Bring It On!

Devil Vs. Angel
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“I think I have feelings for Daehyun too”

“I think I have feelings for Daehyun too”

“I think I have feelings for Daehyun too”


That was the phrase that kept repeating through the head’s of the B.A.P boys like a mantra as they let their jaws drop in extreme shock at the revelation.

“Okay bye oppa, I’ll talk to you soon...yeah, I love you too, bye” Luna cut the call, and put the phone down. The boys all scrambled away, not wanting to be caught eavesdropping.

However Luna didn’t leave the room, but instead quickly fumbled for some fresh clothes and instantly went into the shower, finally deciding to get rid of all the smoothie stickiness from her.

Daehyun was obviously the most shocked out of all the guys.

Luna liked him?




He looked like a zombie as he made his way down the stairs, and ended up in a crumpled mess on the couch.

“Do you like her?”

Daehyun looked up and noticed Youngjae standing in front of him, with his arms crossed over his chest. “Well?”

There was a slight pause before Daehyun cleared his throat and spoke up. “No, of course I don’t”

“Are you sure?”


Youngjae nodded, satisfied with his best friend’s response. “Okay, well that makes everything a lot easier then”

“What do you mean?” Daehyun asked, as he changed his sitting position so he was sitting crossed legged on the couch.

“I’m going to ask Luna to be my girlfriend”


Youngjae tilted his head, and looked up at the ceiling trying to think of an answer, eventually he did come up with one. “When I think the moment is just right”

Daehyun felt cold. He wasn’t sure why, but Youngjae’s words had some sort of chilling effect on him. “Good for you, I’m glad” Daehyun smiled tightly; somehow he couldn’t quite meet Youngjae’s eyes properly when he said that.

"Also, Yongguk hyung said its best if we all pretend not to act like we heard that phone know, makes things less awkward for Luna" Youngjae informed Daehyun, who could only nod his head in response. His mouth had somehow turned extremely dry and it felt as if he was going numb.

What was this excruciating sensation he was feeling deep inside him?




“So why did Yongguk OPPA need to go to school early for?” Luna put particular emphasis on the word ‘oppa’ as she asked Himchan her question.

Himchan pouted and looked at Luna with puppy dog eyes. “H-He didn’t say…”

He was lying, of course he knew. But Yongguk had made the rest of the B.A.P boys promise not to tell Luna why he had had left early for school. It was a promise that Himchan was intending to keep.

“Noona, um…since when did you own a motorbike?” Zelo eyed the helmet that Luna was holding in her hands. tugged into a smile as she remembered Kai, but then she blushed when she remembered how she had been kissed by him. It was an innocent enough kiss, but still it was so unexpected, it had totally caught her off guard.

“It’s not mine…it’s a friends” Luna replied, giving the maknae a mysterious smile. Since Zelo hadn’t been spying on her like Yongguk, Youngjae and Himchan had been doing so from the bedroom window yesterday night, he was still clueless about the whole kissing incident and how Kai had dropped her off at the house last night. Yesterd

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Chapter 100: Oh. My. Gawd. Really a beautiful story! <3
nadhoya #2
Chapter 101: Waaaa~~ I love how the story is being plotted~~ ups and downs of main characters and all minor characters is really good!! Thumbs up for you author-nim!! Love this story~~ will check out others stories
Bigbangislife87 #3
Chapter 101: Chapter 100: this was such a great fanfic, I started reading about a week ago and couldn't stop because it's always so interesting. My favourite part was in Japan when zelo and Luna were in a room together and everyone thought they were doing it, as I read it I was laughing my head off. My friends thought I was mentally sick or something until I showed them what happened. Anyways I also loved the part where daehyun and Luna were in America together. Loved this fic and I'll check out the other ones as well. I love you authornim, please write more amazing fics like this.❤️❤️
ixzakwangie #4
Chapter 101: Loving this fanfic! You are totally rock, author-nim! Eemmm~ another Dae's fic will ya? Its just that… Imabigfansofdaehyunandddreallylovehisfic! *say in one breath* To be exact, Im head over heels of him *sheepishly smile* Stupendous fanfic! 짱!!!
ixzakwangie #5
Chapter 41: Just tell me where I can find that es Minhee and I will seriously make sure that tomorrow morning wouldnt come for her -_-' *smile evilly*
Baekna #6
Chapter 101:
this story is awesome! love this story so much!
Yonghyunism #8
Chapter 85: Finally!! Love how Channie got tongue tied with Sunhwa!