Fighting Against You

All We Do is Fight


Ten o’ clock.

Jiyong pulls over and hands the keys to the valet. He adjusts his wayfarer in an unconscious effort to hide himself. He refused to go inside and instead chose to stand on the street, at the edge of the glass walls, hidden from view of the patrons inside. He scans the guests of the fine dining restaurant and immediately spots a person who wasn’t hard to miss, even in a crowd of equally beautiful people. The man always had a captivating presence that was hard to overlook.

Seunghyun was sitting on one of the corner tables.

He looked rather tired, Jiyong thought. He had those sullen eyes that kept darting at the door whenever it opened. He notices how often Seunghyun’s fists tighten and unclench. He turns down the server for what seemed like the tenth time that night. He glances at his watch before putting both elbows in the table and sighing at his clasped hands.

Jiyong fetches his phone from his pocket. He went to the inbox, which was full of Seunghyun’s messages.

“We need to talk.”

“Please talk to me.”

“I need to see you.”

“Please come.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

Jiyong glanced at his own watch. He had kept him waiting for three hours already. He never replied to any of Seunghyun’s messages so he really had no commitment to show up. He was tired of Seunghyun always wanting them to talk - as if talking could change anything, as if talking could solve everything.

Jiyong decides. Seunghyun could wait a little more.

He could wait there until tomorrow because Jiyong had made his mind up on not showing. He deserves a little pain, a taste of the bitterness of reality.

He envied Seunghyun and his carefree life. Seunghyun seemed to get the best praises for his little efforts. Jiyong however, had to break his bones and shed tears of blood, in exchange for a few compliments among hundreds of ridicules. He wanted to destroy Seunghyun back then, corrupt him and make him see that the world is cruel and life is unfair. He wanted to let Seunghyun see his pains; he wanted Seunghyun to feel them.

It started as a game, as an experiment. He knew Seunghyun fancied him even before the man was aware of it himself. Seunghyun was a good friend and he trusted Jiyong blindly. It was easy for Jiyong to seduce him. Jiyong made himself so desirable in Seunghyun’s eyes that it became inevitable for Seunghyun to fall in love with him.

Blameless in his own eyes, Jiyong tries to get Seunghyun break off their relationship. He has done awful things, cruel things, to make Seunghyun fall out of love. After all, making someone hate you is easier than making them love you.

Jiyong watched as Seunghyun grew more anxious by the minute. He had become completely still and silent. Tears were threatening to fall.

Just then a pretty lady walked up to Seunghyun’s table. From the way she approached him, it appears she was a fan. Jiyong could make out a few words by watching her lips move. She told him she has been watching Seunghyun for a long time and decided to accompany him while waiting.

Being the gentleman that Seunghyun was, he entertained her. Seunghyun even smiled for her.

Jiyong could feel his blood boil as the lady sat in his seat.

Seunghyun let her.

Jiyong grabs his phone and sends Seunghyun a message.

“Ditch her. Or I’m leaving.”

Jiyong could see Seunghyun reach for his phone while laughing at what seemed like the lady’s very funny joke.


Jiyong stormed inside.




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Chapter 5: I pray for john to screw up! So that he would finally leave seunghyun..
HYY i just joined this site just to beg to update this story i like it so much
StormyDay #3
Chapter 5: Ohh what is he planning?
Can't wait for the next update:)
hazelswirls #4
Chapter 5: omg I just found this fic, and I'm usually a silent reader but this is sooo good I couldn't help. You've done it again with gtop. So much angst but the right amount for them and I'm hooked. Really hope you update soon!
Ce-Sar #5
Chapter 5: Omo omo what is he going to do?
Please continue soon!
Chapter 5: Aaahhh what will you do jiyong ? *giggling* I'm so excited what is jiyong planning for JL >.< I'm sure jiyong is so so so creative...
puffscoco #7
Chapter 5: OMG! i fell in love wit your story more! haha! I really like how you write the emotions thay feel through out the story even though gd needs some couseling.....Anyways jiyong really needs to start trusting seunghyun, even though i kinda enjoyed the jealous gd...hehehe
I reeeeeeallly love your story so update soon!
Chapter 5: GD is really wicked & twisted! !!! But I kind of love him like that wonder what he plans for the poor director Lee (I kind of pry him to be trapped in GD's line of sight!!)
asevon #9
Chapter 5: okay. jiyong's act seemed messy but calculated in some fckd up way to me. i cant say whether i like it or not maybe because i cant see the plot quite clearly thus far, and his selfish way as the center of this story is really tiring to read in some way. argh, i really need more explanation to why he acts that way and another. seunghyun too, there's must be smthng more than love without reason in their case. okay, i rambling. thanks for updating! :)
Chapter 5: ..more creative than that. oh gosh I can't imagine what he's gonna do. your creativity is endless <3