Trust Me

A Random Collection of EXO Oneshots


"I shouldn't have let you watch that movie with me," Kai teased.


"Aniya. You know I like horror movies. It's just that," I said as I held on to the hem of his shirt, my lips trembling. "I'm not good at dealing with them afterwards."


He looked down to where my hand was. A smirk gradually formed on his lips as he took in my firm grip on him, getting tighter. I then kept my eyes on the floor and tried to evade his intent gaze on me.


"More so when going to bed because that's the time I keep imagining all kinds of things," I added with a weak voice.


I thought I heard him murmur, "Really. Well, maybe I was aware of that," then I heard him say with a much louder voice, "Alright. It's best if we sleep now. It's later than you think."


Strange enough, I thought I could hear a smile as he said that last statement; though his back was to me.


Evil. I sense something evil.


As we stepped into his room, my eyes grew wide a little and my brows lifted up a bit. I had to admit that I was not used to it. His room was unusually neat and tidy.


But, it's not as if I haven't been to his room before. I mean, we practically live together - due to certain circumstances. And Kai has always been kempt with just about everything.


This time I couldn't help but be in awe. If it was uncluttered before, his room has never looked this pristine.


Anyway, I wasn't even sure how I managed to notice such details. For my heart had been thumping so hard, it was drowning out everything else. I stood there with a sense of foreboding. A foreboding I seemed to anticipate.


OMO. What is going to happen?


"I'm just going to take a quick shower," Kai said with a wink as he headed to the bathroom.


I nodded weakly with the best poker face I could ever make.


It took me all that I could, especially when he took his time and gave me that signature smirk of his before I heard him close the door.


There, alone, I sat in his bed. My heart began to beat faster than ever. I closed my eyes and took a couple of deep breaths. Abruptly, I threw myself, face first, to the pillows with my legs up in the air.


What just happened? What have I gotten myself into? What has gotten into me? I thought as I pounded the bed with my legs.


And then I stopped as a thought came to me: What was I afraid of again?


I briefly remembered the movie we've watched a while ago until I heard tiny pitter-pattering of drops against the tiles.


Kai. Definitely Kai. I thought as I buried my face again on the pillow.


I took another breather.


Well, at least, as much as I could gather from my situation.


My thoughts were going on and on, incessantly. This pillow . . . It gives off an odor so familiar, so powerful, that my . . . heart . . . aches. My heart aches for him. For Kim Jongin. It's weird. If I were to be honest with myself, my body seems to ache for him as well. It aches with longing . . . A longing so familiar, a longing I've been feeling every single time I'm with him. Have I been feeling this all along? Am I just that stupid enough to notice it? So, that time . . . and that other time as well, the other day, yesterday and a while ago. His advances . . . Those were his advances, right? Omo.


"Kim . . .  Jongin . . . Jong . . . In," I murmured, muffled, whilst slightly panting. I couldn't breathe.


The softness of the pillow then left me and I came into contact with something firm and warm instead.


I sighed, "So . . . warm." I smiled as I suddenly had this urge to wrap my arms around the strange thing that's been giving me that toasty feeling. So, I snuggled closer.


I felt the surface of the said thing going up and down in rhythmic patterns until it went unstable and I heard deep vibrations.


"You're not sleep-talking again, are you?" Kai chuckled with that deep husky voice of his.


My eyes shot wide open at once. I swiftly turned my head up to where that luscious sound emanated from.


There he was, Jongin, his face barely inches from mine.


It didn't help that his eyes trailed all over my body, as if memorizing its every nook and cranny. It didn't help that his hands sensually went to the back of my waist. And that his arms urged me to lean closer to his, with such dominance and assertion. It didn't help that I blushed beet red which only seemed to attract and made him look more as if he was a predator and I was his prey. And that my heart was drowning out everything else with its rapid beating, including rational thinking.


It didn't help at all. None of it did.


Kai was so close, his scent was intoxicating. His lips. His plump pink lips. His lips went to my hair. I heard him murmur, "You're so beautiful."


"And I don't think I can stop myself from kissing you anymore."


Then, he kissed me.


At first, I froze. My eyes still open. It wasn't because I didn't like it. I did like it. VERY, VERY MUCH. Thank you. It's just that it was my first time to be kissed and I had no idea what to do or how to react as the receiving end.


Although it was my first kiss, I could tell that Jongin's such a good kisser. I don't know. Is it the warm feel and the gentleness of his lips against mine?


He stopped for a moment and breathed out, "You are so beautiful." And then he gave me another kiss. "So beautiful." And then another.


"Beautiful," He whispered.


Then, the fourth one.


It was starting to get intense. And I couldn't help it. I whimpered slightly which seemed enough to stop him from his tracks.


"Jongin . . ." I panted.


Kai looked worried at first. He was anxious that he may had gone too far. But, then, he must have seen from my dreamy state that wasn't because of that. He chuckled.


"Don't worry, love. I will restrain myself. I won't do anything . . . Yet."


He smirked. But, then, that smirk turned into a gentle smile.


And Kai said those two words.


"Trust me."





I really don't know what happened. I really don't. What did I just write? Lol. 

Please. Feel free to comment below. Just don't bash me too much, okay? :) Don't worry. I won't bite. I'm sirius . . . Black. *silence* Alright, I know that joke wasn't really funny. *facepalms* Jeongmal mianhae. (>/.\<)


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SalmaAlrfaae #1
Chapter 4: I feel sorry for her :( but still curious to know who the mysterious guy is :/ can't wait for the 2nd part ^^