You're Cute

A Random Collection of EXO Oneshots


"Hey, Yeollie. I've been bothered about this the whole time," I murmured as I flipped another page.


"Ahh. Where should I start? Hmm. Oh, right! So, I wonder . . ." I mused, without looking up from my book.


I took a deep breath and readjusted my glasses. With a soft thud, I placed the book on my lap.


"Do you ever even go back home at all?!" I shrieked, glaring intently at him.


"Hmm? Come again?" Chanyeol looked up and met my gaze; a seemingly innocent expression evident on his face.  He was sprawled on my bedroom floor with a dozen stuff scattered about, emanating his happy-virus aura.


"Aigoo. And you're going through my things again. You just can't help it, can you?" I heaved a deep sigh and shook my head in dismay.


I guess 16 years made me immune from this happy-virus. I kept my eyes on him as he fiddled with this bunny stuffed toy he got me when we went to Lotte World with our families a few years ago.


"Ha! Aren't you a little too obsessed with these creatures?" Chanyeol remarked.


"Yet, you kept giving me random stuff associated with them," I hurled back at him, picking up a fluffy bunny pen from my collection. "Anyways, they're just too cute and you know that."


In my left palm, I wrote something in neat characters to test out the pen, secretly elated as I remembered how he got me the pen as well. I carefully placed it on top of my bedside drawer along with few other stuff from my collection.


I gave him a small smile without him noticing. Well, I guess 16 years probably wasn't enough. Not quite.


"Well, yeah. It's because they remind me of you," he grinned, looking up.


I chuckled playfully, "Oh. So, does that mean I'm cute as well?" I teased, not withholding my urge to be witty.


He waved his hand in disapproval. "Aniya. That's not it. I mean, for one, you're both 'harebrained', you know?" He clarified with a straight face.


I squinted my eyes at him some more.


"Aish. How can you say that so casually? And with such a straight face like that. You brat,” I retorted.


His mask deliberately crumbled and he suddenly guffawed, "'Harebrained', get it?!" almost throwing his head back in laughter.


"Pfft," I stifled a laugh, careful not to let him notice. It was partly because of his so-called 'joke', if I were to be honest. But, sometimes, the laughter of the person himself tends to be funnier than his joke. It was through sheer will that I managed to keep a legit poker face.


He is such a derp. I thought.


"Aigoo. It's funny, you know?" He insisted, wiping the tears at the corner of his eyes with his finger. "Why won't you laugh?"


I froze.


It's because I'm being careful not to let my true feelings show lest I end up ruining our relationship.


I took a deep breath.


Though I know you're dense enough to not notice these kinds of feelings people have for you, I just can't be too sure. I inwardly sighed and began recalling unpleasant thoughts.


I've seen lots of better, beautiful girls confess to you a thousand times, but none of them even seemed to pique your interest. You rejected them without hesitation. And you seemed to not be interested at all; much less in me.


I mean, how could you be? Although we've been together for what seemed like forever, it doesn't change the fact that you live in a different world. You're one of the perfect, popular jjangs while . . . me? I'm nobody. I’m just a plain, unattractive nerd who was only lucky enough to be your best friend; lucky to be a part of your life.


It's pretty clićhe, I know. This kind of situation and everything, but . . .


Park Chanyeol, I love you so much that it hurts.


I mentally slapped myself real hard. This is not the right time to think of such things.


I tried to regain composure. "Ani. It's not that . . ." I replied in a monotonous tone.


"What? Then, what's the matter?" He asked, obviously worried.


Not good. Not good. I thought as I felt tears threatening to come out. On impulse, I took my pillow from the side and threw it as much as I could to his face.


"Yah!" He exclaimed.


Then I felt his hand on mine, pulling me down to him. And so I found myself sitting on his lap, my feet resting on top of my bed while feeling his sturdy arm supporting my back.


I felt his eyes on my face, trying to figure me out. My attempt not to look back was futile as his other hand went to my cheek, willing me to look at him. Though we were face to face, I knew I could avert my gaze but I still ended up doing otherwise.


So, instead of his eyes, I focused on the seeping warmth I felt through my cheeks.


His hand became bigger than mine, how could I not notice this until now? It was comfortably warm.


It felt really good being held by him like this. It made me want to snuggle closer and let his arm envelop me in absolute contentment. I wished I could stay like this forever.


But, it seemed most impossible.


Before I could think of anything else, I heard his deep voice saying, "Now I know what this is about."


I felt my heart stop for a moment.


Omo. Could he had already figured out my feelings for him? It's impossible, right?  I mean, this is Park Chanyeol I'm talking about. Denser than the densest substance in the universe. Alright, I know that’s an overstatement. But, still. What if . . . he already did?


"You . . ." He cleared his throat.


"You're cute, alright?"


"Really. You're cute so don't get upset anymore." Chanyeol pouted, his face getting red.


He looked away and murmured, "Aish. Why do you have to be so worked up about it?" as he scratched his head.


I burst into laughter, not helping it.


"So . . . You . . . actually . . . thought . . . ?" I managed to say in between laughs. I shook my head, trying to get a hold of myself.


Geez. I should have known better! Still laughing.


I sighed. Oh, how relieved I was when he got it all wrong.


After who knows how long, only then did I notice that I was the only one amused.


Chanyeol was simply staring at me as I find myself starting to do the same. Unknowingly, I felt like I'd engaged myself into a staring contest that I was sure I'd lose any minute; especially if my opponent was him.


"Uhh . . ." I desperately shifted my gaze to the side.


I thought of what to say when he started taking off my glasses. Then, he held my face closer to his with both hands.


"What are you . . . ?"


He leaned forward, his lips only inches from mine, and then . . . he kissed me.


It was only for a second, but it felt like it was longer than that. If he hadn't bore his intense yet dreamy gaze on me, I would have doubt his lips ever touched mine at all. It seemed the kind of thing I'd dream about in my spare time.


I seriously cannot believe it. Were we really that close? It seemed so. I remembered smelling that familiar scent I've always loved. It was intoxicating. And our lips . . . Did they really? You know? Even for just a while . . . My thoughts raced a hundred miles per hour.


Though my thoughts wreaked havoc inside my head, my countenance showed otherwise. I guess I had perfected that through the years I've been with him.


At that time, I probably looked like I've just been turned to stone after looking into Medusa's eyes or something, with my eyes wide and my mouth agape.


Chanyeol chuckled softly as he looked down. His face lit up, elated, biting his lower lip. Then, he looked back at me.


"You're cute," he said softly, once more. Somewhat sounded like longing, I wasn’t sure.


Also, I wouldn’t have noticed that sudden change of expression of his if I hadn’t been staring fixedly. I wanted to know why, so my eyes went down to where his just did.




The word probably apparent in my face.


Just then, I put my hands abruptly behind my back, desperate to remove the markings which probably made my situation worse than it already was.


Did he know?


If he did, was it a good thing or a bad thing?


That, I've yet to find out.


I glanced at my left hand warily, aware that the person’s eyes himself were on me.


But, it was still there, apparently, like it was written just now.


'박찬열, 사랑해 <3'

Park Chanyeol, I love you <3





Mian. *bows* Here's yet another WTH chapter. (Seriously, what am I doing?) XD


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SalmaAlrfaae #1
Chapter 4: I feel sorry for her :( but still curious to know who the mysterious guy is :/ can't wait for the 2nd part ^^