5- third person

Give Me a Break!!! (kikwang & You)

Doojoon prov...

I park my car infront of the simple apartment building and just stare at the building from inside. I'm  just trying to collect my courage, while i clehing my fist. with a last take a deep breath in and out, i unlock the door and step out from my car. When i enter the lobby, i just go stright to find the elevator. My eyes trying to find a colleting of number which written on the paper in my hand. I stop my feet in front of the door. I press the bell so many times but seems no answer from inside, may be it's wrong apartment. i turn my body back to the elevator. once i lift up my head there is some one carrying her baby girl in front of me.


"doojoon oppa" she looks surprise with my presence

"ne, i try to visit my old friend here" i my neck and we just stare each other then a chuckle out from her lips 

"ah , come in doojoon shi." she step to the front door with a baby and some grocerry thing in her hand, try to unlock her unit.

"Let me help you" i take the grocerry thing from her hand

"thank you" than click the door open, both of us enter the unit.

"Doojoon shi please have a seat! thnak you for your help, ccoffee or tea?" she place her baby on the baby chair then take the grocerry from me.

"it's okay" I stare in every single her movement untill she left from the living room. I glarte to the every inch of this room, and my eyes stop when it meets with the small figure who sit on her seat with a baby toy in her hand. she's happy now, i mean their happy now with tthis baby between them. I always dream for havinf a small familly with the person who i love, and the person is her.

The baby seems wave her hand on me. I step closer to her.

"hay, what are you doing there?" the baby just utter any voice that she make

"do you like this pink toy?"her smile become wide when i ask that question, seems like she understand what i say.

"her name is kiyoung" ____ah enter the living room with a cups on her hand.

"how old is she?"

"would be 12 months this month"

"she's pretty, looks like you" I smile to her

"ah thank you" she looks shy and the situation back to akward

"Doojoon shi that's your tea"

"thank you. "i take the cup and taste it, she still know my taste.

"anyway, where is your old friend unit?" she ask me iinnocent

"mwo?" i chuckle

"my old friend stay in this appartment building with a faous husband and they have 12 month baby girl" She laugh after she heard my word, and realize that the old friend is her.


"anyway please just call me oppa like the pass year ago, it's make us seems awkward when you call me doojoon shi"

"ne, oppa" she nodding

"Do you still consider me as your friend?"

"offcourse! you're the one who left me. i tried to contact you but seems you avoid me" she stand from her seat and lift up her baby

"sorry" i look down my head, while she sit on carpet with the baby. She seems change the diaper at kiyoung.

I quickly stand and try to find the new diaper, and give it to her. "thanks oppa" after finnish the baby kiyoung start to play again with her toy on the carpet.

"you always here when i need you, thanks for comeback" she smile at me with the pretiest small ever i see.

" thank you for tea that you made with the same taste as a pass year ago" both of us giggle.


You prov..


I never expecting to meet him before. I mean i never thought that he will come to meet me today in front of my apartment. I met him yesterday but, today is really surprise me. I thought he will not to see me again and the last meeting is only acidentally.

"beep!" there is an incomeng text from Suzy

sender: Suzy

Eonnie, tell kiyoung to wait. i'll come late. >,<


send to Suzy

it's okay she'll waiting for her lovable Eonnie. ^^


sender: Suzy

there some trouble here. see you soon :'*


"oppa, don't you go for work today?"

"i supposed to be have a meeting this afternoon but they postpone it"

"then ? "

"what? sometimes i just need some refreshment to visit my old friend" both of us giggle

"well, Kiyoung and i will have a walk at the nearest park ...."

"i'll coming with you" he smile then tak ehis coat which hanging on the couch.


I plan to have a walk at the nearest park while waiting for Suzy. I push Kiyoungs' stroller and doojoon oppa walk behind me. There is some people at the park, mostly are kids. A kid run toward us to catch his ball. Doojoon quickly help him to catch a ball, but the kids seems stumbling and cry after that. He try to help the kid.

"are you okay?"i lowering my head tothe kid and wiping his cheek

"don't cry you strong boy, its okay" he try to encouraging this boy with a bit squat

"Jiho!" a lady run toward us and keep calling the name of kid.

"Jiho are you okay?" the lady is his mother and she seems worry when seeing her son cry.

"he just stumbled when he try to catch his ball" i explain to her

"but your son is a strong boy no need to worry" doojoon stand up to a normal level

"thanks" the kid run to his mommy


"what a happy familly, having a walk in this afternoon together. where do you live anyway?" we only stare each other when heard the lady words

"the apartment after this blok" i explaining to her

"wow, mine also at the same blok."

"i ever wanted to ask my husband to walk but he always busy." she wishpering on my ears, but seems oppa heard the conversation and just smile, so do i

"alright see you guys next time" she bowing and left us at the park

"what happened with that lady?"

"she tought that you're my husband" i chuckle

"so let's just acting as a couple here" i glaring at thim when he utter that word


"it's okay, just walk then" i giggle then follow by him.

After a walk i found that Suzy standing infront of my unit. She hand s her mobile phone try to call me.

"how long you've been standing here?" i chuckle

"ah, eonnie finally. where is kiyoung?" but she seems surprise when doojoon come behind me carrying kiyoung on his hand while i just push  an empty stroller.

"he's my friend, doojoon " Suzy then bowing each other

" lets comin first then i tell you the story" i wishper to her.


Gikwang prov...

How will i tell her, my manager ask me to stay here and go straight to the next place instead of back home. He told me that it will work easier than if we back to seoul first. She must be waiting at home and this is not for the first time i change my plan. I promise to back home on time and she must be cook a dinner for me. "what should i do?" i sigh and my face

"i knew it's too late and almost night, but i should tell her" i take my phone and press the number.

"ne yeobo!" I know what is her feeling right now from her tone and the way he answer my phone

"sorry, but manager hyung change the plan"

" it's okay, i get used with this"

"i promise to take my holiday soon"

"i'ts okay, don't make a promise anymore"

"yeobo, sorry i.."

"i'm okay, don't say sorry again. i'm sleepy, see you soon" she cut my word then cut the line

"see you soon" i clench my fist

"i miss you" i lower my head, but suddenly my manager hyung call my name.

"kwangie" he run to  me

"Looks who's with me?" there are Junhyung hyung, hyunseung hyung and i can't see another person clearly.

"hey guys, what are you doing here?"

"we just buy some stuff nearby" hyunseung hyung explain

"and hyunah said you're having a shoot here" Junhyung hyung continue and Hyunah appear behind him

"the shoot had finnish a couple minutes ago, how about we go for a drink tonight" manager hyung patt my shoulder.

"okay i'll treat you guys" hyunah continue the word and give a big smile

As all of us approach the bar counter. even i'm just order non alcoholic beverage, but junhyung hyung ask me to finnish his.


You Prov...

 I don't know why i can't sleep tonight even tomorrow i have to wake up early and work. I start browsing from my mobile smart phone. But suddenly there is an information include a pic that makes me feel surprise . I quickly press the familiar number.

"come on, pick up!" i think i need some courage to do it.

"hallo yeobo? what happened?" and finally he pick up my call

"where are you now?"

" me? busan" i hear someone chukle beside him

"i mean are you with junhyung oppa there?"

"how did you know?" he ask me back

"in the club?" i straight forward ask the point to him without answering his question

"mm i.. with hyunseung hyung and manager hyung of course..."

"In the club?" he seems need take some times to answer my question


" and who else? a girl? "

"it just hyunah"

"mwo?" how come he said just hyunah instead i knew her feeling toward my husband.

"i'm not doing any bad thing here."

"okay i trust you, just not drink too much or get drunk. take care, some people will take an advantage from you." i'm just feel too worry with this situation and his popularity

"i'll take care my self as you wish"

"okay see you soon, bye"

" bye, good night"

He don't ever know that i knew this news from some his fansite. i quietly follow their news, and the issue about this pop up on my mobile when i see my mobile phone display. They said that they saw him with Junhyung and 3 other go to club and get drunk. Whatever the issue said about my husband i should know the truth as his wife.

Even i am angry with him, but i too much worry about him. about his carree and everything at the sameway. And now he mixed up my feeling.

I'm back to my bed after that.



finnaly i did my update for you!

yes new character coming,

photo228932.jpgSuzy as the main character friend feels surprised with  tumblr_m8rvfeLiya1rxghndo1_500.jpgDoojoon appearance. She never saw the main character with other guy except her husband.


i hope you enjoy my story, HAPPY READING GUYS!!!

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Chapter 11: it awesome fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: i love it it was awesome
Chapter 6: i love your story it reaslly good update double please
sallymin #4
Chapter 6: i hate hyuna in this story,,
Although I'm not a fan of Gikwang but your story is awesome! Update soon~