9- I can't do it

Give Me a Break!!! (kikwang & You)

Gikwang prov..

It has been a months since that our fight. Even i asked my mother help to make her consider about this matter, but seems her too stuborn with her decision.

My mothers word keeps running on my min, from now onward i don't think i could stop daydreaming.

flash back

My mom left her shoesh on the rack as well, i excited welcome her.

"ah, eomma." but her face looks very upset

"come, sit first" eomma please me to sit firs, and start to my hair

"wae eomma?"

"i think her decision is the best decision for this momment" i frozen when heard her words

"but, don't let this happen continuously"

"Eomma, how can i live withouth them?" I'm a bit whining

"see both of you needs time to be mature, to be a good parent. this is the best way ."


"you have to be grow" eomma left me on the couch while i messing my hair.

"how?" i laid my body on the couch

end of flashback


gikwang's mom prov..

I sit beside my beautiful daughter in-law, her face looks same as my on likes there's no hope. her dark circle around her eyes signed that she also couldn't sleep well last night. Sigh, young attitude this time really confusing. I knew both of them still love each other, but they did this decision to break up.

"how is kiyoung?" I break the silent

"Kiyoung is doing fine. ss.. she is sleeping now" she looks nervous

"i knew my grand daughter will doing fine, she's a good girl right?" i a bit laugh to comfort her

"ne.." she nodding but so clumsy " h.. hh.. how about eomma and arabeoji there?"

"we're doing fine. but,... we must facing our big baby who couldn't sleep everynight plus sometime i was slightly heard him cry" 

"i..i..i'm sorry eomma"

"look at yourself! both of you has the same condition right now" but seems she tougher than my son, i her hair but smile


"you are my daughter, so please tell eomma what is your feeling right now" she told me all her feeling, crying hard in front of me even for the first time is very hard for her to state this

"I know this will be hard for me, for all of us." she said this still sobing

"alright then if this your decision i won't push you. seems both of you need to be separate first"

"thank you eomma" she hugs me, i chukle

"one more thing, do not ever hesitate bring our kiyoung home just because of him"

" arayo eomma, i'll bring her"

" promise this is not for forever, only for a few times" then i left the apartment and back home.


Gikwang prov..

as i drive my car home, suddenly there's an old woman standing freeze in front of my car so i stop my car immediately. I sign sorry to the old woman and let her passing the street.

"yaaa, i must be thingking about that again" i messing my hair. Just a bit sigh and i drive my car to Yoseob's bar, i think he could help me how to soften a woman heart this is his skill.

I sit in front of the bartender " where's your boss?" i asked him suddenly

"my boss?"

"yes Yoseobie, where he goes?"

"he.."he just stare at me confuse,but someone's hand tap my shoulder

"i'm here!"

"yaa seobie, i'm in big trouble. i need you"

"wae? you need me?" yoseob seems confusing with my statement

"yup, right now!"

"wait! wh.. what happened ?" he sit beside me " okay calm down first" I saw him wishpering to his bartender.

"i'm going crazy!" i just look down to the floor

"wait, calm down and drink it first slowly" but i just gulp all of inside the slop

"woah, don't get drunk, i won't take you home."

"geez! how can i start to tel you?"

"okay just tell me slowly from the begining" yoseob start frowning his eyebrow and listening well. I trust him about this matter even dongwoon is my best but i choose youseob who capable for this matter.

"wow" yoseob just blinking after heard the whole story about our break up

"give some suggestion!" I gulp my slop again

" let me think first"

" sobbie, I trust you! because you're the one who untherstand 'their' feeling among us"

"okay, have try to ask you mom to help you talk to her? i know right sh emust be very close with your mom"

"i did"


"she said it the best decision for both of us. i should grow? "o,O

""i think your mother means is to be wise how to face this situation. you need the right time to get her heart back" i listen him carefully

"anyway, from my sight after heard your story both of you should be mature. i mean you guys really need time to be seperate"

"yaaa! yang yoseob why you did not give me the conclusion?" i grab his colar

"hey lee gikwang control your self, i'm not finish yet my word" he seems angry with drunken me but soften his voice


"sigh, learn from your mistake. don't let your angryness take your control"

"you must know that on her sight she needs you the one who calm her down whe her temper up."

"But why only me"

"you have to erase 'only me' word but start from you. trust me !"

"only me who understand her" i start mumbling

"not only you but start from you, listen !" yoseob wishpering to my ear.

all i could feel only dizziness on my head, and someone bring me to the car and all black out.




Hay hay!! my lovely readers!!! <3 <3 <3

how is the storry so far? *blink blink*

i ho pe you like it!! and don't be a silent reader ne ^^




*i do not own these pic*


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Chapter 11: it awesome fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: i love it it was awesome
Chapter 6: i love your story it reaslly good update double please
sallymin #4
Chapter 6: i hate hyuna in this story,,
Although I'm not a fan of Gikwang but your story is awesome! Update soon~