
Poison, Sugar, and Other Anomalies

People have a tendancy to call Luhan "sweet", which both KAi and Luhan find ironic, because one, Luhan can be a total , and two, Luhan detests sugar. It makes him fat.

Luhan is everything Kai is not: careful, thoughtful, and feminine (and pale). He doesn't smoke (but has gotten enough second-hand smoke for a lifetime, curteousy of a certain tanned boyfriend), doesn't drink (although admittedly, Kai tastes good with liquor on his tongue), and has never gotten high (he likes his senses very much functional, thank you very much).

What Luhan is, is deathly afraid of gaining weight. He figures he the skinniest person to ever run a bakery (his best friend and co-owner, Yixing, is constantly trying to feed him sweets), but he likes it that way. Even if Sehun, the bread boy, has a constant look of worry on his otherwise-emotionless face.

The fair boy knows that Sehun and Yixing like to whisper words like anorexia and eating disorder behind his back. Kai, too, when he talks on the phone with Kyungsoo-ge or Suho-ge.

Luhan doesn't think he's underweight ("Of course not," Kyungsoo tells Kai, "They never do.") He finds his cheeks too puffy, collarbones not sharp enough. It doesn't help that Kai is thin, thin, thin. Wiry thin, and well-muscled too. Luhan is girlier, curvyish and soft and he hates it.

"Luhannie, you need to eat more..." Kai cards his fingers through the elder's hair, studing his prominent cheekbones and too-sharp jawline.

"No I don't Jongin," snaps the Chinese male, shaking his head to dislodge Kai's fingers. "I need to be thinner."

"Luhan," growls Kai in disbelief, "You're quite skinny."

"Not like you."

"Luhan," Kai places a tanned arm next to Luhan's frail one. "You're skin and bones. Look me in the eye and tell me you're too fat."

"I am though." The whispered reply makes Kai livid.

"Goddamnit, you are destroying yourself, gege." Luhan suddenly feels that he's younger than Kai, and realises that for all he takes care of Jongin, the latter returns it tenfold.

"And you're not?!" the acid reply slips out even as Luhan's mind is still turing, and Kai slumps in defeat.

"You're right. You're always right. Sorry for caring."

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roughly_yours #1
Chapter 3: Wow o-o That's a very very good interpretation of the prompt. I honestly didn't know what to expect when I read the title. It was really really good!
Chapter 3: I really liked it. Thank you!
Italypasta #3
Chapter 3: DEEEEP. Haha, the story was very...hmm... I could see it happen in real life. I really liked it. KAILU~ <3
darksanctuary #4
Chapter 3: OMG!! This is so deep.
I love this... thank you author....
Chapter 3: Oh wow. They both have issues and eventually saved each other. Cool!!

Nice job! :)