Only the truth

The Romantic & Idol S3

You talked and talked until you fell asleep. You woke up and you stepped out of the van. You went straight to the room and changed and went to the mini-café for the music shuffle. “Zinni your turn,” she stepped out and played Tell Me Tell Me. “L.Joe’s gonna step put for this,” you were right, he did step out and Zinni blushed like a tomato while she rode on his back. “We have to do that?” the PD nodded. “I’m next,” you stepped out and took a deep breath. I’m in Love by Narsha started playing. “Please come out,” you looked at your toes and heard the door open. “OH!” you saw Ken. The song ended and you noticed one thing. “How come you’re wearing yellow pants?” you were wearing a yellow hoodie and he was wearing yellow pants. “ Wow~ did you copy me?” you shook your head. “Look at us!” the others started laughing. “Really?” you sat at the grass in front of the house. “Confessions or clarifications?” the PD nodded."You must only say the truth, nothing else.."you nodded. “Zinni you go first,” she took L.Joe’s hand and they went inside the café. “They seem so serious,” you watched them. “We’ll talk here too!” you laughed.”Look at Zinni’s face, she looks like she’s going to say something but nothing would come out,” you nodded. “L.Joe keeps talking,” you chuckled. They came out and Zinni’s face is so dark.  “L.Joe choose the person you want to talk to,” he walked up to Zinni. “He wants to talk to her more,” Ilhoon said as they entered the room. “The room got a dark aura around it,” you nodded. “They get along right?” Serri nodded. “Oh! During their walk earlier L.Joe said something that upset Zinni.” You looked at Minah. “I heard them bickering earlier,” you puffed your cheeks. “Zinni was upset because he kept talking about Yura, you know from Minah’s group. Zinni had enough, since their first date he kept talking about Yura. I heard Zinni say ‘I’ve had enough of you .You always say Yura that , Yura this. Why don’t you just date her instead of me!’ that was why she returned here without him.” Ilhoon acted out. You sighed and Ken held your hand. “Affected are we?” you smacked his head. “The three minutes are up!” the PD said and they came out. “Next is Himchan,” he took Serri with him. “They are the exact opposite of those two,”  you whispered to Ken. Himchan and Serri were smiling when they came out. Serri picked Ilhoon and Ilhoon told you that she was asking for Himchan’s number because she’s too shy to ask him. “Ilhoon,” he stood up and took Minah. “Are they a couple or something? They look so sweet,” you laughed and they came out. “That was fast,” they smiled and Minah stood up. He took Himchan’s hand. “He just wants Serri’s number,” she whispered and you chuckled. “Lovey-doveys,” you mumbled. “Ken,” he took your hand and you went inside. “Did you see the look on Zinni’s face?” he nodded. “I’ll talk to him later,” he nodded. “What do you think about me?” he asked you. “I think you’re kind, sweet, gentleman, friendly, han—“ he cut you off. “Not what you think but you, the real you,” you took a deep breath. “You’re cute, kind, caring and sweet.” You looked at him. “D-Do you like me?” he asked. You laughed and sighed. “Do you like me?” he asked again. “Yes,” you nodded. “I like you too,” you both stood up. “Wow he really is a man for saying that without beating around the bush,” you thought. You picked L.Joe and you went inside the room. “What happened?” you asked him. “I talked about Yura and how amazing she is,” he looked down. “Zinni was your date, not her,” you crossed your arm. “Did I hurt her?”  you nodded. “Seems like it,” you sat down. “She was really upset you know,” he sighed. “You should clear things up,” he nodded and you both went back to your seats. “So now that you told him or her what’s in your heart, you can rest  now or do anything you want.” 

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Chapter 11: I expected the R&I tragedy while reading this :/
but still good :3
Mistar #2
Chapter 11: Tbh, I like Joeso more than Kenso but Ur's so great ~^^
Hope u can write other fanfics abt Sohyun ~♥
Hwaiting hwaiting ~♥
Chapter 11: i thought Sohyun will end up with Ljoe.. but she with ken <3
Great cute couple ^^
Great job author nim <3