Life or death

My Bestfriend's Crush


Hyomi’s POV

“ What are you doing here?”

“I came to explore the school but people are searching for me so I thought I could may be hide here for a while.”

“ You’re not from this school?” He questioned then looked at my uniform. Somehow he looked shock.

“Hyung…Hyung’s school” He pointed to my school’s crest.

“Hyung…?” I started to remember there were 2 more guys missing.

“WHO ARE YOU? DID YOU CAME HERE WITH HYUNG?!” His eyes widen and started shouting

“SHUSH! People might hear us. Hyung..? You mean Jinyoung and Sandeul are your hyung?!”

“ Did they brought you here? Oh god I’m so dead if they find me.”

“Wait… Jinyoung was looking for Baro and Sandeul is looking for Gongchan… So that makes you one of them!”

“ You don’t have  to guess. Baro hyung should be found now. Since he’s such a loser at hiding. I’m Gongchan. The maknae of the group. Who are you?...”

“I’m Hyomi!” I looked at him and tried my best to smile. Somehow when I was with him, I wasn’t afraid. I wasn’t scared or terrified or even shy. He made me feel happy. And good about myself.

“Hyo…Mi? Hyung’s girlfriend? Ooo so who are you dating?” He gave me a sly look. Although this guy is god damn handsome, he apparently, has a mental age of a 3 year old kid. Using me as a threat? Who are you kidding.

I shook my head. “ Songjo’s twin sister’s childhood friend.”

“Hyung has a twin sister?! I thought she was his girlfriend!”

“ Many people thought of that too. And nope she’s his sister”


“It’s your phone. I didn’t bring mine.” I pointed to his pocket

He fished out his phone and looked at the message.

“ Oh god. I’m so dead. I think we should just go back.”

“But I haven’t even…!”

He grabbed my wrist. He didn’t even care what I had to say. He just grabbed my hand and ran down the stairs. It felt like I’m in some sort of drama where we got chased by a bunch of big bullies. But instead of a romantic love scene. It was a matter of life or death. 


-to be continued-

Author's note: Apparently i'm still not well. I didn't went to school today and gathered all my energy to write this chapter. Sorry for not updating yesterday due to my horrible health condtion ( I still have no idea why am i this sick ). Anyways hope you guys enjoy this chapter! 

@twilar : Hello! yeap yeaps you guessed it right! It's our maknae gongchannie! ^^

@AriMin67 : Hahas! yeap you guess it! It's gongchan! Hahas thank you! It doesn't stablise and occassionally get worse. But i'm much better now thank you! ^^ Yeaps! Deullie will appear soon enough! ^^




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twilar #1
Chapter 12: Haha yey:D
SanderpBANA #2
Chapter 11: It must be Gongchan! I don't know... I hope it is(: I will look foward to your next chapter and future Deullie moments haha. Its good that you regained your healith.
twilar #3
Chapter 11: Is the guy gongchan? Ah cant wait^^
SanderpBANA #4
Chapter 10: I love this chapter! Need more Deullie moments jk! I can't wait to see what happens next. Update soon :D I hope you get better.
SanderpBANA #5
Chapter 8: Your story is cute ^_^ update soon.