't speak Korean” I said lightly annoyed.

Oh I'm sorry. You look Korean thought. Well whatever. Are you new here? I've never seen you before.”

Yeah. I just came here a moment ago. BTW can you tell me where this apartment is ?”

I showed him my key. He nodded.

It's on the same floor as ours. We'll be neighbors then.” He smiled.

Just then I realized how good this guy looked. He has had brown hair with brown eyes and thin pink lips. His body was well trained. Somehow he looked cute and manly at the same time.

The elevator stopped. He mentioned me to follow him as he stopped in front of a door.

That's it!”

Ok thanks!” I said while opening the door.

I was stunned by what I saw.


This was not what I were expecting either. It was a small dark room with a small kitchen in the right hand corner and a bathroom on the left side of the room. Next to the kitchen was a door, which I suspected to belong to the bedroom. There was not much furniture, just a small table in front of a sofa. The walls were dirty white.

It's small.” I said still standing in the door.

I know.” He simply replied.

Smaller than I thought and it's dirty.”

I know.”

It's dirty and old.”

I know.”

It's old and dark.”

I know.”

Darkness isn't nice.”

I know.”

It's beautiful!” I squeaked

I kno.... what!? It's small, dirty, old and dark. This isn't beautiful at all.” He stated disbelieving.

Oh my.. I was joking. Of course it isn't beautiful. But it's ok. It's just for a few months. And I'll be living alone. So it's just fine! Even if it is smaller than my room at home..”

What do you mean?”

Ah.. ehm .. Never mind.” I awkwardly smiled. “I'll arrange myself then. Thanks for showing me my apartment --- ”

Donghae. I'm Lee Donghae” He finished my sentence.
“Oh. Ok. I'm Chris Won. Nice to meet you” I introduced myself.

Well I'll be going then. If you need any help just come over! Apartment 112. Annyeong”

He said and left.

'A nice guy.' I thought and started unpacking my stuff.


I opened my back and took out a mid-sized plastic box.

Sorry my dear. I know you hate traveling in that box.” I said while caressing the back of my small pet.

Dark round orbs locked with mine. I smiled at the Bearded Dragon in my hand.

Hello Spencer.”


Spencer blinked a few times before my palm.

Giggling I asked “Ahh poor Spencer. You're hungry?” He stick his tongue out just like a snake.

I'll take this as a yes :) Let's see what we have here!” I opened the fridge.


The next moment my head sank. I smiled apologetically to my pet. “Guess I have to buy something first..”


I knocked on the door. Apartment 112. I was a little bit nervous... After all I have to ask a stranger for help.. Who wouldn't?

After a minute still nobody opened up. I knocked one more time.

As I was about to leave, the door flew open and a guy showed up with an annoyed expression.


I was stunned. All the time I thought my best friend was beautiful, but compared to him she was just pretty.

He was beautifuler than every girl I've seen so far!


[Who are you, what do you want, and more important, how do you know where we live?]” He asked. I was taken aback by the cold tone in his amazing voice.

I-I.. ehm.. I'm Chris Won and I need Donghae's help,please”

Donghae!! A weird guy says he knows you! Go check him up!” He yelled in English..


I froze.. Did he..? No he didn't.. right? Did he called me a guy ? A weird guy ?!


OK I've heard a lot about my looks, I'm not the type of girl who likes to wear dresses or this girly stuff, but nobody ever called me GUY!!!! Did I really look like a boy?

I looked down on me.. Well.. I'm flat chested... I wear a dark blue t-Shirt...a pair of jeans... my blue cap... and sneakers...OMG I REALLY LOOK LIKE A GUY!!! o________O


Yo Chris!! What's up?” Donghae appeared out of nowhere. Jeez these guys are just crazy..


Hi Donghae. I kind of need your help”

That's earlier than I expected :D”

Yeah.. I'm kind of hungry and I thought that maybe...”

Sure thing! Come in we have some leftovers. I just put something into the microwa---”

No! That's not what I meant! I wanted to ask you to go with me to a market. Since I'm not familiar with this place. And I really need some stuff to eat”

Oh. Ok! Heechul-hyung!! Do we need some food or something? I'm going to the market with Chris!! Need anything?”

The beautiful man named Heechul brought a list, giving it to Donghae.

Ok just wait. I'll just change and we can go!”

Few minutes later Donghae came back, wearing a scarf, a cap and a pair of sunglasses.

Donghae! Are you sick? Maybe you just stay at home and I go by myself. It's ok. Just stay here. I buy you some medicine! Ok?”

Aniyo! I'll have to go out like this!! Let's go!!”


We entered the small market.

Before I could even get a basket I heard a young women squeaking Donghae's name. Quickly he shushed her.

Just go on with the shopping. I'll be back in a few seconds” With that he shoved me away and leaved for the girl.

How rude... Whatever...

So what do I need..?

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