Level 4: The Weakness

The Crucial Game of the Heart

The Crucial Game of the Heart






"Urngh." Key felt like his head was going to explode. One small movement and the world went spinning.


"I won't drink like that ever again." He swore to the empty air of his bedroom and slowly got up from his bed. Everything that happened last night was like a blur. He only remembered getting drunk because of that coquet puppy and his annoying good looks.


He groggily went to the washroom just outside his bedroom and washed his face. He dried his face with the paper towel and roughly fixed his hair. Without even bothering to change from his pink pajamas, which by the way, he had no idea how he got into last night, he went straight to the kitchen following his stomach's request. Being hungry was an understatement; he was starving and his hangover wasn't really helping.


Draggingly and slowly, he went to the kitchen, almost stumbling on his own feet because he could swear that his eyesight was deceiving him of having two pairs of both his hands and feet, instead of just one for each. He finally reached the almighty refrigerator and opened it up, only to meet its cold and empty insides.


"Yah! Choi Minho! You're the one due to buy groceries, right? Why is the refrigerator empty?!" He exasperatedly tugged on his hair and harshly closed the fridge shut. He was scary, alright, especially in the morning. And technically, even if it was almost noon, his hangover was only making him even moodier.


"Were you saying something, Kibum?" Minho's undersized head poked out from the corner of the kitchen.


"Where the hell did you come from, Choi?! You know I hate it when people come out from nowhere, especially if it was you and your undersized head poking out of the kitchen wall!" Key yelled out clutching onto his forehead because it really was an effort to shout in this post-drunk state.


It was true, though. Minho's head was too small for his big athletic body, and his frog-like eyes were way too big for his small idiotic head.


Minho just shrugged Key's nagging off and went further into the kitchen. "I was in my room playing Monopoly with Taemin."


And as if on cue, Taemin entered the kitchen, skipping with the high spirits he always had.


"Hi, hyung! Did you have fun with Jonghyun-hyung last night? Loads of fun?" Taemin chimed as he sat on the stool beside Minho.


"You guys still play Monopoly? Do you ever finish the game?" Key ignored Taemin and just leaned on the table in the middle of the kitchen.


"Not really, but it's quite fun." Minho blunted.


"It's really fun, hyung! You should join us sometime! Minho-hyung always get bankrupt!" Taemin exclaimed, almost falling out of his seat, but Minho was swift enough to support his back.


"I did that on purpose, okay?" Minho mumbled, lightly blushing while doing so.


Really, Choi. You sure are too lovesick with that kid for your own good. Key smirked while thinking. There really was something going on between the two. Key could feel it in his bones.


"Did you have fun, hyung? You never really answered me a while ago." Taemin pouted while placing his chin on his palm and resting his elbow on the table.


"Jonghyun-hyung was carrying you on his back when you arrived last night. You guys sure had lots of fun." Minho raised his eyebrows and made his eyes bigger than it usually was. He hinted so many malicious thoughts with that weird baritone voice of his.


"Yeah. He said that you wouldn't walk from outside the dorm. And from what I remember, you also showered barf all over his favorite dress shirt before entering the dorm." Taemin added, slightly giggling.


These two seriously are retards. Are they masochists, enjoying seeing me drunk and embarrassed after vomiting all over Jonghyun? Key thought before throwing another one of his usual fits. "Yah! Why didn't you guys tell me?! That was so embarrassing!"


"We are telling you now, right?" Minho shot back annoyingly.

Taemin stood up and added, "Oh and hyung, he even carried you to your room! I don't know if he was the one who changed your clothes, but-"


"What?! Yah! Kim Jonghyun! Who told you that you can change people's clothes just because they're drunk? You erted opportunist!" Key stormed off to Jonghyun's room. It was so embarrassing that that happened last night, but Key had to appear unwavering and not show that he was embarrassed by such things, because he was playing a game. He had to appear superior.


He reached Jonghyun's room and swung the door open with such intensity to make the room's owner look up immediately.


"Yah! Kim Jonghyun, you bastard! You ert! You geezer! Who gave you the right to take advantage of a drunk innocent soul like me? Changing my clothes late at night when I'm not in a sober condition, how could you?" Key told him without even pausing to catch his breath. Jonghyun remained still, his mouth hanging open. He was clueless. Kibum threw up on him last night, but he did not change Key's clothes. He only placed the pajamas on Key's bedside.


"What are you talking about? I didn't change your clothes; I placed your pajamas beside you, so it must be you who changed into them subconsciously. And for your information, you threw up on me so you owe me, big time." Jonghyun spoke up, almost calmly after a few seconds.


"And would you please quiet down? I'm sort of working on my project with Sekyung here." Jonghyun continued on and then nodded in the direction wherein a girl was sitting on his bed. 


"Hi. I'm Shin Sekyung, Jonghyun's classmate." The girl stood up and gave a bow.


Key slowly turned to face Sekyung. His face was on fire.


God. How embarrassing could this get? Key mentally slapped himself.


I need to regain my poise and confidence. I shall play along. I am Kim Kibum, the master of roleplaying. Key shifted from his awkward gawking posture to a more confident and smug-looking fox-like one. Revenge, once again was on his mind.


"Oh. Hi. I'm so sorry you had to have this horrible first impression of me. I'm Kim Kibum, by the way." Key went nearer to the girl and shook her hand. He then went to Jonghyun.


"Yah. Yeobo~ It's all your fault. Now your friend thinks badly of me. Hmph. After letting you top last night, this is how you repay me? You're such a bad boyfriend!" Key acted out as he sat on Jonghyun's thighs and then teasingly slapped the other's chest.


"What?! Oh my god, Sekyung. Do not listen to him. He's just acting out all of these again because he's upset. We did not do anything last night." Jonghyun shot up from his seat, pushing Key aside, making him fall off from his lap and pointing at Key's pitiful figure on the floor. Jonghyun kept shaking his head from side to side and enlarging his eyes (but not enough to have it as big as Minho's).


Key stood up while removing the imaginary dust from his clothes and then took a seat beside Sekyung. He put his arms around her shoulders and said, "You know what, as sweet and annoyingly cute Jonghyun is right now or at any time of the day, he's still a beast at night. Last night was a disaster, I swear. A blissful disaster, though. I love that beastly side of him." Key winked at Jonghyun.


He thinks I'm sweet and cute... Wai--What? Holy frick. He's digging his own grave. That fox. What is he doing ruining my image in Sekyung's eyes. Me? A beast? I'm an innocent tamed being, for Christ's sake! Jonghyun thought, still wide-eyed.


"What are you saying? You know you owe me, Kibum. I had to carry you all the way back from the club, because you're such a weakling when it comes to drinking. You barfed all over me! And you even said stupid things on the way back home!" Jonghyun finally spoke back. There was no way that he'd let those 'things' Key told him last night slip out of his mouth. Honestly, it had been bothering his mind the whole time, but he doesn't want to hold on to it. He can't hold on to it; he can't risk his heart in this game.


I think I'm falling for you.


I think I'm falling for you.


I think I'm falling for you.


No. It can't be true, Kibum. Jonghyun shook the thoughts off his head. He hated being bothered by his thoughts.


"Psh. Jjongie, you're such a bummer. You're no fun at all. I thought you were better than Minho and Onew-hyung! Well then, I guess I was wrong." Key shrugged his shoulders, not removing his arm over Sekyung's shoulders. Sekyung remained stiff under his arms, but was still amused at how the two bickered at each other.


"I am fun! It's just that you're being so annoying, Key! And please, hands off my visitor! We're doing a project, okay?" Jonghyun swat Key's arm from the poor girl's shoulders.


"I'm sorry, Sekyung. Key's always annoying, so I'd apologize for his behavior. And actually, this is the reason why I was totally against doing the project here. It's messy and noisy here." Jonghyun said before sitting down on his desk chair.


"What do you mean by messy and noisy? I am not messy and noisy! So, does this mean that you bad mouth about me all the time? And even to your friends? Oh my god, Jjongie, I thought you loved me!" Key stood up from the bed, making Jonghyun and Sekyung's eyes follow him.


"Ugh. Key, cut the acting already. Okay. Sorry then. Wait... What am I even apologizing for again?" Jonghyun leaned further into his seat, raising an eyebrow at the fox.


"Well. You changed my clothes without my permission last night and now you're bad mouthing me in front of your girlfriend, uhm, I mean, visitor." Key pretended to cough the last part out jokingly, but deep inside him, he was feeling something tugging his chest. Perhaps, the feeling of jealousy?


Don't get it wrong. Key doesn't remember any of the things he said last night, but he was still in denial if he really was feeling something for the puppy flirt. He didn't want to, because that would mean losing the game, but also at the same time he wanted to. Stupid pride getting in the way. In this game, it was either pride or true love, and Key wasn't decided on which one yet. Neither was Jonghyun.


"I-I can assure you that we're nothing more than friends. I-if you guys are in, uhm, in a relationship, I promise I'm not someone who'll get in between... You guys are actually, uhm, cute together." Sekyung suddenly spoke up, stuttering.


"Oh-oh. H-he's just acting. We're not in a relationship. We're just pretty close, that's all. He's just acting out everything,"


"Heh. And did you know that he goes to the same university as us? He's majoring in theater arts. That explains all the acting. Hehe." Jonghyun tried to remove the awkward atmosphere among them three, but ended up just sounding even more awkward and stupid.


As much as I want to be able to finally decide on something, I still can't because of this stupid game. I don't even know if he really likes me or he's just teasing me to win or something. I don't know if I should let my guard down, and maybe all that's certain now is that something is brewing inside of me. I don't know if I really am falling for him. Jonghyun thought for a few seconds and then decided that it would be better if he got Key out of the room so Sekyung and him could really work on their project.


"Yah. Just get out already, okay?" Jonghyun pulled Key out of the room and slam the door shut.


"But you guys really are cute." Key heard Sekyung say from outside the room.


"I-it's not what you think." Jonghyun sighed, but still coherent for Key to hear from the other side of the closed door. Key's chest felt a twinge of pain. He wasn't supposed to feel this way.


Am I feeling something for you, Jonghyun? Am I really? Key's mind was running around in circles. He didn't know if he's starting to become weak against Jonghyun. He needed to fight back.


Is this jealousy? Am I becoming jealous of Sekyung because there's a higher possibility of her being in a relationship with Jonghyun, even if for now, she was just a friend to him? Am I jealous because I was playing a game against Jonghyun and although I might be feeling something for him, I cannot confess? All sorts of questions ran through Key's mind, but in the end, he came up with an idea.


I think jealousy might be my weakness... but isn't it everyone's? Key thought in wonder. He was going to use jealousy, his weakness, as a weapon against Jonghyun. He was going to fight back, even if he knew he was already feeling something for the other.


Jealousy was the weakness of the heart, but it also can be the weapon to break another's wall down.



Level 4: The Weakness, cleared and new mission unlocked.





Omg. I am so, so sorry. I am late in updating ;_; I'm days late :( I'll try to update weekly, I swear) Oh so... how was it? Please tell me whattya guys think! ^^ 

Did you see Sekyung's cameo? OTL (She won't be holding a major role here, so no worries-- well, from what I plan so far, but that always changes haha--) and guys, roleplaying and jealous Kibum is beautiful, isn't he???


(Really, Pam? You update late and now you try convincing your readers that your characterization is nice? Really?) 

Yeah... I know I really owe you guys a lot, so I really apologize for that... I'll try to write faster! lmao// So until then, bye guys!



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Please don't kill me;;; but finally updated and the fic is now complete! yayyyy


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akpopgirlsthoughts #2
Chapter 9: YAY U CAME BACK! Great fic, did seem a bit rushed after your mini-hiatus after chap 8 but still nonetheless a great jongkey fanfic :) 2min was implied so I have nothing against u, hope u continue writing fics in the future~
Chapter 9: I liked it ;w; no matter how short it was, it was interesting and cute and I liked the story anyway <33 implied!2min was obvious so you don't need to worry XD and the epilogue was adorable ^__^

thank you for writing an incredible fanfic <3
eunhaeshipper15 #4
Chapter 9: It's oveeer :~; But I really enjoyed this story and it's flufffff :3 Thank you so much for writing it~ ^^
Chapter 8: <333333 XDDDDD FINALLY

and that was the cutest way to get them together XD

(and yes, Jjong will lose against Kibum because, well, it's Kibum!)
Chapter 7: Yeeeeeeeeeas! Progress! ;D hehe oh jjong , you pabo, never could keep your feelings to yourself ^,^ Jjong ♥ Key keke Author-ssi dont worry! I know how hell school is -_- As long as you dont forget about us waiting , take all the time you need :) a happy author writes good stories ! Waiting for the next chapter :) ~
Chapter 7: I'm like so excited omg XDDDD JongKey wuvvy wuvvy time!,
Chapter 6: Wahhh i cant wait for the next chapter!! >o< who will cave first ?~ kyaa xD I love your writing author-ssi :)
Chapter 6: Excited for next chapter!!! Update soon!!!!! <3
Chapter 6: I am excited <333 XDDD great job on this one~