Level 1: Press Start to Play

The Crucial Game of the Heart


The Crucial Game of the Heart






Key can't seem to put his finger on it, but for him Jonghyun was just... well, different. Key's extraordinaire characteristics seemed to not bother him at all, but instead did the opposite; it amused him just like how a little boy would be amused of a brand new video game being released by Nintendo. And even though being the source of annoyance for other people was in Key's nature, he only did it for fun. It was never to hurt others; it was more of to get their attention and give out an astounding impression behind.


To Jonghyun, however, Key left a definite and unforgettable impression. They have a lot of dissimilarities, but the amount of the common traits they possessed balanced everything out. One of those similarities was their love for challenges. They always want to put their good foot forward and prove themselves. But this time, the challenge was different from the usual; it was between them two and their capabilities of making the other fall for them but not letting their own heart fall for the other.


The first meeting of their group of friends was of course, the time for first impressions; the creation of prejudice. They were different people, with different lives and different opinions. But actually, out of these five men, or should we say, boys, there were two beings who sparked each other's interest the most. Perhaps, it was what they called 'love at first sight'? Well then, let's get this straight. Heck no. It was never love at first sight. It was more of 'challenge at first sight'. They were both determined that they'd be able to play with each other’s hearts without affecting their own.


It started in a dormitory. They were living the oh-so-great life of college. It was a simple home, in which five of them rented for the upcoming terms of university. It exactly had five bedrooms, one for each individual, a shared bathroom, a laundry room and of course, like any normal home, it had a highly flammable kitchen whenever Onew was around.


The first of the five boys was Lee Jinki or just Onew, a student majoring in music. He's been in college and had been living in the dormitory for two years now. He was a total klutz, but he was a great cook, so nobody got the heart to kick him out even though caused a lot of ruckus at times. We could just say that he was a duck, who had his own world.


Next was of course, one of our main players, Kim Jonghyun. He's been a pal of Jinki since high school, graduating a year later after him. He followed his friend's footsteps, settling on music as his major, and living in the same dormitory, too. They both had great vocals, but Jonghyun personally thinks that he's better.


And this makes us go back to the time when their professor was late for class--of course, we can't leave this out of the story; it's too precious and embarassing to be not shared-- and he asked his classmates, which included Jinki by the way, to pick which was better between the two of them. They were pretty popular in class for their undeniably accentuated and highly noticeable voice, but they always came as a pair. And like the usual prick Jonghyun was, he tried to show off his skills and ended up getting embarrassed in the end.


"You didn't have to dance around the classroom, Jonghyun. It would've been a nice performance compared to Jinki's." He still remembered the words his professor told him upon entering the classroom while he was on the teacher's desk, attempting to do a y dance. Well, that's what he got for being such a prick. But he never learned and now here he was again, letting that side take over him upon the first meeting.


A year later after Jonghyun moved in, it was then that three boys joined in and replaced the older residents of the dormitory. It actually relieved Jinki that the older ones finally left, because he was usually bullied by them, being the klutz yet great cook he was.


"But they were big!" That was all he would reason out when the younger ones would ask him why he gave into them. He would never admit that he was a klutz, a duck with world class dishes though. And then in the end, the others would just laugh at him. He was the house's baby, after all.


One of those three profiles was Choi Minho, former star athlete in his high school days and was now taking architecture as a major. Of course, that brought up many questions and comments, saying how he wasted his talent in sports and such. But of course, some of the students understood him. He was actually known for being an idiot, after all. Well, the world ought to get some of his perfection anyway, to keep everything fair, so it was quite sensible for him to be idiotic.


The second one was Lee Taemin, a pretty boy in his former school, an official genius proven by his acceleration of two years, his being musically inclined and being a great dancer. Looks, height, brains, talent, loveable attitude; he has it all. Women and even a fair amount of men would fall heads over heels for him. He was almost the epitome of perfection, but he had his fair share of flaws. He was really friendly, but way talkative in some sense. He was taking theatre arts, making use of almost all his attributes.


And of course, let's not forget Kim Kibum, or as how he wants people to call him, Key. He came from the same high school as Taemin, being best buddies with him ever since. He was the more sassy and confident counterpart of Taemin. He also took theatre arts, proving his worth as the school's fashionista and prima donna. He had his own spot light and Jonghyun can't deny that this didn't go by unnoticed. Upon their first meeting, he was already struck by Key's presence and this challenged him to play the game. But then, little did he know, that the sly fox had already taken the challenge as soon as he stepped onto the dormitory. They were both playing the crucial game of the heart and it was highly dangerous.


The first meeting was as normal as it could get, except for the different thoughts going on in the boys' minds. 


Food. Food. Food. What to do I cook today? Beef, fish or pork? Chicken? Oh yes, chicken! That would be wonderful. Perhaps, if I don't fry them this time, it'll come out better. Maybe I should just have them cooked special today. Maybe roast them in the oven or something. Hmn. Nah. Fried chicken's still the best.


I hope the new people are okay with fried chicken. I mean... Psh. Who am I kidding? Of course they're okay with that. It's fried chicken! Everybody loves fried chicken! The thoughts in Jinki's mind continued as the others called out to him.


"Yah! Lee Jinki!" Jonghyun's voice awakened the duck from his trail of thoughts. It was always about food.


"Yes?" He answered immediately, clueless of what they were talking about earlier.


"Didn't you hear what I said? I said Taemin needed to go to the washroom. And apparently I just said to also give him a tour around the house after, moments ago while you were probably daydreaming about chicken again." Jonghyun said with the exasperation heavily heard in his voice.


"Oh. Okay then. Follow me, Taemin." He said, used to the annoyed Jonghyun while rising from his seat.


Taemin followed Onew across the spacious living room, almost bumping into him when he suddenly squat down and hit the hard wooden floor with his right knee only to pick up the toy he found lying on the ground. He then looked up to Taemin, an unexplainable contorted expression plastered on his face as he tried to suppress a great cry of pain and squished the rubber duck toy, creating weird 'quack' sounds in the now silenced room. He suddenly grinned like nothing happened and happily stood up and pranced his way out of the room.


Taemin's mouth was left hanging open as he turned his head towards Jonghyun's direction, obviously stupefied by what just happened a while ago.


"It's his condition striking again. Just get used to it. He'll be doing more body gags and I wouldn't doubt it if he suddenly sets the kitchen on fire because of his clumsiness." Jonghyun blunted, breaking the silence Onew left. He really was used to his body gags and klutziness. Taemin just shrugged it off and went off to the direction wherein Onew went.


Now that Taemin was gone, Jonghyun could finally talk to Key more. Taemin had been asking him non-stop questions since he arrived and finally after probably a hundred questions, Taemin gave in and asked where the washroom was. Key was asking questions from time to time while looking around the room and sometimes even staring at Jonghyun. He was shamelessly looking into Jonghyun's eyes; they were practically staring at each other while Jonghyun was explaining things for Taemin.


Minho, the idiot, was really quiet. He was never a talker anyways, so it was absolutely normal for him to just stare off into the distance and let his idiotic mind wander. And if you were wondering what he was thinking about the whole time, it was about the QPR, the soccer team he's going gaga about. Of course, since he was an idiot, he didn't notice the stares Jonghyun and Key were sharing. The stares were magnetic, as if it were two ultimately strong forces pulling each other.


As soon as Taemin left, Key spoke up, saying, “So. Jonghyun, what's your major? I heard that we were in the same university, so I was wondering that maybe we'd have some classes together."


"Oh. I major in music. I'm focusing on my vocals the most right now."


"Oh." Key continued to stare at Jonghyun, not even glancing around the room for a second. They didn't seem to feel a bit least queasy about it.


"I'll be looking around the house, if you guys don't mind. And I'd probably settle down in my room already," the quiet idiot stood up and caught the attention of the two.


"I'll just ask Onew where my room is after I look around." Both Jonghyun and Key looked up to him and nodded, as if they were shooing him away with their gazes and repetitive nods. The game was about to start and the two were already getting ready. Time was running and apparently, Minho was kind of wasting it. Yes. Minho was the idiot and time-waster.


"Yeah, sure." Jonghyun quickly muttered and as if queued, Minho walked away with his long, powerful strides.


They went back to shamelessly staring at each other, observing each other's stature and built. It only lasted for a few seconds of silence, but there was still something to it.


"So what do you do? Taemin said that you were both majoring in theatre arts. That's kind of a big scope." Jonghyun broke the silence, but the two still didn't stop their fiery staring.


"I dance," Jonghyun smirked at Key's answer. Dance indeed was pretty interesting.


"And I also do a bit of designing for fun." Key continued, smirking back.


Oh. It's bragging time now, eh? Jonghyun thought, sensing the proud tone in Key's voice.


"Have I already told you that I play the guitar? And I write songs, too." He uttered back, pretty confidently.


"I paint, too." Key bragged like their conversation was something normal.


"What a coincidence. I draw, too. Pretty much sketches, but yeah, basically the same essence." Jonghyun shot back casually.


"I've been into acting and I'm actually auditioning for an upcoming play." Key said with a smug look on his face.


"That's pretty cool. I'm in a band and we have gigs every now and then." Jonghyun gave back the smug look on Key's face. He wasn't going to lose to a pretty boy. He was Kim Jonghyun, and there was no way a feminine lad would win him over.


"Oh. Come and invite me over one of your gigs, alright? I'd love to see your band play." Key said with the sarcasm dripping from his voice. He wasn't weak and Jonghyun's definitely going to see that. He would say he was freaking fabulous, if anyone would ever ask him.


Their conversation was pretty much composed of this and things related to college and the dormitory. It was as if that any time they would just explode from the force their stares were giving and the pride they forced onto their words, but fortunately, Onew went into the room and told them that dinner was ready. Taemin helped out in preparing the food, so Onew was able to finish it pretty quickly. Minho, on the other hand, fell asleep in his room.


And just as Onew was about to leave the room to wake Minho up, Key and Jonghyun smiled widely at each other and said, "Okay. We're coming."


Both of them rose from their seats and when they were about to leave the room, Jonghyun placed his hand on a small spot of Key's back, gently ushering the other forward. It was as if he wanted some electricity to spread across Kibum's back to signify the start of his teasing. He was pretty well-known for being a flirt and he was going to prove that to Key. Key of course, being the fox he was sensed Jonghyun's intention and he already knew about his coquet character. And he wasn't going to back down. He offered the game and he was going to continue it, no matter how crucial it was.


This was it. Jonghyun had just pressed start and the game had just begun.



Level 1: Press Start to Play, accomplished.




I don't know where this came from but OTL

Please do comment and tell me what you guys think~ I don't bite, I swear ^^ Thank you!

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Please don't kill me;;; but finally updated and the fic is now complete! yayyyy


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akpopgirlsthoughts #2
Chapter 9: YAY U CAME BACK! Great fic, did seem a bit rushed after your mini-hiatus after chap 8 but still nonetheless a great jongkey fanfic :) 2min was implied so I have nothing against u, hope u continue writing fics in the future~
Chapter 9: I liked it ;w; no matter how short it was, it was interesting and cute and I liked the story anyway <33 implied!2min was obvious so you don't need to worry XD and the epilogue was adorable ^__^

thank you for writing an incredible fanfic <3
eunhaeshipper15 #4
Chapter 9: It's oveeer :~; But I really enjoyed this story and it's flufffff :3 Thank you so much for writing it~ ^^
Chapter 8: <333333 XDDDDD FINALLY

and that was the cutest way to get them together XD

(and yes, Jjong will lose against Kibum because, well, it's Kibum!)
Chapter 7: Yeeeeeeeeeas! Progress! ;D hehe oh jjong , you pabo, never could keep your feelings to yourself ^,^ Jjong ♥ Key keke Author-ssi dont worry! I know how hell school is -_- As long as you dont forget about us waiting , take all the time you need :) a happy author writes good stories ! Waiting for the next chapter :) ~
Chapter 7: I'm like so excited omg XDDDD JongKey wuvvy wuvvy time!,
Chapter 6: Wahhh i cant wait for the next chapter!! >o< who will cave first ?~ kyaa xD I love your writing author-ssi :)
Chapter 6: Excited for next chapter!!! Update soon!!!!! <3
Chapter 6: I am excited <333 XDDD great job on this one~