Mr. Perfection

My Bestfriend's Crush


“Don’t worry Songjo! We’ll help you find Hyomi!” Shinwoo said.

“Yea don’t worry!” Jinyoung comforted Songjo and stood up. He patted Songjo’s shoulder and started to order Shinwoo to look at the top level and second. He’ll search the 5th and first while Songjo search the 4th and third.

“ What about me!” Baro shouted waving his hand as widely as he could.

“Uhh… You’ll search with me! Since the 6th is such a huge place to cover” Shinwoo suggested.

“Okay!” Baro approved. Then he asked once again “But whose Hyomi? Is she the girl that just ran off?”

“That’s my twin. Sungjo. But we don’t have time to explain. She too shy and terrified of others to be out there exploring this big school. Let’s split up now and go”

They ran off in different directions looking for Hyomi. Shinwoo scanned the top floor while baro searched for the second. Jinyoung asked around while Songjo looked like he was going to flip the school apart. What they didn’t know was that there was a hidden roof top that not many knew.

Hyomi’s POV:

I didn’t want to disturb Sungjo but at the same time I wanted to explore this gigantic school. I wonder what facilities do this school have. I decided to leave quietly so I wouldn’t disturb Sungjo and at the same time, I get to explore this palace. I left everything behind and walked around the school. I was just around the corner when I saw Songjo looking for me. Oh no not now. If I get caught now I’m sure to get in trouble with Sungjo and Songjo and they’ll never bring me here again. One thing that everyone should know about me is I’m a klutz when it comes to direction. I can never go home unless I’ve that path for a hundred times. I ran towards the nearest exit staircase and hid behind the door. When I couldn’t hear Songjo anymore, I ran all the way to the top floor and yet I saw Shinwoo. Damn I’m gonna get in trouble if I get out off here. With my back facing the door I looked and to my surprise, there was actually a roof top. Before I knew it, my legs brought me up to the rooftop. I peeked and found no one there and decided to enter.

“Woah…” this place looked like I was in some posh café and before I could continue exploring, my mouth got covered and was dragged to another corner. I struggled with all my might but boy, this person who was ‘kidnapping’ me was strong.

“Don’t move” I could tell it’s a guy’s voice.

Is he freaking dumb. I’m getting kidnap and he expect me to not move. But I myself am dumb too. I actually listened to him. But partly cause I was afraid of him.

He loosen his grip and made my sit on the floor. He then sit directly opposite me. Then I realise what an attractive guy he was. He had a nicely shaped jaw line I have never seen. He eyes held a kind of sparkle in them. He had a face I call perfection and hair that is just pure flawless. His hair was a kind you would call neat but not called combed. He was attractive in many ways. And p…perfect.

-to be continued-

Author's note: Yay! managed to finish brainstorming and finish this chapter! How do you find it so far? Can you guys guess who this guy is? hehe. Do look forward to see how they got found! ^^


@AriMin67Hello! Thank you for reading my story till this part! Deullie will appear again soon so do look forward! Hope you can guess who is the other guy! Yeaps I'm feeling much better after i took my medicine and slept. Thank you! ^^

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twilar #1
Chapter 12: Haha yey:D
SanderpBANA #2
Chapter 11: It must be Gongchan! I don't know... I hope it is(: I will look foward to your next chapter and future Deullie moments haha. Its good that you regained your healith.
twilar #3
Chapter 11: Is the guy gongchan? Ah cant wait^^
SanderpBANA #4
Chapter 10: I love this chapter! Need more Deullie moments jk! I can't wait to see what happens next. Update soon :D I hope you get better.
SanderpBANA #5
Chapter 8: Your story is cute ^_^ update soon.