The Basketball Team



As you peeked that Du Jun had drove off, probably to his college, you softly smiled and stepped into the entrance when a student pushed the door for you. You thankfully got in with a little bow beforehand. 

It was the same situation in every morning where you’d meet the kids lounged around their lockers, chatting to wait the bell rang. Normally, you heard gossips about the idol latest couples but no, nothing related to that between your earshot that morning.

You went straight to your locker and chatted with some nearest friends. “Morning guys, what’s up?”  

“Hey, morning!” One of them chirped before the other added excitedly. “Oh my God! Guess what? Our school’s basketball team is awesome. They did break other school’s ranking yesterday and managed to get the first place!”

“The captain is amazing! He’s not only just handsome, he also got lots of strategies!” Another one commented and they started to spazz on their fuss.

“The member got one in your class right?” Someone asked with a big smile. You simply shook, making her smile turned rot.

“Aish, how come you don’t know someone as cute as Se Hun.” She lightly slapped your shoulder.

“Se Hun?” You inched farther from her as her friend swatted her arm.

“Enough with him! I’m talking about the captain, Dong Woon-sunbae!”

You really have no idea what were the people they boasted about. *Se Hun might be familiar to hear* you thought.

Their commotion soon depleted as the school bell rang. Students started to sprint to their classes. You waved at them and picked up a couple of books in your locker before catching your class.

It kept you wondered what was with the basketball team’s captain?


Eventually, it was recess time. This meant hunger plus cafeteria equal to food! You waited for no one and went right away to the one of the largest area in your school – cafeteria.

It seemed like the song composed in your stomach produced extra energy to your body to walk faster.

When you stepped into the holy food area, you thoughtlessly passed a table of rowdy boys who were playing a basketball with their hands, passing it to another while eating. You thought that it looked so inappropriate. *lunatics troop*

It was when...


You shrieked when suddenly a basketball came all the way forward to hit your head. You stiffened in order to balance yourself.      

The orange ball bounced in front of you and rolled away.

A tall guy passed by you.

“Watch your way.” He looked over his shoulder and scowled like he was fated to be a God.

He had those eyes that screamed for danger.

While, the entire cafeteria looked like there was a point to dig their eyes on and the point was you. The accident had caused unwanted attention which you detested so much. 

“Are you okay?” You could hear one of them bounced a question to you but you made no movement on your mouth to reply.

*Oh boy, I’ve really got danger on my back* you just walked forward, putting a full ignore to them while clutching on your spinning head.

“Bastard.” You cursed. *You or whatever you name is, will be the number one on my mental chart to be avoided*


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presence-of-light #1
Huda this story!
ButterflyShida #2
Chapter 6: goodbye! use dolar ya... ok pay me
ButterflyShida #3
Chapter 5: Oy!!! he he he... i know how DW smirk.. cause a bad heartache...
ButterflyShida #4
Chapter 4: Hey what happen next?
ButterflyShida #5
Chapter 3: Ok. the maknae is Dong Woon, i'll wait for his appearance. Everything is exactly good for me. I don't know what I'm thinking right now. it all because when i read dangerous i'm listening to girls don't know.
- Eber the yeojanun molla.