Level 5: The Weapon

The Crucial Game of the Heart

The Crucial Game of the Heart






"Jealousy is deadly, dear." Jonghyun shut off the television after hearing the old man in the usual dramas that he called ahjumma dramas speak to the younger female character. He had always preferred anime over dramas and this awful one was no exception. It was overly cliche and he knew what was going to happen next. The young female wouldn't listen to the old man and still fall for the bad boy. She'll fall into the trap of jealousy that the guy will set-up to finally get her.


"Psh. Stupid dramas. Who are they to label jealousy as something deadly? And why is the girl so stupid? Didn't she know it's going to be a trap and she'll just end up hurting herself?" Jonghyun stood up from the couch in the living room and went to his room.


Where's Key, by the way? I haven't seen him the whole morning and he didn't even eat lunch with us. Jonghyun wondered where the fox was.


On the way to his room, as if it was meant to answer him, Key's door bursted open inches away from Jonghyun's face, "Where's the washroom again?"


"It's there at the end of the hallway. It has a different door from the others." Key chimed from the end of his room, in reply to the tall and lean man in front of Jonghyun.


Who is he? Jonghyun thought and later on realized that he had spoken it out loud.


"Oh. Hi, Jjong! He's the very close friend I talk to on the phone all the time." Key answered back with a smirk plastered on his face.


"Hi. I'm Park Hyeongseop. Nice to meet you." The gorgeous man bowed after introducing himself.


"O-oh. I'm Jonghyun." Jonghyun awkwardly bowed after a few seconds of gaping at the taller man.


Wow. Why does that fox have model-material friends? He thought in awe.


"The washroom's that door, over there." Key finally reached his door and pointed out to one of the doors in the hallway. Hyeongseop followed the path that Key's finger was pointing at.


After Hyeongseop closed the washroom door, Key spoke up, "So, why are you gaping in such an idiotic manner there? Awed by my friend?"


"Ah. N-no. I was just thinking of something." Jonghyun responded quickly after seeing the smug look on Key's face.


"Really? But it seemed like you were thinking about something Hyeongseop-related. Well, let me tell you that he's a model, so that explains the extra dose of gorgeousness he has. And no, he's not a classmate, he's just a very close friend of mine who helps me with projects because he's that kind." Key told the other without even pausing to see the shorter boy's face.


Psh. Do I look like care? So what? He's a model and I'm not, b-but I can sing. And okay. He helps you with your projects... I-I help people out too... Sometimes... Jonghyun looked down at the floor. Why was he being so touchy? It's not like it's supposed to matter to him. 


I don't like Kibum.


I can't like Kibum. He forced the thoughts into his mind. He was playing a game... But can't the game be ended? Was he willing to lose to Kibum?


"Oh. Well. That's, uhm, nice of him." Jonghyun muttered.


"What are you guys talking about?" Suddenly Hyeongseop's voice rang down the hallway as he walked towards the other two.


"I was just telling Jjong about you," Key hung his arm over Hyeongseop's shoulder, tiptoeing because the man was just that tall.


"And how nice you are to help me out when you don't have a schedule." Key grinned at the tallest boy, earning him a subconscious frown from Jonghyun.


"You know it's nothing, Key. You're worth my time, after all. And it's just pay back for helping me out on some occasions, too." Hyeongseop shyly smiled, but he wasn't really uncomfortable with Key's arm still on him and he had already accepted the fact that Key doesn't know what 'personal space' is.


"Well, see you later Jjong. We've got to finish my project by late afternoon; Hyeongseop has to go somewhere later." Key told Jonghyun as he pushed the tall man into his room.


"Okay. See you." Jonghyun said before the door slammed shut.


He felt weird. He was feeling something heavy in his chest, as if someone was tugging on it. He ignored it, though. He knew he was falling and he just wasn't really that ready to lose the game.


Jonghyun made his way to the kitchen and got himself a snack, which was as usual, the unhealthy chips they had lying in their pantry and a bonus of banana milk. He knew Taemin was going to nag at him if he ever finds out that one of his banana milks had gone missing because of the older guy's stomach, but he drank it nonetheless. He was used to Key's nagging anyways, so Taemin's would probably be bearable.


He ate with a scowl on his face, his thoughts centered on Key still bothering his mind.


"Well, someone seems like he's not in a good mood." Onew's voice echoed in the nearly empty kitchen as he sat down on the stool opposite to Jonghyun's.


"Wh-Huh? Were you saying something, hyung?"


"See. He's so preoccupied with his bad mood that he didn't even notice what I said. Am I really that invisible in this dorm?" Onew rolled his eyes.


"I mean, you're all pairing up. We have you and Key, and then Minho and Taemin. Thought you guys won't admit it, it's so obvious that there's something. Ugh. Why do I have to be alone? Why can't I also have someone to be paired with?" Onew blabbered on.


"Don't worry, hyung; I'll forever pair you with chicken. Onew and chicken, for life!" Jonghyun raised his fist into the air.


But wait... Does this mean I accept being paired with Key? Jonghyun's mind was still preoccupied with Key even though he was talking to Onew.


"Oh, yes! Chicken forever! But no, Jjong. I need a real person. I can't be alone with chicken forever! I'll turn into an obese single old man!" Onew whined.


"Psh. As if that matters. Chicken's all that matters to you, right?" Jonghyun raised an eyebrow at the elder.


"Yes, but you don't understand, Jonghyun. I need a girl to share my chicken with. I'll be so lonely when I grow old." Onew pouted.


"I'll eat them with you, okay? I'm always open for free food!" Jonghyun told him, nodding his head to show how much he agreed with what he was saying.


"I refuse to share them with you. You're not pretty enough. I want a girl," Onew stood up, placing his fist on his chest firmly, as if swearing for loyalty in an army.


"I'll be the best casanova in town. I'll hook a lot of girls to eat chicken with. I'll make you guys see that I could be a real man here. I'll have loads of fangirls, too!" Onew raised his fist while running out of the run and before he hit his hip bone on the wall leading to the hall.




"Hyung, but get rid of your clumsiness first before you go get your girls!"Jonghyun yelled out before he heard the slamming of Onew's door.


He was alone again, so he decided to go back to his room and maybe write something. Hours passed, and his music sheet remained clean and untouched.


Darn you, Kibum. I can't even write anything because you bother me so much. Jonghyun blamed Key for not being able to produce anything. It was true though; Key's been pestering Jonghyun's mind. And maybe a bit of that Hyeongseop guy of his and what they may be doing in the fox's room.


"Maybe I'll just go get a drink." Jonghyun mumbled to himself, even if he knew he was making an excuse to check if something was happening in Key's room.


He went out and put his ear against the door of the fox boy's room


"I have to go now, Key. I'll be late if I don't go to the event now." Hyeongseop's voice creeped closer to the door and so did his and Key's footsteps.


"Frick." Jonghyun panicked and ran towards the kitchen.


I can't be caught eavesdropping. Jonghyun talked to himself mentally and got a bottle of Taemin's banana milk from the fridge.


Oh god. The kid's totally gonna kill me. I can hear his voice squealing at me for drinking two in one day. Jonghyun thought but still continued sipping from the bottle.


And soon enough, Hyeongseop's figure entered the kitchen with Key's following behind.


"See you next time, Jonghyun. It was a pleasure to meet you!" Hyeongseop waved off, disappearing into the living room.


"I'll just bring him to the door." Key slightly smiled, as if teasing Jonghyun that he was being courteous to Hyeongseop and never to the puppy flirt.


"Pleasure to meet you--Psh. Pleasure, my . Your ear is as big as an elephant's," Jonghyun muttered to himself once again. He disliked Hyeongseop even if he had no decent reason to. As much as he dismayed the thought, that tall model made him jealous.


"And that fox; why is he only kind to him? Why isn't he like that to me?" Jonghyun continued to rant. He put on a scowl as he stared at the kitchen wall.


"Yah. Yeobo. Get out of the kitchen, I'm cooking dinner for tonight." Key cut Jonghyun's train of rants and Key-centered thoughts.


"Nah. I'll just watch you cook, yeobo." He continued sitting on one of the stools.


"Whatever." Key mumbled and began cooking.


"So... Hyeonseop's just a friend, right? Or is he, uhm, something more?" Jonghyun blurted out suddenly.


"Friend." Key answered immediately.




"Why do you ask?"


"Uhm. N-nothing. H-he, uhm, seemed gay? Uh. Nevermind. Just pretend that you didn't hear me ask." Jonghyun stuttered.


He's jealous, alright. Yes. It worked. Key smirked while sautéing the vegetables for dinner. He liked vegetables and since he was cooking for tonight, the others can't complain. He liked all vegetables. But he doesn't like carrots. (A/N: See the SHINee's One Fine Day reference, there? lmao--okay sorry don't mind me ;u;)


"Okay. If that's what you want." Key smiled at Jonghyun.


Oh god. Did I seriously ask him that? He's going to notice. Jonghyun thought as he freaked out because of Key's smiling response.


He's going to notice... that I like him.


Jealousy is deadly. Kibum had been successful using his chosen weapon and finally, Jonghyun had admitted to himself that he liked Key. And now, all he needed was the guts to remove his pride and the courage to tell the fox how he felt about him.




Level 5: The Weapon, goal accomplished and weapon utilized.




Hihihihihihi guys~ I have updated! Wooh! We have a cameo~ keke It's Park Hyeongseop this time ^^ If you don't know him he has appeared twice in Key's instagram (see how stalker-ish I am ><).

(aren't they adorable)


(as ironic it is, here's a pic of jongkey with hyeongseop; i am laffing) ((hyeongseop's ears are really big tho lmao))

AND MY ONE FINE DAY REFERENCE OMG// KEY IS ADORABLE; He was like: "I like ALL vegetables" and then later on, he says, "I hate carrots" so the staff were like, "Aren't carrots vegetables?" lmao ><

Okay... I think I talk to much as an author (sorry if I fail you guys with my writing ;n;) ((and I'm actually planning for this fic to only have 10 chapters-- so hurrah?))

Leave me comments to spazz over, alright? hurhur I love you all and thanks for the support! ^^


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Please don't kill me;;; but finally updated and the fic is now complete! yayyyy


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akpopgirlsthoughts #2
Chapter 9: YAY U CAME BACK! Great fic, did seem a bit rushed after your mini-hiatus after chap 8 but still nonetheless a great jongkey fanfic :) 2min was implied so I have nothing against u, hope u continue writing fics in the future~
Chapter 9: I liked it ;w; no matter how short it was, it was interesting and cute and I liked the story anyway <33 implied!2min was obvious so you don't need to worry XD and the epilogue was adorable ^__^

thank you for writing an incredible fanfic <3
eunhaeshipper15 #4
Chapter 9: It's oveeer :~; But I really enjoyed this story and it's flufffff :3 Thank you so much for writing it~ ^^
Chapter 8: <333333 XDDDDD FINALLY

and that was the cutest way to get them together XD

(and yes, Jjong will lose against Kibum because, well, it's Kibum!)
Chapter 7: Yeeeeeeeeeas! Progress! ;D hehe oh jjong , you pabo, never could keep your feelings to yourself ^,^ Jjong ♥ Key keke Author-ssi dont worry! I know how hell school is -_- As long as you dont forget about us waiting , take all the time you need :) a happy author writes good stories ! Waiting for the next chapter :) ~
Chapter 7: I'm like so excited omg XDDDD JongKey wuvvy wuvvy time!,
Chapter 6: Wahhh i cant wait for the next chapter!! >o< who will cave first ?~ kyaa xD I love your writing author-ssi :)
Chapter 6: Excited for next chapter!!! Update soon!!!!! <3
Chapter 6: I am excited <333 XDDD great job on this one~