
Everything I Could Never Tell

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” A scream was heard throughout the house.

“Calm down, Fany.” The taller one said as she was standing by the door—afraid to come near the fuming girl.

“Shut up, Kwon! You don’t know anything!” Tiffany shouted, throwing a pillow at her.

“Hey, how would I know if you don’t tell me anything?” Yuri approached the raging girl with caution. “Calm down and tell me exactly what happened.”

“Calm down?” Tiffany echoed, glaring at her tall friend. “How on earth can I calm down when my girlfriend completely forgot about our anniversary?”

Yuri stared at her in surprise. “What? No way! Sica wouldn’t do that.” There was a short pause. “Would she?”

“You better believe it,” she scoffed. “So do you want to know what makes it even worse?” Yuri stared at her. “She spent that day with her ex-girlfriend!”

Yuri’s jaw dropped. “Are you serious?”

Tiffany glared at her. “Do I look like I’m kidding?”

Yuri leaned back on the couch, trying to wrap her head around everything Tiffany had just said. “I don’t believe this. That doesn’t sound like something Jessica would do.”

“What are you trying to say, Kwon? That I’m making all of this up?”

“No, of course not!” the taller girl said, shaking her head furiously. “It’s just—I don’t know. It just doesn’t make any sense, that’s all.”

“Whatever,” Tiffany said with a sigh. “Take her side for all I care.”

“Yah!” Yuri shouted. “I’m not taking anyone’s side. All I’m saying is that you should try to put yourself in Jessica’s shoes. That sounds totally out of character. Knowing her, there must be a reason, right?”

“Even if there is, I don’t care. She can do whatever she wants. I’m clearly not important enough to her.”

“Fany, stop it. You know that’s not true.”

“How are you so sure?” Tiffany challenged.

“Because she’s Jessica. She’s your Jessica. Has she ever done anything to intentionally hurt you?”

Tiffany looked away, contemplating her thoughts. Several seconds passed and she glared at Yuri. “There’s a first time for everything.”

“Oh, come on! You are being way too paranoid, Tiffany Hwang!” She placed her hands on Tiffany’s shoulders and tried to talk some sense into her. Tiffany plugged her ears and toned Yuri out. “Real mature, Fany.”

“Just stop it, okay? I’m over this crap. It has to stop now!” Tiffany pulled away from Yuri’s grasp and started walking away.

“Tiffany!” Yuri called out. “What are you doing?”

Tiffany stopped and turned around. “I’m going to do what I have to.”


“That’s for me to know.” She started heading towards the door.

“Tiffany!” Yuri called out again.

“What?” the latter replied, clearly annoyed. “What do you want now?”

“Just don’t do anything you’ll regret.”

Tiffany studied her friend for several seconds then opened the door to find a surprised Jessica. “Hey, hon.” Jessica greeted her girlfriend with a smile. “How’s my beautiful girl?” She approached Tiffany and tried to touch her but Tiffany slaps her hand away.

Jessica looks at her, puzzled. “What’s the matter with you?”

Tiffany continues to glare at her girlfriend. “We need to talk.”

Jessica furrows her eyebrows and says, “Okay, but can it wait until later? I want to introduce you to someone.” Jessica motions to the girl beside her and Tiffany’s glare intensifies as she realizes who it is. “This is Kim Taeyeon, my best friend.” Jessica points to Tiffany. “And this is my lovely girlfriend, Tiffany Hwang.”

Taeyeon extends a hand in front of Tiffany but Tiffany doesn’t acknowledge it. Jessica furrows her eyebrows. “Babe, why are you being rude?”

Tiffany sighed and turned her attention to Jessica once more. “I told you. We. Need. To. Talk,” she said, putting emphasis on each word, never taking her eyes off Jessica.

“About what?” Jessica asked, concerned.

There was a long period of silence but Tiffany kept her cold exterior. “Us.”


A/N: Hey everyone! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? We’re so sorry for the insanely long wait for this update. We’d just been so busy with everything, mainly life. -_- Ugh!!! We’re such fails (mainly me). I want to take this time to apologize. I’ll try to write more in my spare time but I won’t make any more promises. I just hope you guys continue to support our story and wait patiently for our updates. We’ll do our best to keep writing and stop slacking off. Thanks again, you guys! Please comment and subscribe if you haven’t already and I love you all~ (^3^)~TaeNyshidae09

Woohoo! Chapter two after what? 2 months? Woot woot~ I hoped you liked it though, and just saying, I really didnt contribute cause everytime i say something and suggest, she just turns it down.. :{ Waah, help me.. ><" Joke, it's not true though, I was just kidding. Anyways, I just wanted to say, were trying our best to make an effort to write again! >< We've been slacking off way to much and that's not good. >< Ugh! Imma write this in bold and capslock.... SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT, AND UPVOTE. SILENT READERS > WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! we still love you though. :3~kittchi

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dimpleprince #1
Chapter 5: Hey authors. You guys are still as weird as ever. The last two chapter titles are really out there. It's like this. The first three are angsty and such but the last two are all fluff. I guess it makes it so that we can differentiate between which is angst . Was that on purpose or accidental? ;) LMAO. Anyways, good job! Update the story you lazy brats. -_-
Chapter 5: I love the trailer... But once again, I wonder this story will end up with which pairing ..
95soshi #3
new reader here>>> i love the trailer > ..
Chapter 5: Oh wait... so it was a giant ball of misunderstandings? Tiffany thought Jessica was with Taeng during their anniversary but Jessica was only there because she wanted to make Fany jealous cos Fany's been spending a lot of time with Yul? and Yul just kissed her to shut her up? Oh dear... this is.... idk whether to laugh at them.. or cry for them.. lol
Chapter 4: Why would Tiffany kiss someone else?! She loves Jessica, so why?
Chapter 4: Oh dayummm... poor sica... poor poor sica.. I love fany a lot.. but.. why?! :'( why did she do that? And who was that person? O.o just a random character? Cos I think it'll hurt a hell of a lot more if it was a friend.. o.o good job for this chap!! Haha:)
jessicatiff #7
Chapter 1: Ohhh why so sensitive tifff .... Jess is really love you.. Hmm can you make jess jealous
Chapter 3: Ohhh... not bad.. haha! Hmmm.. I'm not a big fan of jeti.. but I do read some~ I'm just wondering... tiffany's being cold to jessica because she forgot the anniversary? Cos sica spent it with taeng instead? O.o
Chapter 1: No I Love You Guys! I Love Your Story and Your Plot Line. Fanboying over the extreme awesomeness of your story. FIGHTING! As always! :)