


It was the same day, the same time, the same condition. The bell rang and you headed out of the school, feeling uneasy. With the mask donned on your face were highly enough to risk unbearable questions from your brother.

Being careful as ever, you searched around the area, mainly the road and to your luck, your brother’s car was nowhere in sight. A content smile crept onto your lips by the time you took a flash pace to the opposite direction from your house.

You were heading to the town. You don’t have any idea what you were doing. You knew you were booking dead stare from Du Jun when he found out. This was going to be a huge surprise!

You just walked aimlessly while watching sightseeing the shops. It was when your stomach started to grumble an off-key tune. Sheepishly, you your stomach while mentally counting the balance of your money whether it was enough to have some food.

Once more time your stomach grumbled, you abruptly made a beeline to the righteous shop that came to your sight as you thought of it.

“Ahjumma, can I have a plate of bulgogi?” You ordered to a woman who smiled in return, although sent a weird look at you in the process.

“Neh, but it’s just a plate. You’re lucky, goma agashi” She chuckled while you just smiled sheepishly at the title.

She reappeared with the food and you stared at it with no care to the world, whether your brother or your nose bleed. *Yum! So yummy!*

“Thank you, ahjumma! How much?”

“5 dolar” You stiffened at the amount of money in your hand. You only had lesser than that.

Suddenly, a mainly voice caught you off guard.

“Hyung, I want bulgogi!”

“Aish... Ah, ahjumma, bulgogi a plate!”

 You stiffened again. *No way! I’m hungry! The bulgogi is mine!*

The old lady looked hesitantly at you. “But... you’re going to pay it or not?” 

You could see the two guys turned to look at you. You ducked your head and bit your lip. Slowly, you muttered. “Ahjumma...I don’t have enough money.”

“Oh my,what do I do?” The old woman glanced at you and then to the strangers.

“We’re going to get it.” Seung Ho decided with his stern voice.

“No way.” That was surprising for you to blurt that out. And you were still looking down. They might think that you were scared to face them. *Ain’t no.*

“Bwo?” They raised their voice in unison.

“No way! I asked first!” You instantly looked up and yelp.

You glared at them who were seemed in shock. Mir who wore a uniform of a totally different school slowly raised his hand and pointed at your face. *What now?*

“B-Blood...” He stammered.

At the mention of ‘blood’ you scrambled backwards and hurriedly released the mask. You rolled your eyes downwards and managed to glance on the red liquid that flowed towards your upper lip. *Oh no...*

“Yah, bring her away from  here!” Seung Ho bellowed while clutching on his eyes and turned his body around, away from you.

You warily looked at Mir who was now snatching your arm and ran away with you.

“What are you doing?! Let go!”

“I can’t. Hyung has some kind of nausea towards blood, so he can’t stand it or else he’ll get crazy!” He abruptly explained while glanced backwards.

You didn’t hear anything from him at that time instead of screaming. “Let go of me! Let me go!”

“NO! I promise that he’ll kill you if I do!”

You turned mute.

“Silence now?” You threw a disgraceful look at his teasing tone. He was grinning down at you.

By the time, both of you had arrived at somewhere at the town that you totally unfamiliar with.

“I don’t want to go to hospital or clinic or someplace like that.” You said as he stopped dragging you.

“I wasn’t planning to. How’d you get that nosebleed anyway?”

“From a jerk at my school last morning.” You snorted, slightly kicking some small stone on the road.

“A total jerk he is. Don’t worry. It will recover soon as long as you get more rest.”

“I see. Thanks.” You chuckled at his remark.

“Where are you from?” He tilted his head downward at you.

“Cube High School.”

“What’s your name?”

You weirdly looked at him. “Yoon Su Ra.”

He smiled brightly. “I’m Mir.”

“Why you keep smiling like that?” You inched further from him. “It freaks me out though.” The only reason you said that was due to the fact that no one did to you. Even Du Jun didn’t smile like that much around you, but this guy, Mir, did.

“Really?” His smile became wider. “I don’t think so because I like girls. I like you. You’re a girl.”

You scooted from him farther away with a nervous expression, but he remained cheerful. “Wh-What’s with that statement?”  

He chuckled. “I go to a boy only school since little. You know, to meet girls aren’t often. It’s nice to meet you, Su Ra girl.”

His beam managed to pull a smile to your lips. “You really do like girls?”

He nodded. “A lot, indeed.” You thought silently that he was innocent when he said that with the same shining smile on his face.

“You’re strange.”

“Hyungs said to me once.” He pointed.

You attempted to longer the conversation with him since he was...surprisingly fun to talk to, but your phone rang out of sudden. You turned pale at the caller I.D.

 “Who?” Mir scooted closer and peeked at your phone.

“My brother.” Your teeth chattered.

“You seemed scared, why?”

“I don’t know!” In panic, you shut your phone off and looked up at him. “Look Mir, it’s incredibly nice to meet you, but I really need to go. Bye!” You bade goodbye and ran back to the past track.

*I need to be in front of the gate first before oppa will arrive.* you thought as you received a text from him. 



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presence-of-light #1
Huda this story!
ButterflyShida #2
Chapter 6: goodbye! use dolar ya... ok pay me
ButterflyShida #3
Chapter 5: Oy!!! he he he... i know how DW smirk.. cause a bad heartache...
ButterflyShida #4
Chapter 4: Hey what happen next?
ButterflyShida #5
Chapter 3: Ok. the maknae is Dong Woon, i'll wait for his appearance. Everything is exactly good for me. I don't know what I'm thinking right now. it all because when i read dangerous i'm listening to girls don't know.
- Eber the yeojanun molla.