Chen the “Dancing Machine” vs The Fabulous Kai

Amazing Chanyeol and the Fabulous Kai

A small squeak came from Chanyeol’s hair as Nuggets pointed down towards a small shack in the middle of the woods. “Down there?” Another squeak was all Chanyeol needed before flying down towards the home.

They landed beside the shack which was even more run down than they initially thought. “Who’s making all that noise?!” A voice sounded in a perfect high-pitched note hidden within the darkness. Kyungsoo was instantly charmed by the voice as his eyes narrowed: the koala had found his rival.

Chanyeol faced the shorter man, glaring at his opponent. “We’ve come for Princess Cho Sang. Where is she?”

Chen smirked and inched closer to the group. “If you want to save her in time, find someone to solve my rhyme.”

“Rhyme?” Chanyeol looked around confused.

Chen grumbled annoyed. “Yah! Just find someone better at singing than me!”

“O-Oh…. Uh…”

Kyungsoo jumped off of Kai’s shoulder and glared at the male.

“I see we have a challenger. Well then little one, whoever can hold the note longest wins. I’ll start.” Chen began singing a few lines before holding the final note.

Kyungsoo took that as his cue and brought his little koala voice up to the same pitch; but unlike Chen’s large, unwavering voice, Kyungsoo’s voice began to falter two seconds in.

The defeated Kyungsoo climbed back onto Kai’s shoulder, nuzzling Kai’s neck for comfort. “Haha is that the best you can do? Ok, I’ll be nice. Let’s go for round two.”

Kai gently placed his Kyungsoo on the ground and turned to face the vile troll. “No one makes fun of my koala.” He hissed under his breath. “How about a dance battle then? That is, if you’re up to it.” He ran his fingers through his hair, a sudden beam of light seeping through the woods to land just on Kai.

“Of course. After all, I am Chen, the dancing machine.” He posed awkwardly with one arm pointing behind him and the other on his head as he looked down. Chanyeol held back his laughter as he watched the two, finding a seat on the base of a tree stump feeding his pet squirrel chocolate covered nuts.

Kai tossed aside his jacket and snapped his fingers causing the wind to blow. The woods began to sway causing a beautiful melody. He began dancing: Crisp, precise movements were executed to the beat of the tune. He smirked, flipping his hair as a sparkling sprinkle of sweat flew off from the tips. “Your turn.”

Chen coughed and walked forward getting into position. At the snap of Kai’s fingers, the mysterious melody transformed into a song filled with a brisk, upbeat tempo. As he began his performance, Chanyeol fell off the stump in his laughter. Even Kai couldn’t hide the amusement from the sight before him: Chen confidently danced the running man then proceeded to lift his leg up, holding it behind his body as he jerked his leg back and his hips forward. A gentle “umph” was heard when the unlucky troll landed face first in the dirt.

“I’ll take that as our victory.” Kai reached out his hand to allow the no longer crestfallen Kyurngsoo to take his place on Kai’s shoulder.

Chen groggily stood up, wiping the dirt off his body. “Fine. You win this time so you can see. You’ll find our princess beyond these trees.”

“What?” Chanyeol looked quizzically at Chen.

“Dude, just go past this bridge and make a left. There will be someone waiting for you.”

“Oh, ok. Thanks. C’mon Nuggets, Kai. We must go save my princess!” And they continued to the next stop of their journey: The fields of misery that lay before he castle of Krispy Bacon.

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Matokii #1
Matokii #2
Chapter 4: xD wow...i don't think there's anything i can say about that lol
nightwingedangel #5
Chapter 2: chocolate cover nuts? really eonni?