Christmas Day (I)

Devil Vs. Angel
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“NOONA! IT’S CHRISTMAAAAAS!” Zelo shouted, as he leaped out of his bed, and allowed himself to scramble onto her bed, jumping up and down. Luna groggily opened her eyes, sleepiness still overpowering her, as she blinked a few times to see Zelo hyper and still jumping up and down on the end of her bed. She smiled inwardly to herself; seeing Zelo so excited reminded her so much of when she was younger and used to do the exact same thing on Christmas day. She would race to her brother’s room, announce it was Christmas, and then go yell it out to her parents, whilst jumping excitedly on their bed.

Those days were long gone though.

“Noona are you okay? Did I jump on you?” Zelo came to a halt, as he noticed Luna was slightly frowning to herself.

“Aniyo…Happy Christmas Zelo” she quickly wiped the frown off her face, and plastered a beam. Zelo grinned before getting off the bed. “We have to go wake up the others!” he said, rummaging around in his suitcase for some fresh clothes. Luna thought Zelo looked adorable in his green stripy pyjamas; he looked like an overgrown toddler right now with that cheery expression and glint of happiness in his eyes. “Then we have to sit together and open the presents” Zelo continued explaining how the usual Christmas day ritual was for B.A.P.

“Okay, but make sure you get ready first, brush your hair and wash your face…don’t just go running through the hallways like a madman” Luna yawned, outstretching her arms, feeling a little more awake. “Okay noona” Zelo pouted, but still complied, taking his fresh clothes he’d picked, as he went into the bathroom, to take a quick shower. Luna chuckled; she could hear Zelo singing a tune to himself quite loudly whilst having a shower. His infectious mood spread to Luna, and she soon found herself humming a tune to herself as she picked her clothes out for the day, and took out the presents she’d bought for the guys and her toiletry bag. Her brush fell out of her bag and she instantly smiled thinking about yesterday and how Zelo had offered to brush her hair. She hadn’t had her hair brushed by anyone other than herself in years. Picking up the brush she sighed, ‘I really hope they like them…’ she was worried perhaps because the presents she’d picked weren’t flashy or cost much they’d reject the presents. Although she didn’t dwell too long on the thought, it was the thought that counts right? The B.A.P boys couldn’t be that shallow, she refused to believe that.

Luna decided to take the chance to look out the window. The view was a perfect setting for the Christmas mood; a blanket of snow snugly made itself at home on the ground, the dainty odd snowflake here and there being sprinkled from the sky. 

She didn’t even realise she’d been so enthralled by the picturesque view that Zelo had sneaked back into the room from the bathroom and was peering very closely at the red boxes Luna had placed on her bed. It was the slight rustling, as Zelo shook one of the presents that made her snap out of her daydream.

“Put the present down and no-one gets hurt” she aimed her hair brush at Zelo like a gun, who had guiltily been caught in the act. Surrendering the present, he put his hands up in the air, and slowly backed away from the loot. His hair was dripping wet as he had already put his fresh clothes on, whilst the towel he’d used was draped around his neck. “Okay…just don’t shoot me” he feigned worriedness, before both erupted into a fit of laughter, amused by their silly antics.

“Well I’m going for a shower now, when I get back those presents better be exactly where I left them, or else there will be serious consequences” she narrowed her eyes at Zelo who just gulped and nodded, his eyes flickered longingly to the red boxes. But Zelo knew bett

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Chapter 100: Oh. My. Gawd. Really a beautiful story! <3
nadhoya #2
Chapter 101: Waaaa~~ I love how the story is being plotted~~ ups and downs of main characters and all minor characters is really good!! Thumbs up for you author-nim!! Love this story~~ will check out others stories
Bigbangislife87 #3
Chapter 101: Chapter 100: this was such a great fanfic, I started reading about a week ago and couldn't stop because it's always so interesting. My favourite part was in Japan when zelo and Luna were in a room together and everyone thought they were doing it, as I read it I was laughing my head off. My friends thought I was mentally sick or something until I showed them what happened. Anyways I also loved the part where daehyun and Luna were in America together. Loved this fic and I'll check out the other ones as well. I love you authornim, please write more amazing fics like this.❤️❤️
ixzakwangie #4
Chapter 101: Loving this fanfic! You are totally rock, author-nim! Eemmm~ another Dae's fic will ya? Its just that… Imabigfansofdaehyunandddreallylovehisfic! *say in one breath* To be exact, Im head over heels of him *sheepishly smile* Stupendous fanfic! 짱!!!
ixzakwangie #5
Chapter 41: Just tell me where I can find that es Minhee and I will seriously make sure that tomorrow morning wouldnt come for her -_-' *smile evilly*
Baekna #6
Chapter 101:
this story is awesome! love this story so much!
Yonghyunism #8
Chapter 85: Finally!! Love how Channie got tongue tied with Sunhwa!