Chapter 23

Step Siblings








Zelo's mother yelled as she shook him to wake him up. "This kid is a heavy sleeper." The mother pouted as she struggled to wake Zelo up.


"Eh?!" Zelo roared, as he lifted his head from bed and rubbed is eyes.


"Would you wakeup? Isn't today practice day for the show Bands against Bands?" His mother spoke as Zelo's eyes nearly popped out his head. "Aish! Yes! I got to get to practice. Next time we get on TV is in two days." Zelo roared as he got up from bed, and rushed to get ready. 


He took his shower, wore his clothes, then head off down stairs. 


"Don't you want to eat honey?" Zelo's mom questioned him. "No thanks mom. I have to get going. Love you." Zelo kindly said as he gave his mother a peck on her forehead.


"Okay now. Do well." His mother giggled as Zelo left and headed off to the studio where they all meet to practice.


Zelo made it to his destination, where he saw an angry Yongguk glaring at him. *Why am I upset with him all of a sudden?* Yongguk mentally thought.


Zelo bowed apologetically, and tried to explain why he was late but Yongguk cut him off.


"You're late!" Yongguk roared. 


"I'm so-"


"I don't need your apologies." Yongguk cut off Zelo again.


"Geez Yongguk. Calm down, it's not the first time he has been late." Jongup spoke. "Yeah. Before when Zelo always used to be late, you didn't even care at all." Himchan added.


"Well it's different today. We need to win this competition. We don't need someone who is ready to jeopardize that in our group. So Zelo, come on time or else...." Yongguk brutally spoke.


"Psst. Jongup." Himchan whispered.


"Yah. What is it." Jongup replied.


"Yongguk is still mad about yesterday."


"I know. He needs to chill. Cranky, cranky." Jongup responded making Himchan to laugh, as everyone stared at them two. "Aish. How many times do we have to tell you guys." Daehyun spoke as he face palmed himself.


"You both don't know how to whisper!" Daehyun, Youngjae, and Zelo spoke in unison. 


"Oh.Oh. Jongup does that mean Yongguk heard us?" Himchan tried to whisper, but he didn't know how to.


"YES!" They all yelled in unison. *Oh. Do I really don't know how to whisper?* Himchan and Jongup mentally thought among themselves, being so clueless.


"Yah! Let them believe whatever they want to believe. Meanwhile, we have to practice." Yongguk spoke as they all stood in front of the mirror in the room. 








The whole group began to dance as they watched themselves in the mirror.


"MISTAKE!" Yongguk roared. 


"What mistake?" Youngjae and Daehyun spoke in unison. "Zelo. You did a mistake!" He roared brutally. "Well I didn't see it." Zelo argued back. "Well I did. Can you dance at all!?" Yongguk roared back.


"Wow Yongguk are you still mad about yesterday? Because if you are, you shouldn't take it out on me. Take it out on yourself." Zelo honestly spoke as he eyed Yongguk then went off to sit somewhere far from Yongguk.


"Yah. Who do you think you're talking to." Yongguk brutally spoke. "Geez. Yongguk calm down. You are getting mad over nothing..." Youngjae spoke as Yongguk went towards Zelo. "I'm talking to you..." Zelo replied.


"Oh yeah!" Yongguk angrily yelled as he had a strong grip on Zelo's shirt, pulling him forward to his face. "Guys stop this." Daehyun ordered.


"Yeah. We have to get to work." Youngjae added. "I ain't working with him.." Zelo and Yongguk roared in unison, as Yongguk went to sit somewhere far from Zelo.


"What to do now?" Youngjae, Himchan, Jongup, and Daehyun spoke in unison.


"I know! We have to convince them. I guess we have to get them to be friends again. But I must say, Yongguk is wrong for the way he's acting." Youngjae honestly spoke. "Yeah. I know. Alright! I and Jongup will approach Yongguk, while Youngjae and Himchan approaches Zelo." Daehyun ordered. "ALRIGHT!" They all said in unison as they high five each other.


" Yongguk.."




"Why are you two arguing?"


"You guys have been friends for a long time. Is this how you guys want to end YOUR friendship?" Daehyun and Youngjae spoke in unison. Daehyun,Jongup, and Yongguk were on the left side of the room, while Zelo, Himchan, and Youngjae were all the way to the right. They couldn't hear each other conversation at all.


"He started it first!" Zelo and Yongguk childishly said in unison.


"You know you were wrong Yongguk.." Jongup spoke.


"We know Yongguk was wrong." Himchan spoke.


"But, he chose my step sister over me? Is that a friend?" Yongguk spoke. "He wasn't were a bit harsh on her." Daehyun replied. That sentence got Yongguk to think to himself.


*Now I'm the bad guy...but am I wrong? Am I too harsh on Zelo, all because of jealousy?* Yongguk mentally said, as he stared at Zelo. Zelo then looked over to Yongguk's side of the room where their eyes met each others.


They gazed at each other for a while, then looked away. They were still mad to look at each other. 


"Are you ready to forgive him?" Daehyun and Youngjae asked in unison.



It was 12 o'clock in the morning. You couldn't believe that you overslept. You thought you overslept because of the party and everything yesterday, but really it was the dream you had.


You went to the bathroom, took your shower, wore your clothes, then went off downstairs. *A lot happened yesterday. Yongguk and Zelo was in an arguement, I get to dance with Zelo, in fact I GET TO MEET B.A.P!!!!* You squealed mentally, as you saw a note on the table. "huh? A note.." You mumbled as you picked the note up, seeing that the letter is written by no other than Yongguk's mother.


"Dear Mi Rae,

I know you overslept so that's why I kept your breakfast in the microwave. All you have to do is to warm it up. If you are worried about Yongguk, he is practicing for his next show for bands against bands. He should be home probably around one or two. And I and your father went to our honeymoon!! ^^. We will be at vacation for only one week. Please don't kill each other, and if there is any problems, just call us we will be home right away. I and your father will call you and Yongguk to see how you both are doing. So see you next week! 

Love, Your step mom..."






"NOOOO!!!! I can't be alone with Yongguk in this house!" You screamed, the fact that you would be with Yongguk for one week alone frightened you. You thought he was going to torture you or something. *I'm a dead woman. Yongguk is gonna murder me.* You mentally whined childishly. *But..I'm okay, he doesn't come home until an hour or two. So that's why I didn't hear no one's voice. Yongguk is practicing for his next show, and our parents are on a honeymoon. I'M ALOONNE!!!* Thoughts ran through your head.


"Ever since they moved in I didn't feel alone anymore. It's pretty weird, but my dad was right. He said having a step mother and brother will make me feel less lonely, and he was RIGHT. Ever since they moved in, I slightly changed in my heart. I don't know what it was, but I feel different." You spoke to yourself. *Haha. Look at me speaking to myself....that's weird.* You laughed in your thoughts, as you ate up and left the house to visit Jee Sun.




Yongguk and Zelo finally agreed to put their differences aside and work together. It was hard for them, but they knew in their hearts that they couldn't stay mad at each other for a stupid reason. They both stood up, came closer together, then shook it off.


"Hey! We just don't want a simple handshake!" Himchan roared playfully.


"YEAHH!! Show us some love!" Jongup joked.


"We need to see some hug action!" Daehyun squealed, as the whole group laughed. But, Yongguk and Zelo couldn't do it, they felt embarrassed to. "Come on!" Youngjae roared, as he pushed Yongguk closer to Zelo, and Daehyun pushed Zelo closer to Yongguuk.


"Aish!" Zelo and Yongguk said in unison, as they laughed and hugged each other. "I'm sorry." They said in unison. "No...I'm sorry. I was wrong. I was just upset that you took my step sister side instead of mines. I just felt betrayed, and I was stupid to feel that way." Yongguk added.


"No.No. It's fine, I understand. You weren't used to living with a girl that you just met. I should've understand how you felt. You're father died, and you just weren't used to having a new family." Zelo explained as they both said it's fine and they did their special handshake.


"ALRIGHTT!" Himchan and Jongup squealed. "Haha. You dorks. Lets get back to work!" Yongguk joked as they began to practice their songs and dances.




" It was fun yesterday right!" Jee Sun squealed. "Yeah, I know." You replied. All of a sudden Jee Sun face became to look moody. "What's the matter?" You asked. "Zelo..I think he likes you." Jee Sun said sadly, making you to feel bad. *Oh yeah. Zelo paid all his attention on me instead of Jee Sun. She told me to stay away, but I didn't listen...I was up in Zelo's cuteness..* You mentally thought.


"Mi Rae...Do you like...Zelo?" Your best friend questioned. That question shocked you, you didn't know how to answer it. 


You cleared your throat and answered.


" Yes..." 


"I do..." You answered causing Jee Sun mouth to drop. Her face began angry as well. "HAHA. okay. I'm kidding..." You spoke.


"I only like him as a friend. Come on Jee should know better than that, I will never take him away from you. And plus I just met him, it's impossible for me to just fall in love with him all of a sudden." You spoke, making Jee Sun to gently smile.


"Hey! But what about you and Jongup?" You said randomly as you gave Jee Sun a wink. "Yah..." Jee Sun shyly squealed as she playfully smacked your arm.


* Does Zelo like me?* That comment repeated in your head over and over again, as you and Jee Sun talked about random things.


"Hey lets get some ice cream!" You squealed childishly making Jee Sun to laugh. "Yay!" Jee  Sun replied as you two left the house, and went to the ice cream shop.




"Yes! We're done for today." Daehyun spoke in relief. "I know right, look at us we're all sweaty and hot!" Himchan pouted. "We did do well today, we are going to do better on TV. Right!" Yongguk spoke.


"RIGHT!" The rest of the group yelled happily in unison. " You know what we should do!!!" Zelo squealed. "What?" Yongguk questioned, laughing a bit. 


"We should go to the ice cream shop!!" Zelo squealed childishly, causing the whole group to laugh. "Ha! Zelo you're a kid." Jongup joked, making Zelo pout. 


"Alright then! To the ice cream!" Yongguk squealed as they head off to the ice cream shop as well.


"Eh!? You mean you didn't bring money!" You and Jee Sun roared in unison as you pointed at each other. "I don't have all day are you guys buying the ice cream or not because you guys already ordered it." The clerk spoke, being impatient. "No we're no-" Jee Sun got cut off when you covered . "No Jee Sun! I want ice creammmmmm!!!" You pouted childishly as Jee Sun glared at you. 


" Haha. Look at those two girls, seems like they are having trouble with their payment." Youngjae laughed. "I know." Daehyun laughed with Youngjae. For some reason Zelo recognized the girls voices. *Where did I hear their voice before?* Zelo mentally thought, until he had a quick glance of the side of your face. *Mi R-rae..* Zelo shockingly thought. 


"No Mi Rae! We can't get the ice cream." Jee Sun roared. "But I want it..." You whined, making Zelo to chuckle among himself.


"Hey Yongguk isn't that your sister and her friend?" Himchan asked. "Huh?" Yongguk spoke being so clueless. "Yeah! It is!" Zelo squealed excitedly. "It seems like they are having problems.." Youngjae spoke as Zelo and Jongup approached you and Jee Sun.


*Why does she have to be here...* Yongguk mentally thought. He was still upset about yesterday. 



 "Get me down! Didn't I say don't enter my room!"  Yongguk had a flashback about what happened yesterday. *Aish... How am I suppose to look at her now?* Thoughts ran through Yongguk's head.


"Mi Rae!" Zelo squealed.


"Jee Sun!" Jongup squealed causing you both to turn around. 


* Omo! Zelo..* You mentally thought as your heart for some reason began to beat 5 times faster. You then remembered the conversation that you and Jee Sun had. *What of if he does really like me?...* You mentally thought as you lost yourself in your thoughts.


"Oh Jongup! Zelo!" Jee Sun happily roared. "Haha. Hey! So you guys are having problems?"Jongup questioned as the rest of the group came closer towards you and Jee Sun. You saw Yongguk which made you feel some how, you just couldn't explain it. *Oh Yongguk...* You mentally sighed.


"uh..Y-yeah.. W-we don't have mon-ney." You stuttered causing Zelo to laugh. "Don't worry, we'll help you guys pay." Zelo kindly spoke as he ruffled your hair, and gave you a cute smile. "No! Please don't I'll feel ashamed." You begged as you bowed apologetically. "Yo! Mi Rae. Shhh...This is free ice cream." Jee Sun whispered as you eyed her. "Haha. Don't worry it's our treat." Jongup laughed as he paid for Jee Sun ice cream, and Zelo paid for yours.


"Thank You!!!" You and Jee Sun squealed happily. "No prob. You guys should fine a table, and wait for us. We will our ice creams together." Zelo suddenly suggested. "o-oh okay." You answered as you both found a table big enough for all of you guys to sit at.


B.A.P finished ordering their ice creams, they sat where you and Jee Sun were located. Zelo tried to sit next to you but Himchan took his spot. *Great!* Zelo mentally sighed as he sat beside Yongguk. Jongup sat beside Jee Sun, and Yongguk sat across from you. 


* How am I suppose to take this pressure sitting across from Yongguk.* You mentally said as you looked away hoping not to set your eyes on Yongguk.

Author's Note: 

Sorry I was going to make this chapter longer but my sister -sigh- o.o she took the computer away from me. *Sob* *sob* I wanted to make sure I updated something for you guys.

Well see you guys next time ^^











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Hey guys. I'm so happy that ppl are actually ready my fanfic!! Thanks love you all MWOHH


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It's been so long, update please :(
Chapter 42: It's so good
Chapter 42: yay~ update xD
OkSooyeon #4
Chapter 41: Daebak story! Update soon
Chapter 41: Woooaaahh daebak **
Update soon **
Chapter 41: Now what... are they going to be official couple or brother sister + kiss relationship, but I'm so curious right now what going to happen next ^_^
Thanks for the update and have a Happy new year authornim <3
Chapter 41: sh*t just got real.
baby_nany #8
Chapter 41: Hahahaha. So cute!!!! ^^ Poor Zelo!!
baby_nany #9
I really really really love this story!!! Hahaha Yongguk, if you like her that much, just aske her to be your girlfriend!!!!! Hahahaha :P